Gloucester, MA
hannah_b and Dawn ~ to my knowledge, mention of the "golden egg" originated from the pointy boots/duck brigade (with no offense intended....just a useful identifying term for a cohesive group of individuals). it suggests there may be additional knowledge about her social life or relationships, but, once again, if this information is true, it's hasn't been made public. i, personally, don't believe anything i read...but it is curious as to why it was ever mentioned at all. i've always believed it's a shame so much speculation is written online, and so sad she is still missing.
Hamilton, Bermuda
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Has this actually been verified as true, that there was another person in Maura's life? There was speculation but I have never heard, friends or family verify that was true. I wonder what things he might have been able to tell. I assume its he, not that it matters? Has this actually been verified? Bill No, but a few on here have gotten e-mails.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> this is an irresponsible analysis and conclusion. there are no facts to support Maura "....was too young for such a serious relationship". I should have said this is my opinion. Sorry if that statement offended anyone. It is my opinion.
High Bandwidth Radio
Denver, CO
This so called other boyfriend that you call the golden egg is NOT the topic that tends to shut the forums down. Again, you are all deferring. Good luck at finding out anything when you do nothing but swim in your eternal lies.
Hebron, CT
HBR good point. What I don't understand is the attitude that Maura's life, A-Z should be cast for all to chew on. Such a sense of entitlement by some.... Private information is for LE and the "Dicks" ( sorry, not my words)... I mean after all, anyone can read your posts....duh...
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Sara wrote: <quoted text> No, but a few on here have gotten e-mails. The more I think about this the more I think it can't be true. The police grilled Billy pretty well from what we heard and he was in Oklahoma when Maura disappeared so it would have been hard (impossible) for him to be directly involved. If there was another person in her life, especially locally, I know that the police would have given him even more scrutiny than Billy received. I know that I never heard of another young man getting that kind of scrutiny, which makes me wonder why we would not have heard about it. Unless it didn't happen. So even sleeping on it, it still leads me to wonder the source and verification of this information. Bill
Hamilton, Bermuda
WTF-the-original wrote: <quoted text> The more I think about this the more I think it can't be true. The police grilled Billy pretty well from what we heard and he was in Oklahoma when Maura disappeared so it would have been hard (impossible) for him to be directly involved. If there was another person in her life, especially locally, I know that the police would have given him even more scrutiny than Billy received. I know that I never heard of another young man getting that kind of scrutiny, which makes me wonder why we would not have heard about it. Unless it didn't happen. So even sleeping on it, it still leads me to wonder the source and verification of this information. Bill I can't understand why people would tell others stuff in e-mails, especially the point boots(whoever the heck they are) if it weren't true.
Hamilton, Bermuda
mcsmom wrote: HBR good point. What I don't understand is the attitude that Maura's life, A-Z should be cast for all to chew on. Such a sense of entitlement by some.... Private information is for LE and the "Dicks" ( sorry, not my words)... I mean after all, anyone can read your posts....duh... Then why are people e-mailing each other about it? If it's so top secret why do people that don't even personally know Maura have this information?
Since: Oct 10
Hamilton, Bermuda
mcsmom wrote: HBR good point. What I don't understand is the attitude that Maura's life, A-Z should be cast for all to chew on. Such a sense of entitlement by some.... Private information is for LE and the "Dicks" ( sorry, not my words)... I mean after all, anyone can read your posts....duh... Maybe people wouldn't do this if they found out Maura really isn't a missing person. Otherwise, the case is NOT following proper missing persons protocol so that is why people continue to dig.
Gouverneur, NY
Dawn wrote: I would also reach out to Marybeth Conway who did the award winning series on Maura Murray Missing for the Whitman Hansen Express. She - of all people knows what info is reliable etc. She played a pivotal key role in the ID series about MM. I know in the past a CD was sent to AMW from the family......... due to the police not being able to talk abuot the case - AMW chose to not participate. Sad. I wish you the best success.. Interesting that some information appeared but other information remains unknown. For example, articles identified the time when Mr. Atwood phoned the police.....I believe 7:29 p.m. The Haverhill police officer arrived at 7:46 p.m. Several articles mentioned that a trooper had also stopped by the scene of the accident, but no one knew at what time the trooper stopped by. One article indicates that someone had planned to look into this to determine what time the trooper arrived at the scene of the accident and whether or not the trooper had been dispatched to the scene or had just happened by. It would be interesting to learn these details. Given that timeframes where mentioned in regard to Mr. Atwood and the Haverhill police officer......why has no information been released as to the time that the trooper stopped by? Surely, there has been enough time to explore this information. Maura disappeared in 2004 and after all of these years no one seems to know what time the trooper appeared at the scene and still no information as to whether the trooper had been dispatched to the accident scene or just happened to arrive there.
Monroe, LA
little red herring wrote: ross Middle River, MD Reply » | Report Abuse | Judge it! | #21175 May 21, 2009 Dawn wrote: <quoted text> of course its in line with the ducks.. that is where i got the information. pick one. they all know about it. I think I was the one that got the short end of the stick on this one. I think it wasn't a mistake pm now. I'm just leaving it at that. sorry ross. there are some other underling issues that I can't post on the board. It was a MOAB - mother of all bombs - the golden egg......... which is so gross? whomever named it that. Ok, so we can officially say it is a red herring. Whether it is an intentional or unintentional red herring doesn't really matter. IMO it should no longer be discussed and analyzed since it is clearly completely my opinion of course. I have to be honest though, I kind of wish it was true since that would open a whole can of new possibilities that haven't much been thought of. anyone knows I didn't write the last part. I NEVER USE commas and I can't spell....... so whoever is trying to be ME> Knock it off.
