Just me
Minneapolis, MN
aftermath wrote: A "second" accident the evening of Feb 9, 2004? Check out post #818, dated Oct 3, 2010 by "just me." So, based on the post of "just me" it appears there MAY have been a second accident that evening...car in the other accident, dark in color like the Saturn. It could have been the Saturn involved in both accidents... Now back to Fairlee, VT. No, it's not based on the post by "just me",~ little old granny from Minnesota, lol. I was going by what the alleged Cottage hospital employee said and putting my mind into it, to see if it worked.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
jwb wrote: does anyone know if Maura had a roommate at u-mass? It's been posted that MM had a single room.
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: <quoted text> There is nothing in the call logs Prior tp faith westamns call accept a call regarding snowmobiles and that was an hour earlier approx 6:23 I agree with the post from just me in the explanation of why CS said where is the girl. Suppose Cecil just came across this car, got out, walked around...... and the cottage worker drives by the two cars, no people around. THEN, when he gets back to his car he see's, he's or it's gone and keeps rushing to get to where he was really called to go. I could see not writing that up b/c big deal, the car was able to move on, nothing to say. CS said it took him 10-20 minutes to get to the scene. That's the only reason to entertain this idea.
Lincoln, NH
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> It's been posted that MM had a single room. thank you frostman, just hadn't heard of a roommate coming forward with info.
Lincoln, NH
Just me wrote: <quoted text> Suppose Cecil just came across this car, got out, walked around...... and the cottage worker drives by the two cars, no people around. THEN, when he gets back to his car he see's, he's or it's gone and keeps rushing to get to where he was really called to go. I could see not writing that up b/c big deal, the car was able to move on, nothing to say. CS said it took him 10-20 minutes to get to the scene. That's the only reason to entertain this idea. If that took place, then what happened to this other car if no one was there?
Lincoln, NH
CS stayed at mauras car and went to the westmans and then to sbd and I thought he also searched with sbd
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> Correct. Nobody thinks the "death in the family" is any indication of moral character. Some of us may have even used that excuse to get out of choir practice when we were youngsters. Death in the family? Yes, ol' great auntie Matilda. Lived up in Bangor... 102... had a great life. TO AFTERMATH: 'Sup..... Can you tell the class who died? And, I notice you think Maura wasn't really living in her room. People on her floor said they were unaware that Maura even lived on their floor. But yet she mingled with some, and the track team. Do you suppose Maura was a plant,~ sent to dig into something under the guise as nursing student?
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: <quoted text> If that took place, then what happened to this other car if no one was there? A car wipes out, see's some flashing lights or hears a squad car. They run off into the trees until the officer gets out of his car and is out of sight.(nah, doesn't sound like it fits), but let's play. CS somehow misses that a "girl" has gotten into the car and has driven away. He'd be more or less pursuing her if the call from the Westmans was on his mind. Wait a minute, that's dumb........didn't happen, case closed.
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: CS stayed at mauras car and went to the westmans and then to sbd and I thought he also searched with sbd I think so too. But according to the Cottage hospital witness who stayed late, leaving work right at 7 that night, she says she saw CS rushing up and down the roads, and then passed two cars,(one belonging to CS) with noone around. The witness,(if true) also said the squad took off again and passed her. It may or may not be true though.
Lincoln, NH
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> an absurdity for you to believe the majority of the population is inclined to lie about a death in the family; especially as adults in an academic or employment setting. no one said it's an indication of moral character; it was, in fact, a lie....bundled with other uncharacteristic behaviors that have lead to MM's own disappearance. then, again, maybe it was ingrained in her moral character to lie either outright or by omission to family and friends...and the accumulated lies resulted in this mystery. so what was going on in her life? I think Maura saying there was a death in the family, justified in her mind the crying episode she had prior, and made that go away. If she just said that someone was sick, it wouldn't of had the same effect.
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: <quoted text> If that took place, then what happened to this other car if no one was there? Let me try to answer this again. People suppose that the person drove off and that CS was able to keep going to his 911 call location. I think it was weeper or columbo who said CS didn't know the roads very well. That the Swiftwater this, Switwater that confused him, and the included a map of how it circles around. Maybe CS thought he had the right car....but it took off and he just went on to pursue his call to the weathered barn location.
Gloucester, MA
jwb wrote: <quoted text> I think Maura saying there was a death in the family, justified in her mind the crying episode she had prior, and made that go away. If she just said that someone was sick, it wouldn't of had the same effect. we disagree. she was developing and implementing a plan....however hasty, however real, or misguided. she excused herself from her academics by lying, and ran from UMASS Amherst without advising her family and friend; or at least it is presumed to be so, unless someone has/had knowledge of the circumstances and is withholding information from the authorities.
Lincoln, NH
Does anyone know when Laurie Murray was first diagnosed with cancer? Is it possible that Maura was notified of her mothers cancer the night she broke down? I know she passed in 2009 but not sure when diagnosed.
Lincoln, NH
Just me wrote: <quoted text> Let me try to answer this again. People suppose that the person drove off and that CS was able to keep going to his 911 call location. I think it was weeper or columbo who said CS didn't know the roads very well. That the Swiftwater this, Switwater that confused him, and the included a map of how it circles around. Maybe CS thought he had the right car....but it took off and he just went on to pursue his call to the weathered barn location. Maybe so, but why would that indicates then that the second car or other crash had nothing to do with Maura.
Lincoln, NH
oops should have checked before I sent the post.
If the car took off it would mean that someone was in the car and he would have either pulled it over after it took off or spoke to the driver before it took off.
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: Does anyone know when Laurie Murray was first diagnosed with cancer? Is it possible that Maura was notified of her mothers cancer the night she broke down? I know she passed in 2009 but not sure when diagnosed. I can answer this. According to Helena, who used to be a email buddy to me, and even called me a couple of times, the answer is no. Maura's mom had not been diagnosed. But just like a few I have known, you can almost predict it, b/c the person is coughing too much, wheezing, gravely sounding voice that deepens and spewing. Then when you consider the amount they are smoking, and you are studying to be a nurse, you might be overwhelmed. But Kathleen said Billy and Maura were fighting AGAIN and that her sister may have faked the crying episode to get out of work early. That her sister probably went to the White mountains to get away from everything and think. Police said there was enough food in the car to suggest a short get away. Kathleen says something went wrong.
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Maybe so, but why would that indicates then that the second car or other crash had nothing to do with Maura. Good question, and maybe it is a matter of record, yet part of the info that cannot be released to the public?
Just me
Minneapolis, MN
jwb wrote: oops should have checked before I sent the post. If the car took off it would mean that someone was in the car and he would have either pulled it over after it took off or spoke to the driver before it took off. Hey, you would think so but this driver may have driven into their own driveway, or someone else's driveway or side street as the officer went on to the bigger matter at hand.
Lincoln, NH
I found the info on Laurie's diagnosis was in sept of 2004 so that wasn't the reason for the crying as Just me had said.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Just me wrote: <quoted text>TO AFTERMATH: And, I notice you think Maura wasn't really living in her room. People on her floor said they were unaware that Maura even lived on their floor. But yet she mingled with some, and the track team. Do you suppose Maura was a plant,~ sent to dig into something under the guise as nursing student? I had a roommate in university who was never there, she lived with her boyfriend and her parents were none the wiser. She came to pick up her mail once a week. Perhaps MM had a boy on the side at UMass, hence the packed up room. Renner was working on that angle...