Maura Murray

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Aug 12, 2012





Regarding the upsetting phone call and Maura reportedly saying "My sister, my sister" when asked what was the matter: either she found out something about her sister or her sister said something that upset her. I´m inclined to believe the former. I don´t believe her sister would have kept something rather trivial (at least compared to a sister diappearing) like X cheated on Y with Z from LE, and apparently they still don´t know what it was that upset her.

I believe Renner´s interview with the supervisor had some stuff that was contradicting some of KM´s postings regarding the timeline.

Swansea, MA

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findmaura wrote:
"The w-mans did say that they had just seen Maura at her car 1-2 minutes before police came."
My question:Did the W-mans see Which LE car arrived first?
Someone driving by saw HPD car #1 at the scene.Did the W-mans see car#1 at the scene?
The W=mans had said that they had seen someone at the vehicle several minutes before LE had arrived. In the police log FW said "UNK IF PI, BUT CAN SEE A MAN IN VEH SMOKING A CIGARRETE" The only one that had a close view of the driver was SBD because he stopped and talked with the driver. This is why he was shown a photo of Maura to help identify her as the female he had seen in the vehicle. This was a day or two after the accident that SBD was shown a photo. CS went to the W's house that night to see if the girl had gone to there house. At that point CS didnt even know who the female driver was. How is it that the W's knew it was Maura driving on that night before CS knew?

Since: Jul 11

Collinsville, IL

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hannah_b wrote:
Regarding the upsetting phone call and Maura reportedly saying "My sister, my sister" when asked what was the matter: either she found out something about her sister or her sister said something that upset her. I´m inclined to believe the former. I don´t believe her sister would have kept something rather trivial (at least compared to a sister diappearing) like X cheated on Y with Z from LE, and apparently they still don´t know what it was that upset her.
I believe Renner´s interview with the supervisor had some stuff that was contradicting some of KM´s postings regarding the timeline.
I believe it is also just as possible that maura didn't want to get into what was really bothering her with her supervisor and just said the first thing that came to her mind, to get the supervisor to quit asking questions.

If the supervisor isn't embelishing on the state maura was in, then it would have to be pretty serious. even finding out someone cheated on you for instance wouldn't warrant the kind of reaction that maura had. She was almost zombie-like. You get in that state if you just hear about a loved one dying unexpectedly or if you have hit someone and left them for dead per se in a hit and run. Not over a relationship issue.

Swansea, MA

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Aug 12, 2012





Orko Kringer wrote:
<quoted text>
here is one of the dorm supervisor's posts
Kmayotte posted:
"I first wanted to thank Sharon for responding to Pike's comments regarding the supervisor who spoke to Maura the last night of work. I am the supervisor, as well as Maura's good friend, and that night will not leave my mind. Please do not assume that I did not help Maura, because reading the recent post was upsetting. I love Maura, and I did everything in my power to help her. I held her as she was crying, I walked her back to her room, I gave her my cell phone so I could bring her to Dunkin Donuts in the morning. Previous to that I had begged to bring her to a campus counselor, or just out to Dunkins that night when she got out of shift. She told me that she was okay, and that she would be going home to a roommate (which I never realized beforehand that she had a single room). After Maura headed up to her room I did call my boss, telling him of the situation and that I did not like leaving her in such a condition. I was unable to go up to her dorm room because my walkie talkie gear would of not gotten a signal in the tower that she lives in.
Pike also wondered why I did not call her parents...I do not have access to her personal information, and I was only friends with her on a work-related atmosphere. The next morning I woke up ready to take Maura to Dunkins, however I could not get in contact with her and I had a five year old son at home with a flu.
I hope this post allows people to realize I did the most I could for my friend. I love Maura, and it is relieving to read up on all the posts of caring friends and family."
Just a couple of notes:
Several points she mentions she is maura's good friend, yet in other instances including her interview with James Renner, she comes off as basically just knowing maura through being her supervisor.
When she says she gave maura her cell phone (she is meaning cell phone number, so don't get confused).
If you read this and no nothing more about that night, you get the impression that the supervisor had to basically carry maura across campus to her dorm in this big dramatic scene. Yet in reality, Maura's dorm entrance is less than 50-yards away from the dorm entrance maura worked security.(it is literally next door).
Other facts: Supervisor did think maura was in such a state that she should go directly to the hospital and seek counseling that same night.
Supervisor was lied too by maura.
Supervisor wanted to walk maura up to her room, maura assured her she would be alright because she had a roommate that could be with her ... when in reality maura lived by herself.
Orko what forum was this posted on? Thank you.