Monroe, LA
mcsmom wrote: HBR good point. What I don't understand is the attitude that Maura's life, A-Z should be cast for all to chew on. Such a sense of entitlement by some.... Private information is for LE and the "Dicks" ( sorry, not my words)... I mean after all, anyone can read your posts....duh... how can anyone help look when they can't recall where someone was that last night. watch ID. WAtch AMW - they totally contradict what you say. They say it is VERY important. EVer watch first 48? I suggest watch a few - just the opening lined - the actions and words of the days before they go missing - are critical. ODD.. LE, AMW, ID, first 48 all think the opposite - and they are in the busines of FINDING missing people. I think I will go with the experts.
Monroe, LA
mcsmom wrote: HBR good point. What I don't understand is the attitude that Maura's life, A-Z should be cast for all to chew on. Such a sense of entitlement by some.... Private information is for LE and the "Dicks" ( sorry, not my words)... I mean after all, anyone can read your posts....duh... 7 years and no answers........ no one was told WHERE to look - or try to remember her.......... SOOOOOOOOOO.. what is the outcome. NO Maura. Perhaps after 7 years your strategy would change and fall in line with what the professionals do.. ask the public for help.. DID YOU SEE THIS PERSON>> they were at the liquor store on main street @ 7 pm on XX date - If you saw this person please call a tip line. I asked a state trooper once about this.. I suggest you ask a cop and see what they say.. they will tell you IT IS NOT NORMAL.. probably why LE doesn't work well with Fred Murray..
Monroe, LA
Sara-Bermuda wrote: <quoted text> Maybe people wouldn't do this if they found out Maura really isn't a missing person. Otherwise, the case is NOT following proper missing persons protocol so that is why people continue to dig. BINGO.. DITTO
Monroe, LA
rozShoem wrote: <quoted text> Interesting that some information appeared but other information remains unknown. For example, articles identified the time when Mr. Atwood phoned the police.....I believe 7:29 p.m. The Haverhill police officer arrived at 7:46 p.m. Several articles mentioned that a trooper had also stopped by the scene of the accident, but no one knew at what time the trooper stopped by. One article indicates that someone had planned to look into this to determine what time the trooper arrived at the scene of the accident and whether or not the trooper had been dispatched to the scene or had just happened by. It would be interesting to learn these details. Given that timeframes where mentioned in regard to Mr. Atwood and the Haverhill police officer......why has no information been released as to the time that the trooper stopped by? Surely, there has been enough time to explore this information. Maura disappeared in 2004 and after all of these years no one seems to know what time the trooper appeared at the scene and still no information as to whether the trooper had been dispatched to the accident scene or just happened to arrive there. Hi Firecat. I know that writing..
Monroe, LA
mcsmom If you can find a case where keeping where the person worked or was last seen alive....... was held from the public and they found the missing person.......... PLEASE - show us some cases. I have NEVER heard of one ever. we are not talking about draggin someone thru the mud. we are talking about someones life was at steak here. was she being stalked.. she didn't talk to her friends about leaving so we do NOT know if she would have told them about it. WE DONT. however, someone at her work might have seen a guy harrassing her.. etc. who thinks its ok to live in a vacuum for a missing person.. is just beyond me. It is not logical at all.
little red herring
Tucson, AZ
Dawn wrote: <quoted text> anyone knows I didn't write the last part. I NEVER USE commas and I can't spell....... so whoever is trying to be ME> Knock it off. Trust me, not the case. As it states up the top of the post, it is Ross REPLYING to your post. Your quote is in quotes, or it should be. The point is why are you bringing this shit up again.
Hebron, CT
Dawn wrote: <quoted text> 7 years and no answers........ no one was told WHERE to look - or try to remember her.......... SOOOOOOOOOO.. what is the outcome. NO Maura. Perhaps after 7 years your strategy would change and fall in line with what the professionals do.. ask the public for help.. DID YOU SEE THIS PERSON>> they were at the liquor store on main street @ 7 pm on XX date - If you saw this person please call a tip line. I asked a state trooper once about this.. I suggest you ask a cop and see what they say.. they will tell you IT IS NOT NORMAL.. probably why LE doesn't work well with Fred Murray.. Maybe LE knows a good bit. But no body, and not enough evidence to convict. From what I can tell at a distance, the state of NH has spent money on this case every year for the last seven years. Why would NHSP agree to Discovery ID if not to present what is known to the public? Shamshack did the same on Nancy Grace. Greta, and many more. LE that I've spoken with have all had a different theory......
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text>LE that I've spoken with have all had a different theory...... Who have you spoken to (no names needed) in LE in this case and how are their stories different? Different than whose, how? Bill
Monroe, LA
little red herring wrote: <quoted text> Trust me, not the case. As it states up the top of the post, it is Ross REPLYING to your post. Your quote is in quotes, or it should be. The point is why are you bringing this shit up again. i see your bent out of shape about CRL. I know. I wont post it. maybe I will. dunno. this time all i said as far as SHIT was " the golden egg". and it was the almighty pointy boots - ducks that told this story....... we can all start naming names if we need to set the story straight.