Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: R u sure that's her phone? Because that phone definitely doesn't have a red light on it. So it turns out her phone doesn't even have a red light? This has been mentioned over and over again like it's a fact that FW mistook someone smoking a cigarette for a red light on her cell. So what's the explanation now that we know she didn't have a red light on her phone? FW still thinks she saw someone smoking, she basically says that the media convinced her otherwise. Can you believe that? Smoking a cogarett almost had a rhythm to it, it's very distinctive. Seems hard to mistake fr talking on the phone. Thanks for that link, very interesting. I don't think this proves there was someone smoking by a long shot but it does prove that many of the things that r basically thought of as facts are totally wrong The shoes are not correct either. MHO only
United States
backspace4me wrote: <quoted text> The shoes are not correct either. MHO only What do u mean her shoes are not correct wither? Was that not her cell phone? What kind of shoes was she wearing? Do her shows have some sort of relevance? I saw a bunch of posts last week about shoes and I'm just wondering did someone find a pair of shoes or something?
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
Jenkins wrote: Why is everybody so convinced that beagle Is the guy that made those videos? The guy dressed as the construction worker clearly isn't him. The only one that freaks me out is the one titled "black eye" as that is one of the theories I have as to why she had to up and leave Amherst in such a rush. Has beagle ever admitted it? How could LE and the family possibly completely eliminate a connection within one day? They obviously lied that first day when they said they ruled them out so r they still lying now? LE would never admit that a killer was messing with a family using YouTube, that would be a worldwide media shitstorm, like something from a movie. I just wonder how everyone is SO sure that it's him. I see a fairly strong circumstantial case but nobody has proven it to me yet. Can somebody point me to some sort of proof please They are all him.made by him.
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
Jenkins wrote: R u sure that's her phone? Because that phone definitely doesn't have a red light on it. So it turns out her phone doesn't even have a red light? This has been mentioned over and over again like it's a fact that FW mistook someone smoking a cigarette for a red light on her cell. So what's the explanation now that we know she didn't have a red light on her phone? FW still thinks she saw someone smoking, she basically says that the media convinced her otherwise. Can you believe that? Smoking a cogarett almost had a rhythm to it, it's very distinctive. Seems hard to mistake fr talking on the phone. Thanks for that link, very interesting. I don't think this proves there was someone smoking by a long shot but it does prove that many of the things that r basically thought of as facts are totally wrong Yes, that is the phone she had. The Westman's descriptions of what they think they saw are way off and I don't put much 'faith' in them except there probably was a lot of activity around the trunk.
United States
Hey Brian- how exactly r u so sure they're him made by him. Who is the guy fessed as a construction worker? I'm not saying they aren't made by beagle I'm wondering how is everyone so sure and how was LE able to completely eliminate them day 1? Why don't you put much faith lol in thief testimony? Seems pretty reliable to me excepttje fact that they couldn't tell who it was in the car. Their story has never changed once unlike the sbd. She clearly saw somethin glowing red in the car I def trust that much, and now we know that her cell didn't have a red light on it so what should we make of that? I'm really not sure what to think about it
United States
Anime checked out the pics of her car that renner posted on his site? He took these last summer at the troop-F barrack and the car is much more damaged, like way more. What's up with that? How could it possibly get more damaged sitting in the lawn of the barracks? So the cops obviously damaged it more, right? Or r random people allowed to vandalize vehicles left at the twin mount SP barracks? Could this be evidence of a coverup? Notice in the new photos the bumper is totally damaged. Look at the ol pics, the bumper is perfect, that damage happened later in custody of LE, which is wicked strange to say the least. Could it b damage from towing it? Possibly I guess it could but I don't c how , who ever heard of a row truck that messes up the front end of cars?? Besides for tw fact that it doesn't look like the car even moved, there all pics from the field outside the barracks that I'm comparing. Trying to make damage more consistent with a snowbank? That bumper was the one thing that eliminated a snowbank alone as the cause of the damage. But now the bumper is trashed, interesting Idk I still Am not ready to say outright that LE r covering something up, there's not enough evidence and I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but that's just sketchy that the car got more damage & now it just happens too look more consistent with hittin a snowbank
Groton, MA
Grafton County Sheriff's Log covers, alphabetically Alexandria to Woodstock. I have only copies of Alexandria to Littleton. ie Franconia LEO clears Littleton approximately 7.15 clears Franconia Motel at approximately 9:15, unknown reason....could he have picked up Maura and left her at motel...was that checked out...?