“snapshots, you/by ur vehicle”

Since: Feb 12

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Aug 12, 2012





findmaura wrote:
"The w-mans did say that they had just seen Maura at her car 1-2 minutes before police came."
My question:Did the W-mans see Which LE car arrived first?
Someone driving by saw HPD car #1 at the scene.Did the W-mans see car#1 at the scene?
No, to my knowledge they never brought up any other police unit. Some one else seems to claim that.
But it's clear that Officer Monahan did drive up at some point and helped look for Maura. He didn't have to be there, and the only search they could do at night was over.

Since: Jul 11

Collinsville, IL

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citigirl wrote:
<quoted text>Orko what forum was this posted on? Thank you.
I don't think the forum exists anymore but I believe it was called findmauramurray 21 or something like that.

Since: Mar 12

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citigirl wrote:
<quoted text>The W=mans had said that they had seen someone at the vehicle several minutes before LE had arrived. In the police log FW said "UNK IF PI, BUT CAN SEE A MAN IN VEH SMOKING A CIGARRETE" The only one that had a close view of the driver was SBD because he stopped and talked with the driver. This is why he was shown a photo of Maura to help identify her as the female he had seen in the vehicle. This was a day or two after the accident that SBD was shown a photo. CS went to the W's house that night to see if the girl had gone to there house. At that point CS didnt even know who the female driver was. How is it that the W's knew it was Maura driving on that night before CS knew?
So I wonder if the W=mans saw JUST CS arrival in the very beginning that night.Could they have stepped away from the window at any time and missed LE Car #1 nose to nose with Mauras car ..And were the W=mans only speculating it was a girl,or were they somehow certain&how?IMHO there was a lot going on in a very short timeframe&the W=mans either missed something or have kept their mouths shut just as I believe SBD did..

Since: Mar 12

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Just me--paris wrote:
<quoted text>No, to my knowledge they never brought up any other police unit. Some one else seems to claim that.
But it's clear that Officer Monahan did drive up at some point and helped look for Maura. He didn't have to be there, and the only search they could do at night was over.
Have they specifically said CS was the very first person they saw?Has anyone ever asked them what order they saw the responders arrive?

Since: Jul 11

East Saint Louis, IL

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Aug 12, 2012





findmaura wrote:
<quoted text>
Have they specifically said CS was the very first person they saw?Has anyone ever asked them what order they saw the responders arrive?
here you go findmaura.

This is once again from an old message board (I believe findmaura murray 21)

I don't claim this to be 100 percent factual, but (while kind of jarbled) I have found no real reason to discredit this info. I did some minor spelling/grammer and edits to it.

reposted by Dawn:
White Wash wrote:
In January 07 I was lucky enough to speak
with the Westman I had planned on doing a recap in 07 but was unable to recap any unknown.

1. Westmans are working in their home office (out of their house).
2. They hear a thump, Faith goes to the kitchen
looks out the window and sees a dark car off the road.
3. She called 911.
*FW calls 911 at 1927 according to the Grafton County Sherriff logs
*states car ended up in the ditch in the Westbound lane, heading eastbound, as per RM 911 operator Grafton County Sherriff logs.
4. The car remains dark.
5. Atwood arrives with 1-2 min per Faith.
SBD opens his bus door and speaks to the driver who is out now
Talking to him over the roof of the car.
Faith makes a point she doesn't know if it's Butch or Barbara's Bus.(school bus driver and wife each drove busses).
*all the interviews with FW reported in the media and by interviews with people assisting the family, state the SBD came along 5 minutes after the accident
*media reports SBD as stating that he shone the flashlight in the car window and I could just about see her from the lips up, the airbag deployed
*SBD states the car was pushed up against the snowbank, and she squeezed out the door the drivers door, Sharon (maura's boyfriend's mom) states that the impression was visible in the snowbank that was up to the mail boxes, at least two feet when she visited the accident site on Thursday, there were no footprints to be seen?! Accident report shows no footprints
*SBD asks if she wants to call the police, tow truck, Maura says NO, Don't call the police,
and that she has called AAA. SBD asks if Maura wants to go to his house and wait, Maura says NO.
*FW says here she does not know if it was the small bus or the large bus? re SBD or B bus? There is quite a difference in the sizes of the bus, or were they both large buses?
*SBD reports he did not get off the bus, other media reports have him saying that he checked out the damage to the car, it was inoperable because the radiator was pushed up against the fan. He could not have walked around the car, because there were no footprints noted by Sharon in the snow, so he must have walked from front to back on passengers side. If Maura was talking to him over the hood, then she was standing in a snow bank, no footprints noted, by Sharon, or accident report.

