Bumping for Maura
Eskilstuna, Sweden
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Yes, it seems there is some kind of nocturnal predator who is passionate about the interstates in NH and VT. Someone on some of the websleuthing sites agrees. Especially I-91....dashes quickly over into Vermont via I-89. Also fond of the Woodville to Lincoln run it seems. Someone at Sheffield may have figured out his game, unfortunately. Hopefully this was not the case. In years past, the Manchester and Lebanon areas held his attention. Still, even at that time, he seemed to treat the White Mtns as his private dumping ground, especially in the '80s. Do not think so? Seems he might be living closer to the White Mtns now. He loves them. What was that about? More convenient? He may have moved, relocated to somewhere near the Woodville/Route 112 region. Career change? Possibly but doubtful. Fascination for knives, absolutely. Feels intimidated and competitive with his wife? Targeting a younger version of her. Attractive brunettes who travel alone. Aftermath, I was wondering about your reference to Sheffield,VT. Are you by any chance referring to the as yet unsolved abduction and murder of 78-year-old Mrs Pat O´Hagan of Sheffield,VT, some time ago? Another one of the all too many VT and NH murder/missing cases where LE seems to be making little or no headway over time.
Gouverneur, NY
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Her truck was found at a park and ride in Montpelier,VT. Montpelier is about 45 miles from Swiftwater and an hours drive. 38 miles and 52 minutes from Woodsville if you jump on the interstate.. Looking4moose answered the other part of your qustion. Please, not again. Back on an interstate. How familiar. Mrs. O had put the pieces together? The puzzle, the 'why' those young women had been plucked from their lives and by whom? What do you think? Yes, you know how festivals can be, one sees a familiar face in the crowd, a too familiar face. Did she approach him, did he see it in her eyes? Possibly. Initially almost incomprehensible? Surely. Maybe she should have told someone? She may have, who knows. If she shared the entirety of her discovery, her listener will never come forth. Frightened, and rightfully so. Those missing north of her, south of her and all around her, had Mrs. "O" connected the dots? Surely she had read of Ms Winans fate years earlier. Unfortunately, she may have identified the something all of those "runaways" shared in common. Mrs. O suicide? No way. Far too sound in mind and body, so much spirit. She treasured the meaningfulness of life.
Gloucester, MA
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Yes, it seems there is some kind of nocturnal predator who is passionate about the interstates in NH and VT. Someone on some of the websleuthing sites agrees. Especially I-91....dashes quickly over into Vermont via I-89. Also fond of the Woodville to Lincoln run it seems. Someone at Sheffield may have figured out his game, unfortunately. Hopefully this was not the case. In years past, the Manchester and Lebanon areas held his attention. Still, even at that time, he seemed to treat the White Mtns as his private dumping ground, especially in the '80s. Do not think so? Seems he might be living closer to the White Mtns now. He loves them. What was that about? More convenient? He may have moved, relocated to somewhere near the Woodville/Route 112 region. Career change? Possibly but doubtful. Fascination for knives, absolutely. Feels intimidated and competitive with his wife? Targeting a younger version of her. Attractive brunettes who travel alone. paranoia, much? or fantasy? armchair sleuthing again....or wannabe psychic-babble (not even rising to the level of psycho-babble). sloppy, vague profiling. grade: F
Gloucester, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: Hopefully you just have a very overactive imagination because if that's not the case then you're just outright scary. AMEN
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> paranoia, much? or fantasy? armchair sleuthing again....or wannabe psychic-babble (not even rising to the level of psycho-babble). sloppy, vague profiling. grade: F Too much tv, I guess.
Gouverneur, NY
Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Aftermath, I was wondering about your reference to Sheffield,VT. Are you by any chance referring to the as yet unsolved abduction and murder of 78-year-old Mrs Pat O´Hagan of Sheffield,VT, some time ago? Another one of the all too many VT and NH murder/missing cases where LE seems to be making little or no headway over time. Bumping for Maura, Yes. Surely difficult to fit her demise comfortably into the confines of the oft too convenient "runaway" theory. Surely she was not in search of finding herself at age 78. Mrs. O had all of the confidence in the world. An intelligent woman, who enjoyed life. No Alzheimers, no medications, no alcohol, good awareness (especially of her surroundings). Plucked from her house as it were. No way did she hit the highway for approximately 10 miles to end her life in that wooded area. Cannot rely on the old "ran away to avoid a DWI" conclusion. Right? Her car was in her driveway. She ended up within that very large radius where many women apparently fall victim to blows to the head or stab wounds. Often both. VT/NH. So, what might she have known? Certainly she possessed unique qualities, characteristics which in combination with intuition may have placed her in a dangerous situation. No leads? Not surprising. Rarely are there any leads. Only dead ends. This should scream volumes, but apparently does not. How unfortunate.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Bumping for Maura, Yes. Surely difficult to fit her demise comfortably into the confines of the oft too convenient "runaway" theory. Surely she was not in search of finding herself at age 78. Mrs. O had all of the confidence in the world. An intelligent woman, who enjoyed life. No Alzheimers, no medications, no alcohol, good awareness (especially of her surroundings). Plucked from her house as it were. No way did she hit the highway for approximately 10 miles to end her life in that wooded area. Cannot rely on the old "ran away to avoid a DWI" conclusion. Right? Her car was in her driveway. She ended up within that very large radius where many women apparently fall victim to blows to the head or stab wounds. Often both. VT/NH. So, what might she have known? Certainly she possessed unique qualities, characteristics which in combination with intuition may have placed her in a dangerous situation. No leads? Not surprising. Rarely are there any leads. Only dead ends. This should scream volumes, but apparently does not. How unfortunate. Sigh...Another poor innocent soul dragged into the pot of BS stew in the name of Maura Murray. Bumping, instead of dragging another innocent into this mess why don't you contact the VSP and tell them your story instead of running your mouth on an internet forum? What is it exactly that should scream volumes?
