Lincoln, NH
Shack wrote: The "judging" is not based on content, as it should be..it is based on the author...(you'll notice) yes I notice shack- who cares about what hey say? It is obvious. continue on. The cause is maura!!And their cause is LE and protect the locals.Otherwise they would give helpful info or discussion
Lincoln, NH
talk to me peanut thrower?
Gouverneur, NY
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> BELOW FROM: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2354... The real problem with drugs like Tylenol is that the difference between a therapeutic (that is, medically effective) dose and a toxic one is surprisingly small. In adults the maximum safe dosage is four grams (eight 500-milligram tablets) over a 24-hour period. The toxic dose is a mere seven grams taken all at once. You can make the margin even thinner by drinking too much and eating too little. I'll spare you the biochemistry, but basically acetaminophen and alcohol in combination overwhelm the liver's ability to remove toxins from your bloodstream. At the same time, starving yourself reduces the liver's output of glutathione, a natural detoxicant produced in response to food. The upshot is that heavy drinkers (two or more drinks per day) who don't eat can suffer worse liver damage from Tylenol than people who OD on purpose. Of 71 patients treated at a Dallas medical center for acetaminophen overdose, 50 were attempted suicides and 21 were victims of an accidental overdose (Schiodt et al, New England Journal of Medicine, October 1997). The would-be suicides on average took twice as much of the drug as the accidental victims. Yet far more of the latter went into a coma (seven versus three) and died (four versus one). Why? Because most of the accidental victims were alcoholics. Five people--three accidental victims, two attempted suicides--overdosed on less than four grams, the claimed safe dosage for 24 hours. Beagle, People abuse drugs such as alcohol...street drugs/illegal drugs, medications (otc and Rx). Many will abuse whatever they can get their sweet little hands on. This doesn't make them bad people. They just like using and abusing. Then enjoy altering their mood. Why would someone intentionally use Tylenol to OD? It's available without a Rx. It's easy to get...can steal it out of mom's medicine cabinet or purchase it oneself. Why do people do what they do? Why do people huff gasoline? It seems that a lot of people find what they like doing and then "do it" until it kills them. HOWEVER, many people use medications like Tylenol to help with pain and use this medication appropriately. If Maura had Tylenol in her car like many other people she was most likely using it appropriately for pain. Let's try to stay positive. There are much easier ways to off oneself than resorting to OD. Let's not push the suicide theory when it is a very remote possibility.
Lincoln, NH
It says it all! No content to your act. Oh Snomy please come home and type. The more you judge and don't respond it tells the story. A weak one is just watching and is un willing to talk to one person!!
Lincoln, NH
Lincoln, NH
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Beagle, People abuse drugs such as alcohol...street drugs/illegal drugs, medications (otc and Rx). Many will abuse whatever they can get their sweet little hands on. This doesn't make them bad people. They just like using and abusing. Then enjoy altering their mood. Why would someone intentionally use Tylenol to OD? It's available without a Rx. It's easy to get...can steal it out of mom's medicine cabinet or purchase it oneself. Why do people do what they do? Why do people huff gasoline? It seems that a lot of people find what they like doing and then "do it" until it kills them. HOWEVER, many people use medications like Tylenol to help with pain and use this medication appropriately. If Maura had Tylenol in her car like many other people she was most likely using it appropriately for pain. Let's try to stay positive. There are much easier ways to off oneself than resorting to OD. Let's not push the suicide theory when it is a very remote possibility. aftermath, my feeling is this is just a new herring to thow in the pile. A long shot. Lets keep it simple Dude
Gouverneur, NY
Something to consider. A lot of people, myself included had focused on the idea that it was strange that Maura would drive a car that was in rough shape on a fairly lengthy trip all of that distance into NH. The other strange piece is that it seems there was an idex card w/a map(?)with directions to Jigger Johnson campground (this index card was in Maura's favorite book which was found in the Saturn). Unless this was a map from years earlier when she needed directions to this place, why would she have this map with her? Had she used the index card all of these years for a bookmark? Wonder when her father had given her this book...
Lincoln, NH
aftermath wrote: Something to consider. A lot of people, myself included had focused on the idea that it was strange that Maura would drive a car that was in rough shape on a fairly lengthy trip all of that distance into NH. The other strange piece is that it seems there was an idex card w/a map(?)with directions to Jigger Johnson campground (this index card was in Maura's favorite book which was found in the Saturn). Unless this was a map from years earlier when she needed directions to this place, why would she have this map with her? Had she used the index card all of these years for a bookmark? Wonder when her father had given her this book... Jigger Johnson is closed in the winter
Lincoln, NH
where did you get this that she had this map? If you are a relative that's ok, I am here for the same reason to help find Maura never heard of this map
Lincoln, NH
I think she just traveled there all her life and loved it. Aftermath, I live in N Woodstock and see this young lady Recently (last yr) run 112 several times a week. never seen her till this past 2 years. I look to see if it might be maura. Don't think it is but she runs when it it zero deg !! ouch and she is young but blonde. It keeps me thinking what happened I guess. I think we all want an answer
Lincoln, NH
well time to hit the hay . I am sure snowy will have lots to say. My suggestion is lighten up and remember who this forum is for and keep it focused to that.
Lincoln, NH
still a Judger out there that has no balls to talk A lonely Snowy follower Perhaps/ I am only looking or good back and forth stuff to help Maura and her family. Lets talk.stop the crap/ forget the past and help.
Gouverneur, NY
Jwb wrote: <quoted text> Jigger Johnson is closed in the winter jwb, I know it is closed during winter. Possibly the map was for someone else who had met her near the campground. She may have previously let this person borrow the book. She certainly would know the directions to that campground after having visited the place for years.
Lincoln, NH
ok mr mrs judger- you only confirm the point that there is an agenda because you offer nothing of interest. You my friend are a looser and have nothing to offer but a click of the mouse. Any ionfo on maura might I ask or is that an afterthought of yours?
Lincoln, NH
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> jwb, I know it is closed during winter. Possibly the map was for someone else who had met her near the campground. She may have previously let this person borrow the book. She certainly would know the directions to that campground after having visited the place for years. I never heard of the map? can you fill me in on that
Gouverneur, NY
Re: the boxes containing her belongings that were found on her bed, including pictures that had been removed from the dorm room walls. Someone close to Maura? had said that Maura may not have unpacked these items since returning from break? Wonder if anyone had seen Maura's dorm room at various periods of time weeks prior to her disappearance. Some believed she had not been residing in her dorm room. If true, possibly she had moved items back to her dorm room from wherever she might have been staying that week or weekend before her disappearance.
Lincoln, NH
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> jwb, I know it is closed during winter. Possibly the map was for someone else who had met her near the campground. She may have previously let this person borrow the book. She certainly would know the directions to that campground after having visited the place for years. wow you said she had a map that was for someone else? did I read that right?
Lincoln, NH
aftermath are you judging me (button)? if so just ask away and deal with it that way.
Lincoln, NH
aftermath, you never answer my questions or any one elses. What s up?
Gouverneur, NY
Jwb wrote: ok mr mrs judger- you only confirm the point that there is an agenda because you offer nothing of interest. You my friend are a looser and have nothing to offer but a click of the mouse. Any ionfo on maura might I ask or is that an afterthought of yours? jwb, Maura had really liked Jigger Johnson campground and in fact had wanted to work there during summer vacation when she was about 15 years old. Possibly if she had wanted a remote landmark to meet someone, that campground area would have been the place. It was closed, but they might have met nearby and then traveled to their destination (continued to travel in separate vehicles). Wonder how far her car was from that campground?