Since: Jul 11

East Saint Louis, IL

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here is the part 2

7. Atwood is there 1-2 mines tops Faith says.
*all media reports says FW stated the SBD says he was there 5 minutes, SBD states he was there 5 minutes
8. Faith sees the driver put on the flashers.
*media reports, says Faith states the flashers were on, SBD states they were off and he tells her to put them on
9. Driver goes to the trunk then back to car lights going on and off and
She see a red dot on the passengers side.
*JM reports that the trunk lights went off and on as well
*FW reports to 911 as per Grafton County Sherriff logs, that there was a man driving the car and was sitting smoking a cigarette, see Grafton County Sherriff logs. Noting whatsoever about a red dot in the car, check logs.
10. Faith goes back to the front room to help Tim on the computer.
*FW states in the media, that after the SBD came along she no longer watched the accident scene
11. Still on the phone with 911.
12. Hears a car goes back to the kitchen window.
13. See Smith nose to nose hangs up with 911.
*FW called 911 at 1927 per Grafton County Sherriff logs, and per the same, and accident report, Sgt. Smith arrives at the accident scene
at 1946

Since: Jul 11

East Saint Louis, IL

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Aug 12, 2012





and Part 3

*FW by this account was on the phone with RM (911 dispatcher) for 19 minutes, reporting what? Or Sgt. Smith came along much sooner than indicated in his report? RM was talking to others, so how could FW still be on the phone, and what would there be to say in 19 minutes, since she no longer watched the accident scene after the SBD came along, this timing seems inacurate?
14.Both Westmans claim zero cars came through in that amount of time.
*JM (neighbor closet to the wreck, same side of road maura's car ended up on) also reports no cars came along
*We can assume then that Trooper M who was off duty had not yet come along?
15. Goes back to the Tim in the front room who is still working.
16. Smith shows up and wants to know if the driver is there.
*Sgt. S allegedly came to the door and enquired where the steak had gone, per Jane poster who spoke to FW?
17.There is no one at the car. Faith looks out the window and the car is dark.
18. Cecil leaves and goes to Atwoods and he drove down.
*reports that the steak is gone, no mention made of man seeing smoking a cigarette as reported by FW, not that the SBD mentions to the media.
19. Cecil returns to the car.
20. That is when fire/rescue showed the staged at Old Peter's Road.
*when did Sgt. C and Trooper M come along
21.. Tim Westman goes out then to help. He checks his barn and with FD the
Parking lot and around their house.
22. The game trail is checked.
23. Old Peter's Road is check as well as up and down both sides of the road.
*SBD leaves and goes to SSS, does not go in, gone about 15 minutes, then heads towards French Pond, gone about 15 minutes
*Sgt. Smith also heads westerly to look for steak,neither search in Easterly direction,
unknown when this happened
24. Westmans claim crews where there a long time.
*see Grafton County Sherriff logs for arrival and departure times of EMS, fire, no times given for arrival of Sgt. C, Trooper M off duty, and times Sgt. Smith left to search for Maura or when he returned, no mention
25. Odd all this activity and TM never comes out?
Allegedly he wasn't home
*JM gives a detailed report to the media, and family and friends who interviewed him, as well as to the private detectives of what he saw that night, he was home
*JM also states that he saw the SBD back up his bus in the driveway all the way to his house, and stayed on the bus a long time. SBD says he went directly into his house and told his girlF and mother about the accident.
*JM also states that the saturn backed up and parked parellel to the road.(does he mean from the westbound lane into the eastbound lane
*Smith's report give no indication car was in Westbound ditch, no mention in report of car backing up, no mention of speaking to JM
*SBD called 911 at 1943, and allegedly circuits were busy, reached Hanover,(don't know if steak F called or he did, as logs are being witheld from Hanover) Hanover calls back at 1943 and steak F reports, SBD saw accident and does know where the steak is, SBD says he went to his bus to do paperwork
26. The Westmans claim the road that night was a dry.
*as per accident report, same
27. Tim Westman comments several times he is baffled she made around the
corner then crashed just doesn't happen that way.
*it is indeed baffling, also no mention of hitting trees, as per Sgt. Smith's report
28. Believes she did try to start the car and it wouldn't which indicates
that air bag did go off and she couldn't restart the car.
*airbags deployed turn off car, and will not start for specific length of time programmed into car (fire prevention feature in Saturn), however car did start as per Sharon, on Thrusday or Friday morning by Billy and Fred
29. They saw no skid marks.
*accident report indicates no skid marks
30. NHSP have been out there cadaver dogs.
*dogs not brought to seen until 2 days later, lost scent between JM's and Bradley Hill Road.
31. HPD set up a road block the next Tuesday night for 2

