Since: Nov 08
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Calypso Soldier wrote: There is STILL REASONABLE DOUBT. A good lawyer would never settle for a conviction and a good jury should NEVER convict if there IS REASONABLE DOUBT. Even ATWOOD SAID "It Didn't look like her" after being shown a photo of Maura. A jury would also have to take this into consideration. Finish the thought. I believe that Atwood said. "He didn't think it looked like her". I think he only saw her from the nose up and there was talk that her hair was down with also added to his lack of identification. Of course her hair was down because she was just punched in the face by the airbag. Airbags can detach retinas, they certainly can muss up hairdos. Bill
Since: Nov 08
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Calypso Soldier wrote: A real doubt, based upon reason and common sense after careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence, or lack of evidence, in a case. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore, is proof of such a convincing character that you would be willing to rely and act upon it without hesitation in the most important of your own affairs. However, it does not mean an absolute certainty. Yep, I'll say it again, bring this in front of a reasonable jury and you would garnish a conviction. You might not convict her based on the standard of a criminal trial, but there would be no problem convicting her in a civil case with this evidence. There is no question that the preponderance of the evidence points to her guilt. Whether it meets the criminal standard, it would depend on the jury but I wouldn't be surprised if a conviction could be attained there either. Jurors are not expected to suspend reason and common sense. Bill
Since: Nov 08
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Sara wrote: Has anyone ever got the idea that maybe Smith DID see Maura. "Where's the girl". Maybe the first accident female slid off road and got into a private vehicle. I know everyone keeps saying there wasn't a first accident, but I am not fully convinced. Just a thought. I still believe that comment was a very direct result of the dispatch information from the SBD call that he received. Bill
Monroe, LA
Lady Gray wrote: <quoted text> Would I "care to explain?" Hahaha, you sound like a school teacher! If the post doesn't make sense, then you may get in touch with Sharon because, as it says on Websleuths, I posted what she said. Copied exactly "verbatim" word for word. I am going to go with ID - since anyone could have posted and said they were her. She clearly states they were worried about her in that car - far enough in advance to add her to their AAA membership and give it to her at christmas.
Monroe, LA
oh good gravy... took about 10 minutes reading on webslueths
BILL .. You and I went down the same path.. because a car starts DOES NOT mean its driveable. that is the craziest thing i have heard.
Monroe, LA
who in the hell is mcSpy? Let SBD rest in peace for pete sake. saying he was a hoarder.. by gosh what is wrong with these people.
What is he guilty of??
he just lived at the corner where she went missing.. but I do not feel comfortable with what people are posting over there.
Monroe, LA
should have known McSpy is SHACK.......... of course. I see her posting about her saturn. and the bad stuff about the SBD. Shack shame on you. WHere is the moderator now? HUH.. This guy is dead - remove those posts. ASAP. I will be contacting webslueths to have this removed and McSpy should be banned.
Monroe, LA
Why on earth is OK to vacation in NH? but you want to trash talk the town. Sell the damn cabin and get one in another state.. damn if I was local I would say you are not welcome. just my 2 cents.
you dont enjoy the natural beauty then trash talk it.. you should be to scared to go there :-)
Hamilton, Bermuda
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> I still believe that comment was a very direct result of the dispatch information from the SBD call that he received. Bill I had always assumed that too. And my statement was NOT intended to cast suspicion on LE. There are things LE don't want us to know because of the investigation and this was one of those things that might be kept out of public. But what the heck do I know... Sometimes I think one thing and then think another. Such a head spinning case.
Since: Nov 08
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Sara wrote: <quoted text> I had always assumed that too. And my statement was NOT intended to cast suspicion on LE. There are things LE don't want us to know because of the investigation and this was one of those things that might be kept out of public. But what the heck do I know... Sometimes I think one thing and then think another. Such a head spinning case. Just FYI, I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just have never felt that Smith asking where the girl was, was any surprise. I always thought that the dispatch center relayed that information from SBD to Smith. Others though with a conspiracy theory bend always made a big deal about it. I always thought that one was a no brainer so I hadn't ever really mentioned it before. Bill
Hebron, CT
Maura allegedly bought liquor for mudslides, I don't personally think that stuff goes too well with cherry mountain dew, and I don't think you could suck that stuff through a twizzler licorice straw...too thick. And don't forget per Sharon's post that LE asked Billy about the licorice straw they found inside the car.
Let me repeat...inside the car. Why would they ask about a twizzler if it wasn't inside the bottle????
A twizzler, is a twizzler is a twizzler, until it becomes something else.
Now white wash(who has some s'plaining left to do) is in a unique situation, she's known and has known the location of the car, and exactly how that car was towed (seeing she's kin) and now after almost 7 years throws this red fish at us?????
