Lincoln, NH
FYI: Batman is Jwb forgot to change moniker lol
Lincoln, NH
Snowy, What is your dog in the fight to this area of NH? Your Moniker says Glosta. Are you from this area? Just curious. Thanks
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
I DO NOT NEED to discuss the damage to the car any further. It was determined by Accident reconstructionist that the damage was not consistent with the accident scene. This information is in the hands of NHSP as well as the Cold Case Unit. What ever happened to the car does not change the fact that Maura is still Missing. I have expressed My theories here many times and if You go back You can find them.
Lincoln, NH
(Off topic story but made me think of this case) Wife and I were in Littleton last weekend at restaurant/Lounge and got into conversation with a man at the bar. He was weird and just gave me the creeps, anyway he made a comment to us that was something like this: I get a kick out of you people coming up here from the boonies to the big city. I bet you are scared that you might get knifed. Wow, the folkes from the kitchen heard it and came right out and spoke to him and made sure that we were ok.It didn't really hit me till we got home that he might not have been kidding etc.. I don't think he was a lifetime local as we were trying to explain where Jackson nh was in our previous discussion.It did appear that he does live in littleton now. I guess my thought are that we don't ever think a local would be involved and most are great great people, but the area can attract a rogue element because they feel they can blend into the countryside and not be noticed. They don't realize that the true local will recognize someone new or someone different to the area because everyone knows one another.In Lincoln Woodstock anyway. I know I was all over the place in this post but it was a very strange encounter.
Lincoln, NH
Det Columbo wrote: I DO NOT NEED to discuss the damage to the car any further. It was determined by Accident reconstructionist that the damage was not consistent with the accident scene. This information is in the hands of NHSP as well as the Cold Case Unit. What ever happened to the car does not change the fact that Maura is still Missing. I have expressed My theories here many times and if You go back You can find them. Columbo, One more thing If she was coming from west to easton 112 , My opinion is that the car would have slid off to the right side same corner as the barn and not clip the left corner and then spin. Very interested in your view.
Gloucester, MA
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> Oh good Lord Snowy....you should be talking about how MANY TIMES do things needs to be repeated? I periodically "check in" and every time I look just to see what's being said, you are saying what you just said above. So, aren't you a fine one to be talking about being repetitious?:o) Not everyone reading has been here - since 2004 - so information will be repeated, rehashed, rewound and regurgitated as you say. I for one am glad to see some discussions other than bashing. If you don't like it, go away. No one is keeping you here except for your own reasons which I've never fully understood. Here's to a brand new 2012! you bet. i'll repeat my view as often as you ducks keep up your campaign to push "abduction" and "homicide", neither of which can be proven. get it? got it!
Gloucester, MA
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> It is funny you mention facebook Snowy. I read Shack's "contributions" on the facebook pages and little has changed there either. I would never mention her facebook name but I am 99% certain it is her. A courtesy of course, that she never gave to anyone else in the area of the accident. We wouldn't want people hounding and harassing her like happened to SBD and others in the area. Nope that wouldn't be civilized. It wouldn't be within the bounds of decent, acceptable, human behavior. So no, I won't do that. Bill it's good some regulars have boundaries. certain vintage Topix dwellers had/have none, and took advantage of every opportunity to "play" with the lives and reputations of others. it took awhile to sort out fiction from the few facts that even exist in the public view. 99% has been fiction. and guess who has been the biggest perpetrator of false information?
Lincoln, NH
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> you bet. i'll repeat my view as often as you ducks keep up your campaign to push "abduction" and "homicide", neither of which can be proven. get it? got it! Ok Snowey then what are your facts thats she just ran away and wasn't picked up somewhere down the road from her car? You seem to know all the answers so how about an answer.
Lincoln, NH
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> There is no mystery about the cracking in the windshield. I have seen it hundreds of times in accidents. That was likely caused by nothing more than the airbag. It absolutely does not match any head-strike I have ever seen. Bill Bill, Thanks for your responses with facts and past experiences as opposed to just bashing someone. Your change in posting has not gone unnoticed.
Lincoln, NH
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> it's good some regulars have boundaries. certain vintage Topix dwellers had/have none, and took advantage of every opportunity to "play" with the lives and reputations of others. it took awhile to sort out fiction from the few facts that even exist in the public view. 99% has been fiction. and guess who has been the biggest perpetrator of false information? are you related to the sbd?
