Since: Feb 12
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Ridiculous wrote: <quoted text> I certainly did not intend to scare anyone. was just curious if it was this Lighthouse that passed me. I guess I'm naive. I posted here a couple of wees ago with a pretty strong opinion on how this forum looks to an outsider and got some strong reactions concerning my opinions and there was talk about being "outed" then. My first reaction concerning this comment Wowser was to write my name and address and plate number, but then, I do have children and if there is any potential threat, I don't have the right to do so. I ask this question sincerely; What is the safety issue here? Are people concerned about the potential killer or are they concerned that fellow posters would do them harm? I think moving forward everyone should make a classy agreement not to engage any poster who tries to reveal another's identity. We wont have this nonsense. Ridiculous I'm willing to give you a pass but if you or anyone else tries or hints to another persons identity or location I won't engage them in conversation. If everyone adhered to this rule then people wouldn't even waste their time posting about others locations.
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> My point was:NO ONE on earth has been cleared.Ever.By LE...unless I missed the memo..As I've said before Ted Bundy&Jeffrey Dahmer seemed like swell townies too..IMHO everyones a suspect until proven otherwise..Including people right here on this board.. The thing is, NO ONE on earth have ever presented evidence of a crime being committed, so at this point there is nothing to clear anybody of. Murder/abduction is just another possibility, just like runaway, suicide or accidental death. I think it should be considered like any other possibility, but by no means presumed.
Dracut, MA
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> The thing is, NO ONE on earth have ever presented evidence of a crime being committed, so at this point there is nothing to clear anybody of. Murder/abduction is just another possibility, just like runaway, suicide or accidental death. I think it should be considered like any other possibility, but by no means presumed. Very well said Hanna b.
Crab Orchard, KY
Everyone should check out John Healy on blog radio.
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> The thing is, NO ONE on earth have ever presented evidence of a crime being committed, so at this point there is nothing to clear anybody of. Murder/abduction is just another possibility, just like runaway, suicide or accidental death. I think it should be considered like any other possibility, but by no means presumed. I agree completly...NOTHING can be ruled out..Its all opinion&speculation.
Since: Mar 12
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Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> I think moving forward everyone should make a classy agreement not to engage any poster who tries to reveal another's identity. We wont have this nonsense. Ridiculous I'm willing to give you a pass but if you or anyone else tries or hints to another persons identity or location I won't engage them in conversation. If everyone adhered to this rule then people wouldn't even waste their time posting about others locations. I think "classy agreement" is an oxymoron on this forum,LOL..
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Has anyone noted anything of interest in Renners new documents area?
Manchester, NH
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> I think moving forward everyone should make a classy agreement not to engage any poster who tries to reveal another's identity. We wont have this nonsense. Ridiculous I'm willing to give you a pass but if you or anyone else tries or hints to another persons identity or location I won't engage them in conversation. If everyone adhered to this rule then people wouldn't even waste their time posting about others locations. I do apologize for my blunder. I appreciate the pass and I certainly will honor the agreement. I've only recently become interested in this case and I'm amazed at how intensely it is debated here. I've read Renner's blog and although I respect the time he has put in I question his motives and methods. When I first started reading this case, it was, to me an obvious case of abduction and statistics back up this point.The world is full of sociopaths that may never cause real harm unless presented with the perfect opportunity. Now, after learning more and reading here, I'm not sure. The fact that Maura was clearly under duress, all of the alcohol she had with her and the fact that there was some spilled at the accident scene makes me believe she was drinking and didn't want to get a DUI. I believe there is a good chance that she went into the woods somewhere and died from exposure to the elements. I wonder what kind of alcohol her track coach prefered. if he was a drinker? Seems like not alot of attention has been paid to the fact that she was seeing him and her boyfriend at the same time? I would think that being engaged to one man while dating another would cause some real inner turmoil and there would have to be a breaking point at some time. To me, the phone call she got that caused her so much anguish was the catalyst for this entire situation and I'd bet it had something to do with the situation with these two men. Did her coach start dating someone else preceding this situation?