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
I have always wondered about that. Has been mentioned before but not really discussed. Just dropped. Who was cleared a 9:15. Is that the motel OH MY mentioned with the animal on door and it did not stay locked?
Lincoln, NH
Jenkins wrote: R u sure that's her phone? Because that phone definitely doesn't have a red light on it. So it turns out her phone doesn't even have a red light? This has been mentioned over and over again like it's a fact that FW mistook someone smoking a cigarette for a red light on her cell. So what's the explanation now that we know she didn't have a red light on her phone? FW still thinks she saw someone smoking, she basically says that the media convinced her otherwise. Can you believe that? Smoking a cogarett almost had a rhythm to it, it's very distinctive. Seems hard to mistake fr talking on the phone. Thanks for that link, very interesting. I don't think this proves there was someone smoking by a long shot but it does prove that many of the things that r basically thought of as facts are totally wrong It was posted on a maura site that it was her phone. It didn't come from a poster either . I 'll see if I can link the site.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Jenkins wrote: I feel, & this is obviously just my take on it, that looking at the actions of police that night that they clearly thought this very well could have been an abduction. I think that the next morning the officers were instructed to play down the foul play angle, probably told to investigate it as such but If anybody asks you thought it was a simple car that was abandoned after spinning ou around the corner, hence Cecil smith lying to the family the next day when they arrived. Why were they at the scene for 2+ hours? That's a really long time for a simple abandonded car. This is just am example of what LE does when they find an abandoned car After a minor accident, which happens all the time up there, sober and drunk people alike. Some posters like to say only drunk people leave accidents but they've clearly never lived a whole winter in Nh. In Nh people slide off the rd all the time and most of them aren't drunk. Its not like Ct where there's cops all over the place, people r also a lot more self reliant up there. Look at the response time in this accident. People don't wanna freeze on the side of the rd waiting for the cops & there is absolutely no need for LE to be involved in a car sliding off the rd causing no damage. Lots of people still believe in "live free or die". We don't need cops for mundane shit, we can get our own ride and call our own tow truck from home. So most of the time if they can't get their car off the side of the road they call a friend or hitch a ride into town from somebody. People act like you have to have a cop at every single thing that happens on the road but that's not true, especially when sometimes you might have to wait over an hour for LE to show up, remember there's a lot more important things cops need to do up there then go to every single car that slid off the road, they would be broke by February if they actually had to do that in Nh. So why were they at the accident scene for 2+ hours If they really thought this was simply a car that slid off the rd? They clearly thought something was up from the beginning but they won't admit it without arresting someone at the same time. With the small population just one violent crime more than they have can completely ruin their murder rate. Yea you can have a great murder rate if you don't admit certain things r crimes Jenkins - I appreciate your posts and opinions. Your posts are just what I said opinions. In a small town as you stated above with very little crime LE may want to stay near the abandoned car for 2 hours. Maura was part of a violent crime? No evidence of any crime at the scene except maybe drunk driving but even that is plausable, but to say violent crime? You then make mention of standard operating procedure in NH is to leave a car when you slide off the road? How is this even releavant to Maura's case? How could she leave the scene if she was traveling by herself. I also just want to state very politely to all of you that posted last night about LE and the "obvious" cover up and the accident drawing by LE was completely wrong. Do you think if normal people like you can figure out this complete "obvious" cover up, that the FBI would smell this out a mile away and investigate. FBI does not need to be invited by LE to look into a LE cover up. I'm not trying to be rude but you have to be careful when you create a theory off of another theory. The farther you create theories from actual facts the less likely it is to be true.
Lincoln, NH
here is a poster showing the cell phone. there is still yet another site that has the link to the phone that I posted previously.
Cleveland, OH
I am pretty sure that phone has a service light on the outside on one of the corners that blinks when a signal is being received. I used to own this model (or one VERY similar) and I remember you could change the color of the light. I think the default was blue, but maybe she turned hers to red? But then, I wonder, if everything that has been said about lack of cellular signal in the area is true, wouldn't this light not blink at all?
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
NEOhio wrote: I am pretty sure that phone has a service light on the outside on one of the corners that blinks when a signal is being received. I used to own this model (or one VERY similar) and I remember you could change the color of the light. I think the default was blue, but maybe she turned hers to red? But then, I wonder, if everything that has been said about lack of cellular signal in the area is true, wouldn't this light not blink at all? I think Mr. Westmann states that his wife didn't see a cigarette, but saw the red light of a cellphone in the car(Renner's blog). Maura was a competition runner and I doubt she would smoke.
