Lincoln, NH
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> You have no idea what hateful really is unless you saw what was posted in the first MMM forum and the early Topix forums. Now that was the true definition of meanness and hatred. If you have ever suffered through and survived the shack attacks then you would not be calling certain posters here hateful. Were you part of the lynch mob? Nite all. Shack is not posting here as of late so there is no need to keep bringing up Shack.If Shack was so mean then why are the three of you so mean to others? There is no need to be viscous to people that are merely expressing a thought or opinion. Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but it can be done in a respectful way. No one else but WTH,Snowey and Wowzer are attacking anyone . I attack back only when when provoked by either of you.To Blame it on shack is absurd. The same stick has been being played on other forums by the same three. I am going to let this whole thing rest, in hopes that good conversation can follow.
Hobbit Hole
Concord, NH
This place is kinda like DAYCARE. OK go to your corner. OH yeah and You the one with the dunce cap, you've got it on upside down.
Hobbit Hole
Concord, NH
It amazes Me just how much You ALL bitch and complain and fight and do what You can to irritate people. NONE of You are interested in FINDING MAURA. This forum is just a place for You to vent issues that You are not able to express otherwise. WHY else would You all be coming here for this long and have never left. You all say You are going to exit and never return. But that is not the case. NONE of You have a clue about this case....unless of course ONE of You is the person who knows what happened to Maura Murray.
Gloucester, MA
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Shack is not posting here as of late so there is no need to keep bringing up Shack.If Shack was so mean then why are the three of you so mean to others? There is no need to be viscous to people that are merely expressing a thought or opinion. Nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but it can be done in a respectful way. No one else but WTH,Snowey and Wowzer are attacking anyone . I attack back only when when provoked by either of you.To Blame it on shack is absurd. The same stick has been being played on other forums by the same three. I am going to let this whole thing rest, in hopes that good conversation can follow. so self-righteous....and quite rude from the onset. mood swings. reminds me of SB. how are those proxy locations workin' out for ya?
Gloucester, MA
Hobbit Hole wrote: It amazes Me just how much You ALL bitch and complain and fight and do what You can to irritate people. NONE of You are interested in FINDING MAURA. This forum is just a place for You to vent issues that You are not able to express otherwise. WHY else would You all be coming here for this long and have never left. You all say You are going to exit and never return. But that is not the case. NONE of You have a clue about this case....unless of course ONE of You is the person who knows what happened to Maura Murray. yes, keep dreaming that the "killer" is returning to Topix to converse. lots of paranoia, though, and very little of fact-based information. as long as you keep pointing fingers, we'll point them right back.
Hobbit Hole
Concord, NH
Snowy I never said that person was here. And I am not implying that at all. It is a possibility although one of the slightest. Do you have any concrete info that is TRUE FACT or only what You have read on these forums and believe to be fact. I am not sure Who You are Snowy, but You are very easily riled up. If You knew of the true facts You would not be posting any of this crap that You take to be true. Sorry but only about 60% of what is posted here is fact and some of that has been severely contorted over the years by the people who add things whether on purpose to suit their thoery or by accident.
Gouverneur, NY
Suzanne wrote: I truly don't get it! Your daughter is missing and you refuse for 2.5 years to sit down for an interview with the detectives working on your daughter's case? When you finally do consent to an interview you bring two (2) lawyers with you? This is beyond strange, it's creepy and suspicious. Suzanne, I believe you when you say that you "truly don't get it!" You obviously do not. Based on the animosity, secrecy, confusion, controversy, etc. surrounding this case, had I been her father, my reaction would have been the same. Had I been her parent, I might have retained 4 lawyers. When people may be attempting to protect someone or something associated with this case after almost 8 years, something is very wrong and it is not Mr. M. His assessment has been right on target from the very beginning.
Gouverneur, NY
jwb wrote: The same stick has been being played on other forums by the same three. jwb, I know you hope to let your comment rest regarding, "...no one else but WTH, Snowy and Wowzer are attacking anyone," is interesting. Mean? It is as though they are working overtime for someone. Maybe they are being paid? Paid to promote what? Blaming the victim? Suicide theory?Runaway theory? Intoxication young person hiding out theory? Should this be the case, wonder where the $$$$$ is coming from?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
aftermath wrote: jwb wrote: The same stick has been being played on other forums by the same three. jwb, I know you hope to let your comment rest regarding, "...no one else but WTH, Snowy and Wowzer are attacking anyone," is interesting. Mean? It is as though they are working overtime for someone. Maybe they are being paid? Paid to promote what? Blaming the victim? Suicide theory?Runaway theory? Intoxication young person hiding out theory? Should this be the case, wonder where the $$$$$ is coming from? Hysterical. Yep, you caught me. I make my living putting theories on the topix forums. Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone or everyone will want to do it. There is tons of gold in these theories. Or in keeping morons from sputtering absurd theories. This has to be one of the funniest things I have read in a while. Please.......... continue. Give me a second to catch my breath though. Bill
Amherst, MA
Hobbit Hole wrote: NONE of You have a clue about this case....unless of course ONE of You is the person who knows what happened to Maura Murray. Like who? Do you know? Do you think you know? How about an educated guess?
