


Posted in the Franconia Forum
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![]() Since: Apr 12
United States |
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“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 https://identifyus.org/en/cases/10004 *note the comment box: Severe periodontal disease #14 https://identifyus.org/en/cases/10004 |
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 This skull is going to be sent to the University of N.Texas for DNA typing |
![]() Since: Apr 12
United States |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 1 First of all I do not purport things to be fact unless it is absolutely certain that it's not. I may make mistakes time to time but I certainly am not saying things that aren't true, that's ridiculous. I notice you edited my sentance to your liking; you cut the end off, which was important. But then the sentance wouldn't have fit in with what you were saying. The real sentance read : "nobody has ever named this guy on any thread I've ever seen" You cut off the "I've ever seen" It is a fact that I've never seen this guys name on any thread; I'm not going to debate whether it is on this thread because from the looks of your post it was and tha'ts not right. Nobody who hasn't been in the media before or have been charged with a crime should have their real name on topix; but it certainly isn't being used regularly and is definetly not easy to find; I've looked before. So no, I wasn't stating that as a fact, I was stating as a fact that I've never seen it, and I've read this thread pretty extensively if I haven't seen it it clearly isn't all over the place. And let me get something straight here: your defending this guy? really? These are the guys you've chosen to defend? What are you saying that if it wasn't for this thread everyone would think these guys are top notch citizens? I think where your getting it wrong is the fact people up haverhill already think he's a murderer. People around town, his friends and even people in his family think this. That is why we are discussing him, not because we are discussing him. People thought this for years before it ever made it online. Something else that I think your missing is that this can go both ways. We aren't just saying we think this guy is a murderer, we are asking whether it is possible. SO that means that we can potentially find out it's not possible and prove all those people wrong, wouldn't that help him? I think what people around town, the people that interact with him on a daily basis, think about him is just a little bit more important to him than a few people discussing it online, is it not? I would absolutely love if we could figure out that this guy is definetly not responsible. That would be awesome. This guy, just like FLoyd and McKay have violent records, particularly violence against women. This is why people that live near them think they may be resonsible. It's not like we just picked some names out of the phone book and decided to accuse innocent people here. The reason we are discussing these people is because the people that know them think they could be responsible. We are trying to decipher whether or not it could be true which means we can determine it's not true and end up helping the guy. I just can't understand how people can defend these guys. The people that live near them think they could have and might have killed MM; so it isn't us making people think they're murderers. We are discussing them because people already think that. I think your assessment is way off base, it would make sense if we were talking about normal random citizens that are truly good people, but we are not doing that. So many people that live in the same community as these guys think they are responsible, clearly it isn't some thread on topix making them think this. If this guy is innocent please present whatever reason you have to think this, I would gladly say that he is innocent. And then in the future if he was ever brought up I, and others I'm sure, would gladly tell whoever is suggesting it that it's wrong |
![]() Since: Apr 12
United States |
Judged: ![]() 3 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 Your complaining that Renner posted his picture on his blog?? I dont see how you can complain about that considering the fact that he has posted videos of himself on youtube!! He clearly isn't worried about that. How bout the jem of a film entitled "happy anniversary" that he posted on feb 9th. Its a close up of his face for about 2 minutes while he laughs like a sick escaped mental patient before the end when he winks. How can this guy complain about anything at this point? WTF did he think was gonna happen when he posts videos on youtube taunting Maura's family? The guy puts himself in the middle of this whole thing, posting sick, disturbed videos taunting MM's family and then he's gonna complain when people are pissed off? I'm begining to think thats why he posted them, so he could complain about people talking shit about him. I do agree that his real name should have never been outed. He clearly is sick mentally and in need of help. But he is trying to get this kind of attention. I shouldn't have made that post about him or at least I shouldn't have used such strong language. I clearly wasn't threatening him, I was saying what he deserves, kind of like when someone says a murderer deserves the death penalty, but I still shouldn't have said it. I certainly wouldn't want some sick person to misinterpret my words to mean they should go get him or something. But clearly that post I made was exactly what he wanted. He has some weird delusional fantasy about some sort of western mass vigilante group that he claims exists, but clearly doesn't. He used posts by 2 people who don't live in w mass and have never even spoke outside of this very thread as "proof" that this vigilante group exists, saying those posts were the work of said vigilante group. Thats completely insane, we've never spoken to each other and one of us lives in w mass part of the time. It's ridiculous. I bet he was actually pretty dissapointed when those posts were the best "proof" he could come up with. He clearly relishes in the bad attention, he's trying to taunt people into making threatening posts so he can then cry about them. He wants the attention and it's sick. It's completely disgusting that this guy would taunt the family of a missing girl to try to get attention for himself. He's actually brought it up a notch in the past week; clearly he wasn't getting enough attention anymore. He posted a video that had Renner's 4 year old son in it. It was a video threatening his 4 yr old son; thats completely sick. I think he did this was because he thought that there would be Renner supporters threatening him and he'd be able to use that to "prove" his delusion exists. How sick can this guy be? He also made a video that referenced me and the murder of a 17yr old boy from the 70's, well actually taunting the boy's family. The video had "DA JENK" written(reference to me) and then a drawing of a young boys head that looked like it was cut off and under it was written "to the sullivan family" or something to that effect. I looked up unsolved murders and sure enough there was a James Sullivan murdered in Gilmanton,nh in 1977. Is that not disgusting? Why did he choose that murder? Was he involved somehow? That murder is cold, so cold it didn't even get included on the cold case unit's list. SO why did he choose it? Was it random or is he the killer? In reality though everyone says that LE needs to go take a look at this guy and I sure hope they are, not only in relation to MM but to other murders as well. He is completely sick and fits the profile of someone who could potentially be a killer. How can you possibly defend this loser? Nobody should have said his name but it is not easy to find. I've looked several times and am unable to find it. I'm sure it's out there but I have no idea where it is. |