Gouverneur, NY
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Sigh...Another poor innocent soul dragged into the pot of BS stew in the name of Maura Murray. Bumping, instead of dragging another innocent into this mess why don't you contact the VSP and tell them your story instead of running your mouth on an internet forum? What is it exactly that should scream volumes? Bumping for Maura, Do not allow him to inflict guilt. That's his problem. Guilt. He along with Snow et. wield guilt, ridicule, shame like a weapon to chase people from this website. Ignore them as I do. Why bother with them? They've had years to produce what? Exactly zilch. Onward with what is important: gas stations,convenience stores, parking areas including national parks, highways, especially interstates. Appears to follow people who are leaving places, even the workplace. It's as though he is seated in a vehicle in these locations, observes his victims, stalks, follows and murders them. An abundance of patience, not at all fearful of being spotted. Ms. Chaput had stopped at the Pik Quick III convenience store in Colebrook NH. He's drawn toward brunettes who travel solo. Sexual interest does not appear to be a motive. Something else is driving his behavior.
Gloucester, MA
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Bumping for Maura, Yes. Surely difficult to fit her demise comfortably into the confines of the oft too convenient "runaway" theory. Surely she was not in search of finding herself at age 78. Mrs. O had all of the confidence in the world. An intelligent woman, who enjoyed life. No Alzheimers, no medications, no alcohol, good awareness (especially of her surroundings). Plucked from her house as it were. No way did she hit the highway for approximately 10 miles to end her life in that wooded area. Cannot rely on the old "ran away to avoid a DWI" conclusion. Right? Her car was in her driveway. She ended up within that very large radius where many women apparently fall victim to blows to the head or stab wounds. Often both. VT/NH. So, what might she have known? Certainly she possessed unique qualities, characteristics which in combination with intuition may have placed her in a dangerous situation. No leads? Not surprising. Rarely are there any leads. Only dead ends. This should scream volumes, but apparently does not. How unfortunate. Maura is not a victim of abduction or murder. No proof of that, so far. No body. No evidence. She has disappeared. Maybe even ran away. Period. Cold case. And don't start linking to the Cold Case Unit listing....we know where to find it. Guess what? Not every tree branch, leaf, telephone pole and pine cone are clues to her disappearance. Neither is there evidence of serial killings, much as you'd like it to be so.
Gouverneur, NY
Bumping for Maura, These murders are unusual. The predator who dumps them in wooded areas is not a sex offender. He has no personal interest in any of them. Frightening? Yes. Cold, detached? Undoubtedly.
Gloucester, MA
aftermath wrote: Bumping for Maura, These murders are unusual. The predator who dumps them in wooded areas is not a sex offender. He has no personal interest in any of them. Frightening? Yes. Cold, detached? Undoubtedly. You have no idea who the "predator" is....you are not privy to facts of investigations. You are talking out of your....
Gloucester, MA
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> Too much tv, I guess. and websleuths.