Manchester, NH
On James Renner, James is certainly controversial. What are peoples opinions of him here, now? I've read his finding Amy's killer blog and his Lisa Pruitt blog. I think it's good that he has pushed to have the Lisa Pruitt murder reopened, however, I do question his motives. Seems that for every case he is involved in, he is writing a book. I do realize that it takes money to pursue these cases, however, it seems like the chicken and egg debate to me. His amy blog reads like a Witch hunt. He has all but crucified Dean Runkle through out and then abandoned him when new suspects show up only to put him on the cross again when those suspects don't pan out. He throws names around and like mad and there have been no convictions. There are people on his blog that just seem like sheep to me.I feel like he has become something of a politician in his pursuit. The original effort is altruistic, but leading sheep has gone to his head. This is the opinion I have formed in my limited reading. I realize many of you have been reading his blogs for years and certainly are more knowledgeable or have formed opinions based on more research. Opinions ?
Milford, NH
Ridiculous wrote: On James Renner, James is certainly controversial. What are peoples opinions of him here, now? I've read his finding Amy's killer blog and his Lisa Pruitt blog. I think it's good that he has pushed to have the Lisa Pruitt murder reopened, however, I do question his motives. Seems that for every case he is involved in, he is writing a book. I do realize that it takes money to pursue these cases, however, it seems like the chicken and egg debate to me. His amy blog reads like a Witch hunt. He has all but crucified Dean Runkle through out and then abandoned him when new suspects show up only to put him on the cross again when those suspects don't pan out. He throws names around and like mad and there have been no convictions. There are people on his blog that just seem like sheep to me.I feel like he has become something of a politician in his pursuit. The original effort is altruistic, but leading sheep has gone to his head. This is the opinion I have formed in my limited reading. I realize many of you have been reading his blogs for years and certainly are more knowledgeable or have formed opinions based on more research. Opinions ? I agree with your assessment. In my opinion, Renner is no better than posters on Topix - he throws out names and personal info (like not redacting personal info on those documents he just posted) and throws out theories with no real thought to them, just to see what might stick. He has no regard for damage he may be doing to other people. One of the most disturbing things he has done was, upon hearing of the murder of Melissa Jenkins, he immediately threw out Beagle as a possible suspect simply because he had been posting on the Barnet, VT Topix board. No matter that Beagle posts on multiple state's boards on this forum. No matter that he had provided much personal information about Beagle so that his followers could easily locate him. Renner took that info, posted a photo of Beagle and tried to connect him with the disappearance and said "Is this another strange coincidence? Or was Beagle familiar with the location where Jenkins' body was found?" Renner very obviously has it in for Fred Murray, and I am certain that a great deal of his book will focus a lot on him. As to the alcohol, I am always surprised that people think that those bottles mean she was meeting somebody. I am single, live alone, and when I want to make a black Russian, I have to buy Kahlua and Vodka. I buy large bottles because they are usually cheaper, and they last forever. I also buy a large bottle of Bailey's at Christmas. So I don't think in any way that having those bottles of booze indicated that she was meeting somebody. I also don't believe that she was going to lug them up a mountain in order to mix a few drinks in order to kill herself - I think that is just silly. I really don't understand why people find it so hard to believe that she died from hypothermia, it happens all the time. It doesn't have to be freezing, people have died from hypothermia in temps from 30 to 50 degrees. If Maura wasn't properly dressed, and was really running east on the highway, she could have started to succumb to the cold quickly, especially since she would have been sweating. Confusion is one of the first signs, and she could have simply wandered off the road into a place in the woods most people wouldn't try to enter, far enough along the road that nobody searched. It is just as strong a possibility as any other theories floated out there.