![]() Since: Apr 12
United States |
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 3 ![]() 2 He is clearly lying about what caused the vandalism in his back yard. His story has chanded too many times to be believable. Originally is was after the PI questioned him and then it changed to after he asked Umass cops about parking. He is trying to taunt people into threatening him. Any repercussions he gets are clearly his own fault. You can't make videos taunting a missing girls family, or a murdered boy's family and then complain when people are pissed at you. I wonder how you can possible defend this guy. He's worried about peole thinking he's a murderer?? Really? He looks like silence of the lambs in those videos. DOn't make videos that intentionally make you look like a seral killer and then complain when people think you are a murderer. This guy has no right to complain. And the fact that he posts under the name Phoebe Prince is absolutely sickening; did you see any of the things he said to try to get a rise out of me and threaten him? "wanna dance with the dead?" "you afraid of getting slime all over your tux?" all sorts of disgusting things. He was trying to get me pissed so I would say stupid things to him so he can try to get more "proof" this delusion of his actually exists. Phoebe Prince went through hell. There was an organizes effor that harrassed her day and night for months, online and at school. This group of kids were relentless in bullying her. Beagle has gotten nothing like this, nothing even close, not even the same ballpark, not even the same sport. A few people that don't know each other or him in person made a few stupid posts about him after he made videos tauntins maura's family, what is he gonna cry about it? DO you not see the difference here? Can you really not see how bid of a difference there really is? Are you him? Because i cant see anyone but him believing in his sick delusion. You suggest I put my name online. Well if I ever start making videos taunting the families of people who are victims of violent crimes than go ahead and put my name online, ill do it myself. I'm sure if I did that people would be threatening me too, that's what happens. Same thing as this other kid...If everyone in my town thinks I'm a murderer than put my name online. The only problem here is that nobody would ever think I'm a murderer, even if someone went missing near my house. I don't have a long history of violence against women that would make people think I might have killed someone. And some idiot stupidly posted his name a couple times but nobody even uses his name, the name of his company or anything like that. He is not just outed and talked about online by everyone. If someone really thinks about it or looks really hard I'm sure they can figure it out but thats a whole different thing than everyone using his name online all the time, isnt it? Do you understand the difference? You talk about these people like they are completely innocent, pillars of the community and the big mean internet posters are out to get them. Your whole premise is just off. Sorry bout the long post, thats something I agree with you on, my damn posts being too long. Problem is they have to be this long because it seems like whenever I just say something without backing it up people accuse me of making it up, like last week when I said that her car was taken as evidence 2 wks after the meeting with the FBI. FrmLE said I was just making it up. So then I had to go get the quote and show it to prove i'm never just making anything up. It's absolutely ridiculous to suggest i'm just making stuff up |
![]() Since: Jan 12
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Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 3 I suppose these rants are considered to be 'critical thinking' in the minds of some. Nearly hilarious, the author twists around like a fish, struggling first to affirm (in his own mind) a conclusion, only to back away and reverse his opinions a few rants later. He forces the hardline theorists in different camps to actually read the verbiage in order to press the judging icons with the same determination as the Staples' Easy Button. Voila! Done! VTY, I'm keeping it short and easy. |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Another blatant lie. Your entire post is #20604 that you posted on Sunday, May 14th, just a few pages back. Nowhere do you say "I've ever seen." I guess you figure nobody will actually go back and read your posting, so you can just lie. Nowhere did I say I was defending him. You've based the rest of this post on something I never said. You are simply deflecting the conversation again. This is just amazing. I would explain "guilty until proven innocent," but you wouldn't understand. You understand nothing of what I wrote in my first post. You will just continue to stay here and accuse multiple innocent people in a public forum of murdering Maura Murray without any facts. You apparently have no problem morally with what you are doing. If you're going to accuse somebody of something, you really should try to include facts. The name of the video you reference is "Dave Sullivan's Boy" - type that phrase into Google image search and you will see the drawing that was in the video. It was "Dave," not "James" and was referring to the MA District Attorney in Phoebe Prince's case who gave light sentences to the bullies in that case. The drawing is NOT of a young boy's head, it is a representation of your big mouth hopped up on Red Bull + texting bullying statements against Beagle to this forum. Once again, your entire supposition is wrong and you are stating it as fact. I will say that since the video was deleted, you don't have it to refer to in order to refresh your memory, but do take a look at the photo, which was the entire video, and rethink it. It was not a threat against you, it was an insult, two very different things. I have no time at present to address anything else you have written. |
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Does anyone think that perhaps when it was noted that Maura was so shook up, that a call was made to her desk? To find out more, speak with someone else, make sure her remaining shift was covered....you know, a follow up calla? Maura had her cell phone just sitting there. Kay made note of that "no no", but decided to overlook it. Kay went to police on Tuesday about something. Can Fred get records in Mass under the right to know law. Can't he go into one of those rooms that have computers, so he can look up her name and get file #'s from the attendants? That's how we do it here in MN. |
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Maybe I should have said "public" information.