Santa Madre de Dios en el cielo!!!!!!!!! my opinion this places WW in the same pew as..... what was his name??? Oh yea....MASON.
Since: Nov 08
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Dawn wrote: oh good gravy... took about 10 minutes reading on webslueths BILL .. You and I went down the same path.. because a car starts DOES NOT mean its driveable. that is the craziest thing i have heard. Thanks Dawn. That seemed like a very reasonable thing to say but I needed to post it 3 times and someone still couldn't get a clue. McSpy, I don't know. It could be, hadn't really thought about it. Just don't care about her if she minds civil internet protocol. She is kind of in a box now. If she comes out and behaves like she did before she will get a swat on the nose with a rolled up newspaper to send her scurrying away again. Even with a new moniker if she behaves like she use to, she will give away who she really is and the behavior modification program will restart with her again. Bill
Since: Nov 08
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mcsmom wrote: Maura allegedly bought liquor for mudslides, I don't personally think that stuff goes too well with cherry mountain dew, and I don't think you could suck that stuff through a twizzler licorice straw...too thick. And don't forget per Sharon's post that LE asked Billy about the licorice straw they found inside the car. Let me repeat...inside the car. Why would they ask about a twizzler if it wasn't inside the bottle???? A twizzler, is a twizzler is a twizzler, until it becomes something else. Didn't think she was drinking mudslides in the car. I do think she was likely drinking wine, you know, the box of wine on the back seat, through a Twizzler. We (at least I) don't know if the mudslide mixables were with her in the car, if she took them when she fled or used them prior to her leaving the school. Think red splashes inside the car, wine box (anyone know if it was red wine - I forget if we knew what kind of wine) on the rear seat and red liquid in the bottle with the Twizzler under the car. There really shouldn't be much dispute about this, other than as an academic exercise. Bill
Fort Huachuca, AZ
In case anyone is interested, google recently did a "street-view" of rt 112 and Bradley Hill rd. It really gives me a perspective of the area. Makes me realize how much of a bad idea and situation it would be to be on foot, late on a winter night with no cell reception. There is basically no where to get to quickly on foot. If i were drunk and on foot in that area, I think there would be a good chance that I would be lost in no time....just sayin'
Monroe, LA
mcsmom wrote: Maura allegedly bought liquor for mudslides, I don't personally think that stuff goes too well with cherry mountain dew, and I don't think you could suck that stuff through a twizzler licorice straw...too thick. And don't forget per Sharon's post that LE asked Billy about the licorice straw they found inside the car. Let me repeat...inside the car. Why would they ask about a twizzler if it wasn't inside the bottle???? A twizzler, is a twizzler is a twizzler, until it becomes something else. Now white wash(who has some s'plaining left to do) is in a unique situation, she's known and has known the location of the car, and exactly how that car was towed (seeing she's kin) and now after almost 7 years throws this red fish at us????? Santa Madre de Dios en el cielo!!!!!!!!! my opinion this places WW in the same pew as..... what was his name??? Oh yea....MASON. re: Mason.......... if you only knew..........
Since: Nov 08
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ravetown wrote: It really gives me a perspective of the area. Makes me realize how much of a bad idea and situation it would be to be on foot, late on a winter night with no cell reception. There is basically no where to get to quickly on foot. If you ignore the several houses right in that area, you are correct. Your going to be in for a pretty good walk if you head east even on the state highway, unless you get a ride. Bill
Since: Nov 08
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It should be pointed out also that I don't believe that the ribbon is actually where the accident occurred. Judging from the overhead I would say for sure it is not.
Keep that in mind when looking, it was farther east.
Since: Nov 08
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mcsmom wrote: Maura allegedly bought liquor for mudslides I should also point out that another reason she likely wasn't drinking mudslides is that they are usually made in a blender with crushed ice and of course the are not red in color, like the liquid in the bottle, or splashed on the headliner and seat/dash. I don't know where she would have gotten chopped ice to make a mudslide for a car trip. Bill
Hamilton, Bermuda
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Just FYI, I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just have never felt that Smith asking where the girl was, was any surprise. I always thought that the dispatch center relayed that information from SBD to Smith. Others though with a conspiracy theory bend always made a big deal about it. I always thought that one was a no brainer so I hadn't ever really mentioned it before. Bill I know you were not, I just wanted to go on record before someone accused me of LE bashing. We have to be really clear about our intentions on here.
Monroe, LA
Thanks Ravetown
where are the tree's she hit? did they cut them down. I went up and down the street. I didn't see any little trees close to the road? I am guessing east is further away from the barn heading in right lane where maura's car was.