Lincoln, NH
from the hanson express : In a later interview with Maura's father, Fred Murray, the Westmans could not agree on an exact description of the person in the black Saturn. Faith Westman believed she had seen a man with a cigarette, while Tim Westman believed it was a woman at the scene on her cell phone and that the red light from the phone looked like the tip of a cigarette. An investigator who later interviewed the Westmans confirmed that the couple did not fully agree on a description. When asked to clarify for this story the Westmans declined comment. "We've been down that path too many times. It's worn thin," Tim Westman said. Meanwhile, across the street, neighbor Virginia Marrotte was standing in her kitchen with her husband, John, who was peeling an orange. "From our kitchen window we saw a car down the road with trouble lights flashing and someone walking around the car," Virginia Marrotte wrote in response to a set of questions sent for this series. "From our kitchen window we saw a car down the road with trouble lights flashing and someone walking around the car," Virginia Marrotte wrote in response to a set of questions sent for this series.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
jwb wrote: from the hanson express : In a later interview with Maura's father, Fred Murray, the Westmans could not agree on an exact description of the person in the black Saturn. Faith Westman believed she had seen a man with a cigarette, while Tim Westman believed it was a woman at the scene on her cell phone and that the red light from the phone looked like the tip of a cigarette. An investigator who later interviewed the Westmans confirmed that the couple did not fully agree on a description. When asked to clarify for this story the Westmans declined comment. "We've been down that path too many times. It's worn thin," Tim Westman said. Meanwhile, across the street, neighbor Virginia Marrotte was standing in her kitchen with her husband, John, who was peeling an orange. "From our kitchen window we saw a car down the road with trouble lights flashing and someone walking around the car," Virginia Marrotte wrote in response to a set of questions sent for this series. "From our kitchen window we saw a car down the road with trouble lights flashing and someone walking around the car," Virginia Marrotte wrote in response to a set of questions sent for this series. If the Westmans said they saw two people at the crash site I'd say okay maybe. But since they are in disagreement over a red light vs a cigarette. I think it is very safe to say that it was the light from the cell phone.
Lincoln, NH
FW also states in the police report that she saw a man in the car smoking a ciggarette
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Maybe putting the actual truth in the report wasnt such a good idea? What "actual truth" are You referring to.? John
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
The damage to the saturn is consistent with hitting an object higher than the front bumper. That object pushed in the hood and crumpled it towards the Left passengers side indicating the blunt force came from the saturn hitting the object on the right front drivers side. What the saturn came into contact with and when that occurred is inconclusive at this point. Did the vehicle have a push bar or brush guard on the front an maybe even pushed the car slightly backwards to where it was found.? Just thinking "Nose To Nose" here. John
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: The damage to the saturn is consistent with hitting an object higher than the front bumper. That object pushed in the hood and crumpled it towards the Left passengers side indicating the blunt force came from the saturn hitting the object on the right front drivers side. What the saturn came into contact with and when that occurred is inconclusive at this point. Did the vehicle have a push bar or brush guard on the front an maybe even pushed the car slightly backwards to where it was found.? Just thinking "Nose To Nose" here. John This car was eight years old. Do you think that maybe there was some other damage to the car years before it even entered NH? There is no way anyone can look at the picture of the car and say that the accident in NH did not cause that damage. You also don't know if that car was in any minor accidents before the crash, and never had the work done.
Brookline, MA
whitenoise wrote: <quoted text> NOT ME! I don't care what happened to an adult woman who actually drives a car while guzzling booze, leaves an 18 yr old boy to die on the roadside on a freezing cold winter's night, causing him to spend 3 months in the hospital in a coma, and then have to spend more time in a rehab hospital, a woman who is a thief (we know about the WP and UMA crimes, tip of the iceberg), a liar, a drug addict and an alcohol abuser. There is an epidemic of missing people in this country. There are so many missing persons cases that warrant my interest and concern. These people are decent people minding their own business and abducted, never to be seen again: Holly Bobo, Tara Grinstead, Jennifer Kesse. Holly Bobo was dragged out of her own house, her brother looked out a second floor window and witnessed this. Tara and Jennifer were also both taken from their own homes. My heart bleeds for these people and their suffering families. I have compassion burnout and I drop into this forum only occasionally for my own amusement. The only reason so many got hooked on this case is because of Maura's West Point connection. A certain amount of glamour attaches itself to the words West Point. They forget she was there only 3 months and then got kicked out for stealing. Finally someone with the guts to speak out and tell the truth. A voice against the mob mentality. It takes courage.