note: Kay was agreeable when it came to meeting MR Renner. Maybe he could ask her what she called police about on Tuesday. Or maybe Fred can just call her, but someone should. |
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Åseda, Sweden |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I pretty much concur with your theory as for Mauraīs Saturn likely having been involved in the Petrit Vasi hit-and-run in Amherst. I have been thinking along these lines for quite some time now, and your theory is IMO the only one which broadly fits into the scheme of things. I, like you, believe that Mauraīs accident at the WB messed things up and prohibited the Saturn from being ditched somewhere deep in the White Mountains. I also believe that someone close to Maura was coming along in a separate vehicle in order to assist with the planned ditching of the incriminating Saturn. Whether Maura became a victim of foul play after her crash at the WB or whether she actually managed to somehow get herself a new identity of sorts is another matter altogether. Considering the fact that her father seems to be a griefstricken man it would seem that he likely doesnīt know where Maura is and that Maura likely either was a victim of foul play, committed suicide, perished as a result of hypothermia or was accidentally killed, perhaps as a victim of a hit-and-run incident somewhere along Rte 112. |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Judged: ![]() 1 Thanks for your interpretation of this. I heard what he said but didn't get a chance to look for myself but of course, it sounds horrific. I am still going to try to look to judge for myself, but at least what you wrote makes sense and isn't as horrific as he made it sound. Bill |
![]() Since: Nov 08
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Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 While I have a few seconds to write. I want to apologize to jwb for my comment. If I am to believe what he said, I was of course, unaware that his mom and dad had passed recently when I made the comment I made. There was obviously no malice intended (since I didn't know) but now knowing that his parents have passed. I am sorry for raising the issue. Bill |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Thanks Bill and no need to apologize- you didn't know. I am obviously still in pain and it comes out. I try to keep it to myself but it doesn't always stay there. I really appreciate your comments however. |
![]() Since: Apr 12
Judged: ![]() 4 ![]() 4 ![]() 4 You really got the hang of it quick, hub? Second post and you already know how to split up quotes like that? Come on.. Your post looks strikingly similar to frmLE's response style, I dont know of anyone else who splits up the quotes they're responding to, except frmLE. Due to the fact that he got proven an outright fraud last week I'm not surprised to see him take up a new moniker. I just can't believe this is your second post ever, no way. Second of all you most certainly did cut off the end of my sentence, why? Because it didn't fit in with your BS premise? That was not the end of my sentence and you know it, be honest here. I notice how now that post has "coincidentally" been removed. What did you do have it flagged for removal because I swore in it? It's funny bc I get worked up when talking about these scumbags, & often will end up using strong language. But none of my other posts ever get removed. This is the second one ever, is it a councidence? Why that post? Was it because everyone could've went back and saw u are clearly manipulating what I said? is it that anybody wouldve been able to go back and see that I did right "that I have ever seen" at the end of the sentence. If I disnt write that then why disnt you just post the sentence in it's entirety? Was that because then it didnt fit in with what you were trying to say? I suggest that you are clearly the one being dishonest here, you cut off my sentence to make it say something I didtn and then when I call you on it you have the post removed. That's a pretty low move. Clearly if I was Lying you would've posted the entire sentence. That was not the end of the sentence and it's obvious. Pretty lane attempt to try to discredit me and it's obvious you were the on who had the posst removed. If any other of my posts were ever removed nc of bad language I'd say who knows, but considering the fact that it would have proved you wrong, its obvious what happened here. |
![]() Since: Apr 12
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Your saying you weren't defending this guy? Really? So WTH were you doing? What was the point of your post if you werent defending him? How were you not defending him? If you weren't then why don't you tell us WTH you were doing.. please enlighten us . Innocent until proven guilty? What see you even talking about? This is topix, not court. We don't put people in jail, sounds like someone's got delusions of topix grandeur. We are discussing a case and potential poi's; everyone here, at least in tenlast couple months, are very careful not to use the guys name, his companies name or anything like that.. Unless you really know this case, or read through hindreds of pages of this thread you can't find this guys name. Your making it out like was are saying John doe murdered Maura. Here's his name assess and phone number go get him. I've never heard anyone even say this guy is guilty. We are trying to decipher if it's possible, that is not a bad thing. You must really hate Nancy grace huh? The