Amherst, MA
aftermath wrote: jwb wrote: The same stick has been being played on other forums by the same three. jwb, I know you hope to let your comment rest regarding, "...no one else but WTH, Snowy and Wowzer are attacking anyone," is interesting. Mean? It is as though they are working overtime for someone. Maybe they are being paid? Paid to promote what? Blaming the victim? Suicide theory?Runaway theory? Intoxication young person hiding out theory? Should this be the case, wonder where the $$$$$ is coming from? Advertisers? You know all those ads about making money from home by using your computer just a few hours a week?
Amherst, MA
Head Tremors wrote: FrmLE said: "This is the single most relevant point that so many people just don't understand. They say, "But why hasn't the body been found?" When the fact is, it is such a massively huge area that it would be a near miracle if the body were to be found." (@)....... Especially IF it was hidden there OR not even in the area. That could attribute to the lack of a body or even evidence. Nice attributes. Not pagarlizing, are we?
Amherst, MA
Hobbit Hole wrote: Snowy I never said that person was here. And I am not implying that at all. It is a possibility although one of the slightest. Do you have any concrete info that is TRUE FACT or only what You have read on these forums and believe to be fact. I am not sure Who You are Snowy, but You are very easily riled up. If You knew of the true facts You would not be posting any of this crap that You take to be true. Sorry but only about 60% of what is posted here is fact and some of that has been severely contorted over the years by the people who add things whether on purpose to suit their thoery or by accident. Well here's a true fact. An Amherst MA area PI asked at least one of us if we killed Maura Murray. He asked that question in Hadley MA near the end of May 2011. Now that is a total fact. Does it mean anything? If so, what? Why would he have asked it if he didn't think the answer might be in the affirmative.
Amherst, MA
mauracomehome wrote: <quoted text>Some of us desperately want to find Maura.Nothing else. Then why ruin the lives of totally innocent people?
Kearny, NJ
FrmLE wrote: <quoted text> That is all well and good, except for the fact that by the time the aerial search was conducted the body would have no thermal signature if she had died from exposure. As far as the tracks in the snow you refer to, there is no technology that exists that can spot tracks that old. Sorry nice theory but it doesn't fly. I recall reading they flew over an area of disturbance in the snow.
Gloucester, MA
Hobbit Hole wrote: Snowy I never said that person was here. And I am not implying that at all. It is a possibility although one of the slightest. Do you have any concrete info that is TRUE FACT or only what You have read on these forums and believe to be fact. I am not sure Who You are Snowy, but You are very easily riled up. If You knew of the true facts You would not be posting any of this crap that You take to be true. Sorry but only about 60% of what is posted here is fact and some of that has been severely contorted over the years by the people who add things whether on purpose to suit their thoery or by accident. very little is accepted to be "fact" in the public domain, period. "facts" lie with the official investigation....the rest is nonsense.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Hobbit Hole wrote: It amazes Me just how much You ALL bitch and complain and fight and do what You can to irritate people. NONE of You are interested in FINDING MAURA. This forum is just a place for You to vent issues that You are not able to express otherwise. WHY else would You all be coming here for this long and have never left. You all say You are going to exit and never return. But that is not the case. NONE of You have a clue about this case....unless of course ONE of You is the person who knows what happened to Maura Murray. Hobbit do you honestly think that Maura will be found from information on this forum? Honestly? You must have been here as long as us since you know how long we've been here and that we've never left. So why have you been coming here for this long? I think most of us are here for the same reason. We have hope that someday Maura will be found or at least know what happened to her. But I highly doubt it will come from this forum. If it ever happens I believe it will be due to the investigative efforts of LE.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> I recall reading they flew over an area of disturbance in the snow. Where did you read that? First I've heard of it. Must not have turned out to be of any importance or someone would have heard about it. Most likely it was deer pawing under apple or oak trees for food.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Hysterical. Yep, you caught me. I make my living putting theories on the topix forums. Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone or everyone will want to do it. There is tons of gold in these theories. Or in keeping morons from sputtering absurd theories. This has to be one of the funniest things I have read in a while. Please.......... continue. Give me a second to catch my breath though. Bill Lordy I wish someone would take that stupid stick away from whoever keeps whacking him with it. Well the cats out of the bag and I doubt we'll get our raise now. Good thing I did all my Christmas shopping already with all that extra cash. What a hoot!
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> so self-righteous....and quite rude from the onset. mood swings. reminds me of SB. how are those proxy locations workin' out for ya? Self righteous and rude describes this person perfectly.