Bumping for Maura
Eskilstuna, Sweden
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Sigh...Another poor innocent soul dragged into the pot of BS stew in the name of Maura Murray. Bumping, instead of dragging another innocent into this mess why don't you contact the VSP and tell them your story instead of running your mouth on an internet forum? What is it exactly that should scream volumes? Wowzer, Please, read more carefully before posting... I did not, repeat not, write that "it shoud scream volumes". That is the expression of poster "aftermath" in response to a previous post of mine responding to an earlier post by "aftermath". OK? That being said, I really can´t understand why there is such an incredible outpouring of anger on this site whenever there is an ongoing discussion about a possible, roaming killer on the loose in NH and/or VT. Sadly, this kind of monsters exist everywhere and anywhere and NH, VT and Maine are not being automatically being protected from the actions of such deranged individuals. As far as I know, the Connecticut River killer was never apprehended and may still be around for all we know depending on a number of factors which we have no knowledge of. My main point here is this: For some reason some posters on this forum seem absolutely intent on making Maura´s vanishing a case of either run-away or suicide. Yes, Maura´s disappearance may well be a case of suicide or run-away, an accident gone badly wrong or whatever. However, it would be absurdly naive and foolish to outright exclude the possibility of foul play in this context. The Pat O´Hagan case in Sheffield, VT, is a strange, disquieting and as yet unsolved crime. So is the disappearance of Brianna Maitland, of VT, as well as that of Quebec resident Louise Chaput, found murdered in the Franconia area of NH, as well as the likewise unsolved vanishing of a married couple, Mr & Mrs Currier, in Essex Junction, near Burlington,VT, just to name a few cases.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: Bumping for Maura, These murders are unusual. The predator who dumps them in wooded areas is not a sex offender. He has no personal interest in any of them. Frightening? Yes. Cold, detached? Undoubtedly. You seem to know much about this fantasy murderer and you state your far-fetched fabricated ideas as fact when in truth it is only in your head. Could you possibly be the person you are describing? How else would you know what he does and thinks and the fact that he's not a sex offender and has no personal interest in them? How do you know that? Hmmm Oh, isn't all murders unusual? I've never heard of a usual one.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> You have no idea who the "predator" is....you are not privy to facts of investigations. You are talking out of your.... Unless he's the predator. If he's not then I strongly urge someone to take the remote away and hide it.
Gouverneur, NY
mauracomehome wrote: <quoted text> Incredible.Passerbys would think she was struggling during an arrest.Funny they found her in Franconia.And again I want to assert the possibilty that Brianna Maitland was taken by the same party. MCH, It's reasonable to assume he lives in the White Mtn area, based on the body-dumping along I-91 and in the White Mtn area. He's killing because he knows he can, but not for this reason alone. His are not sex-related crimes. Something that was reported to have happened regarding Maura the same day she disappeared seemed to draw less attention than deserved?
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Wowzer, Please, read more carefully before posting... I did not, repeat not, write that "it shoud scream volumes". That is the expression of poster "aftermath" in response to a previous post of mine responding to an earlier post by "aftermath". OK? That being said, I really can´t understand why there is such an incredible outpouring of anger on this site whenever there is an ongoing discussion about a possible, roaming killer on the loose in NH and/or VT. Sadly, this kind of monsters exist everywhere and anywhere and NH, VT and Maine are not being automatically being protected from the actions of such deranged individuals. As far as I know, the Connecticut River killer was never apprehended and may still be around for all we know depending on a number of factors which we have no knowledge of. My main point here is this: For some reason some posters on this forum seem absolutely intent on making Maura´s vanishing a case of either run-away or suicide. Yes, Maura´s disappearance may well be a case of suicide or run-away, an accident gone badly wrong or whatever. However, it would be absurdly naive and foolish to outright exclude the possibility of foul play in this context. The Pat O´Hagan case in Sheffield, VT, is a strange, disquieting and as yet unsolved crime. So is the disappearance of Brianna Maitland, of VT, as well as that of Quebec resident Louise Chaput, found murdered in the Franconia area of NH, as well as the likewise unsolved vanishing of a married couple, Mr & Mrs Currier, in Essex Junction, near Burlington,VT, just to name a few cases. Maybe YOU should read more carefully before posting. Are you also "aftermath"? If you look up a few posts to my reply #6502 you will see I was replying to aftermath, not you.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> MCH, It's reasonable to assume he lives in the White Mtn area, based on the body-dumping along I-91 and in the White Mtn area. He's killing because he knows he can, but not for this reason alone. His are not sex-related crimes. Something that was reported to have happened regarding Maura the same day she disappeared seemed to draw less attention than deserved? Oh Christ. We descended back into fantasy land again. And we are including Maitland and Chaput in the mix. At least jwb's output has diminished as I knew it would. And the reason there is such an outpouring of not anger, but incredulity is because, we have been down this road. The police has been down this road. There is no connection between these cases. Anyone with an iota of common sense should be able to see that. But we have to go through the "serial killer on the loose" scenario yet again. Bill
Gloucester, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Unless he's the predator. If he's not then I strongly urge someone to take the remote away and hide it. get a grip, girl. you're living in the serial murder capital of northern new england. they're roamin' the hills and valleys. they capture women of all ages, not improbably to get their hands on some Bailey's. wicca in the A-frame....or whatevah. i mean, really... now, Wowzer, when are you going to be convinced by these these men-hating, crime-sleuthing, circus clowns that MM was swept up by the likes of some uniformed officer and dragged into the woods? or that your next door neighbor may be a serial killer? jeez.
Portland, ME
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Maybe YOU should read more carefully before posting. Are you also "aftermath"? If you look up a few posts to my reply #6502 you will see I was replying to aftermath, not you. In post 6502 Wowzer says " Bumping, instead of dragging another innocent into this mess why don't you contact the VSP and tell them your story instead of running your mouth on an internet forum? What is it exactly that should scream volumes"? Sure sounds like you were talking to Bumping for Maura