Schenectady, NY
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I agree with your assessment. In my opinion, Renner is no better than posters on Topix - he throws out names and personal info (like not redacting personal info on those documents he just posted) and throws out theories with no real thought to them, just to see what might stick. He has no regard for damage he may be doing to other people. One of the most disturbing things he has done was, upon hearing of the murder of Melissa Jenkins, he immediately threw out Beagle as a possible suspect simply because he had been posting on the Barnet, VT Topix board. No matter that Beagle posts on multiple state's boards on this forum. No matter that he had provided much personal information about Beagle so that his followers could easily locate him. Renner took that info, posted a photo of Beagle and tried to connect him with the disappearance and said "Is this another strange coincidence? Or was Beagle familiar with the location where Jenkins' body was found?" Renner very obviously has it in for Fred Murray, and I am certain that a great deal of his book will focus a lot on him. As to the alcohol, I am always surprised that people think that those bottles mean she was meeting somebody. I am single, live alone, and when I want to make a black Russian, I have to buy Kahlua and Vodka. I buy large bottles because they are usually cheaper, and they last forever. I also buy a large bottle of Bailey's at Christmas. So I don't think in any way that having those bottles of booze indicated that she was meeting somebody. I also don't believe that she was going to lug them up a mountain in order to mix a few drinks in order to kill herself - I think that is just silly. I really don't understand why people find it so hard to believe that she died from hypothermia, it happens all the time. It doesn't have to be freezing, people have died from hypothermia in temps from 30 to 50 degrees. If Maura wasn't properly dressed, and was really running east on the highway, she could have started to succumb to the cold quickly, especially since she would have been sweating. Confusion is one of the first signs, and she could have simply wandered off the road into a place in the woods most people wouldn't try to enter, far enough along the road that nobody searched. It is just as strong a possibility as any other theories floated out there. Everyone doesn't have a hard time believing she died from hypothermia.
Crab Orchard, KY
I'm almost positive James Renner doesn't care what a handful of cranky "haters" think about his methods. Know this: LE respects him. He has an uncanny knack for sifting through bullshit (topix). He's in 5th gear, some of you are stuck in neutral. If he focuses on Fred, then LE tipped him that way. Good grief, LE all but knows the fate of MM. They just need more evidence...and calling his posters "sheep" is an insult used by the scorned. Get a clue.
Manchester, NH
Stud wrote: I'm almost positive James Renner doesn't care what a handful of cranky "haters" think about his methods. Know this: LE respects him. He has an uncanny knack for sifting through bullshit (topix). He's in 5th gear, some of you are stuck in neutral. If he focuses on Fred, then LE tipped him that way. Good grief, LE all but knows the fate of MM. They just need more evidence...and calling his posters "sheep" is an insult used by the scorned. Get a clue. I'm not a hater and I'm certainly not "scorned. Just a guy from NH studying a mystery in my state. I think it's a terrible heart break for any family to go through, regardless of the facts. There are plenty of innocent family members and loved ones who have not had closure for so long. I asked about Renner because I was curious, so thanks for your input. I would say that if you read his finding Amy's killer blog and do a little research, you will see that LE in that case does not appreciate his involvement at all and have stated that he has mis-stated facts. I do appreciate the fact that at the least he has focused attention on these cases, however, if I was one of the innocent people he keeps throwing in the spotlight for public scrutiny and harassment I definately would be a scorned hater. As far as posters being sheep goes; It's inevitable that a good percentage of his posters will be members of the wooly clan, not an insult, just a statement of fact.
Since: Nov 08
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Stud wrote: I'm almost positive James Renner doesn't care what a handful of cranky "haters" think about his methods. Know this: LE respects him. He has an uncanny knack for sifting through bullshit (topix). He's in 5th gear, some of you are stuck in neutral. If he focuses on Fred, then LE tipped him that way. Good grief, LE all but knows the fate of MM. They just need more evidence...and calling his posters "sheep" is an insult used by the scorned. Get a clue. If everyone "knows" about the fate of Maura. If LE "knows" that Fred did it. If Renner "knows" that Fred did it, why the farce? Why the charade of putting other names of people that have nothing to do with this "crime" out there? Why not show the evidence of Fred's guilt? I would really like to hear his scenario of how he thinks this was done? And no, I don't care enough to buy his book to hear him lay this fantasy out. Then, for fun, a little bit of evidence backing this up would be nice. I don't suppose that the cops have actually checked Fred's alibi. Thank god Renner is on the case. And be aware, that I personally don't care what Renner thinks about what goes on, on this forum. If I had any respect for what he was doing I would be over on his forum. I'm not for a reason. I will admit that you are quite the little cheerleader for him though. I think your worship is misguided but everyone is allowed to worship whoever or whatever they want in this country. Bill
Since: Feb 12
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Stud wrote: I'm almost positive James Renner doesn't care what a handful of cranky "haters" think about his methods. Know this: LE respects him. He has an uncanny knack for sifting through bullshit (topix). He's in 5th gear, some of you are stuck in neutral. If he focuses on Fred, then LE tipped him that way. Good grief, LE all but knows the fate of MM. They just need more evidence...and calling his posters "sheep" is an insult used by the scorned. Get a clue. When if comes to this case: I'm def stuck in neutral and can't find the clutch. I'm not afraid to admit that.