Lady Gray
Austin, TX
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> it's good some regulars have boundaries. certain vintage Topix dwellers had/have none, and took advantage of every opportunity to "play" with the lives and reputations of others. it took awhile to sort out fiction from the few facts that even exist in the public view. 99% has been fiction. and guess who has been the biggest perpetrator of false information? I see you as an instigator and your postings further perpetuate a division that started years ago. The wording of your reply is exactly as I guessed it would be.....I timed to see how long it would take. You are too predictable.
Lincoln, NH
Snowey will go silent for a while now because she never answers any questions with facts
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
For us mere mortals it looks as if the eastbound Saturn hit the north side snow bank (which given the freeze-thaw and February sun it was probably more like a cement berm). From what’s been said the car spun around and landed facing westbound in one or the other lane. With a little bit of black ice thrown into the mix anything is possible. Headlight got smashed and hood got a little crumpled. Tire flat or maybe not. End of story. Nothing else matters about the Saturn unless there was sabotage/cover-up before or after the crash. If there’s anything else that’s relevant, it might be good of someone to throw us a bone rather than flipping the bird. Is it possible that the perp or perps put GHB (date rape) drugs in MM’s coke can/vino at a rest stop? Fast acting GHB can make a person’s muscles relax within 15 minutes.(No firsthand knowledge, I’m only as good as my last Google search.) It’s a 20-minute drive from the Wells River, VT Exxon to crash site. But, then again, LE probably analyzed the Coke can for drugs…
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Columbo, One more thing If she was coming from west to easton 112 , My opinion is that the car would have slid off to the right side same corner as the barn and not clip the left corner and then spin. Very interested in your view. The saturn did not hit the snowbank on the Westbound lane in front of the Westman's house. According to accident reconstructionist the accident more than likely did not happen at this location. The car definitely DID NOT hit the tree or trees at that location. No scarring on the tree. Hmmmmmm.
Lincoln, NH
Det Columbo wrote: <quoted text> The saturn did not hit the snowbank on the Westbound lane in front of the Westman's house. According to accident reconstructionist the accident more than likely did not happen at this location. The car definitely DID NOT hit the tree or trees at that location. No scarring on the tree. Hmmmmmm. Thats is my point Columbo- the damage was to the driver side front and it looked like a head on hit as opposed to a spin that would have got the side and poss some front. I don't see it feasible at all that that turn which is a sharp left would have caused her to hit the snowbank at the westmans. When one comes to that corner and is going to fast or it comes up on you quickly, the first response would be to hit the breaks or turn the wheel to the left and neither would cause the car to go across into the other lane and clip the weathermans snowbank.The car would end up in the bank to the right. I agree columbo and this was not in the police report either.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Det Columbo wrote: <quoted text> The saturn did not hit the snowbank on the Westbound lane in front of the Westman's house. According to accident reconstructionist the accident more than likely did not happen at this location. The car definitely DID NOT hit the tree or trees at that location. No scarring on the tree. Hmmmmmm. And....According to Wowzer the saturn was located much further down the road than originally thought. Probably about another 150' to 200' down the rd.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Columbo, Are you proposing that there was a slip-slide/minor snow bank crunch at the WB corner and that MM, after untangling herself from the airbags and realizing she could limp off in the Saturn did so... only to be halted by someone in another vehicle? The headlight damage could also be caused by clunking into a cement post such as the ones they have at gas stations to keep motorists from running into fuel tanks or gas pumps.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Frostman wrote: Columbo, Are you proposing that there was a slip-slide/minor snow bank crunch at the WB corner and that MM, after untangling herself from the airbags and realizing she could limp off in the Saturn did so... only to be halted by someone in another vehicle? The headlight damage could also be caused by clunking into a cement post such as the ones they have at gas stations to keep motorists from running into fuel tanks or gas pumps. What I am stating is that IMHO there was no collision w/ the snowbank at the Saturns location when it was found. The damage to the Saturn was not done by a snowbank, even a frozen solid one.
Chesterfield, MO
Det Columbo wrote: Gonna have to FLIP A COIN on this one Beagle and Aftermath. If Ya know what I mean???? Maybe Aftermath understands your post, but I have no idea what it means. Email me something more straightforward, less enigmatic. Thanks.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Oooops Sorry