media talks about potential poi's all the time, we are just on some stupid little message board. Can you see the difference? I bet you'll pretend you don't but whatevs. I don't understand how innocent until proven guilty even comes into play here. We are not a court of law, we don't have any topix jailhouses either. So what does the fact someone should be innocent until proven guilty have anything to do with this conversation? Are you saying shows like Nancy grace Should be taken off the air because the people they talk about haven't been proven guilty? Nobody is saying anyone is guilty, far from it. We are always careful to not say that. We are asking questions to see if it's possible. So again, we might just as easily figure out that it's impossible. Would that not help the guy? We are not the media, this is a message board. Many of the locals up there already believe this guy did it, they believed that Long before topix was even around. We are discussing it because a lot of people already think this guy did it. There is nothing wrong with that. Obviously I see nothing morally wrong with that, quite the opposite actually. Knowing what we know I think it would be morally wrong to not have this conversation. We are helping keep the case alive, help keep it in the public eye. It's pretty obvious that if it wasn't for forums about mm this case would've been forgotten long ago. We are responsibly discussing potential poi's, the same way they do on tv except WAY more responsibly; we aren't using names or pictures or anything like they do in the media. How can you say that's morally wrong? What kind of morals do you subscribe to? The ones where we let the dissapearance of a young, innocent girl get forgotten because we are worried about a few violent women beaters having their "good names" ruined? If that's what you call morals then I don't even know what to say. Idk but it seems like some posters are way too worried about the reputation of women beaters than they are about an innocent young girl who likely got abducted. I'm not going to stop talking about this case, & certainly not because of those guys. The only reason we are talking about them is because their own friends family and neighbors already think they are responsible. If these are the people you choose to defend then you need to reevaluate your sense of right an wrong. & if your post wasn't defending these guys then you really didn't get your point across at all. I'm tired of people being more worried about liars, women beaters, criminals and grass being walked on than an innocent young girl who is missing. It's completely ridiculous, we are supposed to stop talking about it because of that guy?? Really? Wow Also this guy is violent, his wife had to move out of state becase she was afraid of him, that's pretty bad. |
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 I'm just now catching up and still reading from Sunday on.....but about this rag in the tailpipe thing. If the W-Mans made a big deal about the flurry of activity at the trunk..and the M-ottes made a big deal about the flurry of activity too, maybe CS got down to see if anything, namely drugs, had been put under the car or even in stuffed up in the tailpipe? Just a thought that I kind of doubt because he would need to take it out to know for certain. But hey, maybe he left that up to Mr Lavoie. CS says when they took the car away, he found the plastic coke bottle with the wine odor spilled around/under the car. Well, I'm sure he would have noticed that before the car was towed. The M-ottes also said they saw someone walking around the car. So here's what bugs me about this little fraction in time. Faith gets through and says she can see someone, a man in the car. Again, forget the cigarette, joint or cellphone gloW. They see a man. But alas, they stopped looking when the bus driver pulled up. Can't put much weight on that either because Faith was truely concerned for Maura, that she had just seen her 1-2 minutes before police came. See how the stories vary? Oh well, just felt the need to say something about the rag, and guess as to why CS would take a look and hunker down some while looking outside of the car. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 CS talked to the Ws and SBD that night. He went to the Ws house and asked if they had seen the girl with the rag in tail pipe. And at one point went to SBDs bus and talked with him. He did not talk to the Ms. The rag was discovered before CS even talked to the Ws and SBD so it would have nothing to do with what they had said because it was found before CS had even talked with them. |
“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle” Since: Feb 12
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Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 wouldn't they have to know, or even believe that Maura was heading east? All of the damages, sheered off snowbank, her car was too far east for her to be heading Westerly when this accident happened. I understand it was too late in the night to be doing any extensive search. But I agree with everyone that thinks they,(the police), should have called ahead to the neighboring towns for a BOL. But what if she WAS heading West after having been somewhere east and was expected to be passing by the stagestop at most any time?, Maybe a commonground meeting place, the laundomat below? who knows.... |
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Topic | Updated | Last By | Comments |
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