Hebron, CT
What bugs me when I think about Maura's case, is why Scarinza clearly misleads Renner into publicizing that Fred failed to interact with LE for two years. As WTH would say, that's pure BS. See document number 18, section 31, which states on or about Feb. 24th 2005, Fred met with the respective agencies regarding his request of information from them ( his right under the FOI Act.) At which time respective agencies agreed to improve their communication with him.
Since: Feb 12
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mcsmom wrote: What bugs me when I think about Maura's case, is why Scarinza clearly misleads Renner into publicizing that Fred failed to interact with LE for two years. As WTH would say, that's pure BS. See document number 18, section 31, which states on or about Feb. 24th 2005, Fred met with the respective agencies regarding his request of information from them ( his right under the FOI Act.) At which time respective agencies agreed to improve their communication with him. In my non professional opinion Sitting down and "speaking" is different than sitting down and being interrogated. Yes he could have sat down with LE and talked about the search, where they looked and if anything new developed. The fact that he brought lawyers two years later shows the readers that this time there will be questions directed at him.
Since: Nov 08
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mcsmom wrote: What bugs me when I think about Maura's case, is why Scarinza clearly misleads Renner into publicizing that Fred failed to interact with LE for two years. As WTH would say, that's pure BS. See document number 18, section 31, which states on or about Feb. 24th 2005, Fred met with the respective agencies regarding his request of information from them ( his right under the FOI Act.) At which time respective agencies agreed to improve their communication with him. I don't know that means that information was traveling both ways. It could be interpreted as meaning the the agencies were going to transfer information they find to Fred. Not necessarily the other way around. I believe that this refers to what Fred wanted, not the police. Just my interpretation. Bill
Hebron, CT
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> In my non professional opinion Sitting down and "speaking" is different than sitting down and being interrogated. Yes he could have sat down with LE and talked about the search, where they looked and if anything new developed. The fact that he brought lawyers two years later shows the readers that this time there will be questions directed at him. I see it differently than you do. I'd bring a slew of lawyers with me too if I thought LE had made the switcheroo from missing person case to a criminal investigation case for the sole purpose of keeping information from me. Fred wanted more information from the git go. He was just a "pia" to them at that point. No big deal, he even met with Ayotte. What seems to be a turning point (to me) is the July 12, 2004 letter to UMASS police from Fred requesting data from Maura's computer hard drive.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> I see it differently than you do. I'd bring a slew of lawyers with me too if I thought LE had made the switcheroo from missing person case to a criminal investigation case for the sole purpose of keeping information from me. Fred wanted more information from the git go. He was just a "pia" to them at that point. No big deal, he even met with Ayotte. What seems to be a turning point (to me) is the July 12, 2004 letter to UMASS police from Fred requesting data from Maura's computer hard drive. Can you please explain to me how mentioning to LE that your daughter did a squawalk, or signing over the vehicle out of your possesion actions that FM wanted more information from the git go? One would assume that these actions would show that he too was originally under the agreement of some of us in the forum of run away and became victim of elements. Regardless of a "switcharoo" a "buckaroo" or "Captain Kangaroo" Would a "slew" of lawyers be needed if your alibi was rock hard and you were in another state? Perhaps Renner was right that the questioning was of the past, and the hotel incident might have warranted legal representation. Yes we see things differently, and our opinions are very far apart.