West Haven, CT

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Aug 13, 2012





Hi dll and all.As far as i know Maribeth Conway has never had a call returned from Mr.Murray.Helena said something like he did not want people coming up to him on a day to day basis.How many times has helped been turned away and why.Maribeth article is epilogue 2nd chapter.There was a driver with an out of state license, i think maybe from Arizona that Sgt.Smith pulled over prior to the saturn incident.Anyone remember that it is in the log which i cannot get to and last week something about a car from texas at Agway.take care philip

Hingham, MA

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Aug 13, 2012





whiston wrote:
Hi dll and all.As far as i know Maribeth Conway has never had a call returned from Mr.Murray.
"Fred must have heard about my trips up north - my meetings with Helena Murray and Maura's mom and sister - because four months after I began digging up information on Maura's case, Fred called. He wasted no time and got straight to the point. He was heading up to New Hampshire and I was welcome to join him.

I met Fred at the Wells River Motel in the town of Wells River, Vermont, just over the New Hampshire border. The Wells River Motel is the same motel Fred stayed at during the first search for Maura. Where do you begin when interviewing someone who spends much of his free time looking for his daughter's killer? I didn't need to know where to begin. Fred dove right in; he explained what he was doing that weekend in New Hampshire, what he had done his last trip and what the future would bring. He talked about the ongoing court case and liberally shared his criticism and mistrust of N.H. law enforcement."

West Haven, CT

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hi all, i am wrong it seems Mr.MrMurray did return a call to Maribeth Conaway 4 months later after she started to speak with family memebers.I still just dont' get why any family of any missisng person would not accept free publicity.Take care keep digging philip

Litchfield, NH

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Aug 13, 2012




Lady Gray wrote:
<quoted text>
Orko, Orko, Orko...just WHO are you really? You had saved these postings also? So, will you please tell me the new info that Renner gleaned from his interview with the supervisor? I don't have time to go back and read....
And, was it Amy who apologized if she offended me? No, I can't say it was......I'm referring to a compilation that have accrued over the years.
I was just searching for info about this and found Renner's post about his interview with the supervisor:

Since: Feb 12

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Aug 13, 2012





Orko Kringer wrote:
<quoted text>
I believe it is also just as possible that maura didn't want to get into what was really bothering her with her supervisor and just said the first thing that came to her mind, to get the supervisor to quit asking questions.
If the supervisor isn't embelishing on the state maura was in, then it would have to be pretty serious. even finding out someone cheated on you for instance wouldn't warrant the kind of reaction that maura had. She was almost zombie-like. You get in that state if you just hear about a loved one dying unexpectedly or if you have hit someone and left them for dead per se in a hit and run. Not over a relationship issue.
Orko - your looking at the hit and run as if someone called her and she did it over the telephone. If she hit someone and drove away she would have been emotionally destroyed the second the accident took place. Why would she need a telephone call for someone to explain to her that she hit someone with her car and they are in serious condition? Usually if someone is hit with a car you would assume that they are in bad shape a phone call isn't needed.

If you think that she ran away because of the hit and run she would need help. Meaning she would have to tell her father. I'm not sure if he would trust her with his brand new car after a hit and run. I don't even think she would want to drive after hitting someone with a car.
Thats my opinion and I just don't see it as possible.

Since: Jul 11

United States

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Aug 13, 2012





Lighthouse 101 wrote:
<quoted text>
Orko - your looking at the hit and run as if someone called her and she did it over the telephone. If she hit someone and drove away she would have been emotionally destroyed the second the accident took place. Why would she need a telephone call for someone to explain to her that she hit someone with her car and they are in serious condition? Usually if someone is hit with a car you would assume that they are in bad shape a phone call isn't needed.
If you think that she ran away because of the hit and run she would need help. Meaning she would have to tell her father. I'm not sure if he would trust her with his brand new car after a hit and run. I don't even think she would want to drive after hitting someone with a car.
Thats my opinion and I just don't see it as possible.
There is no proof at all that a phone call is what upset Maura.

Her supervisor found her at approx 1:15 a.m., Maura was not on a phone at the time the supervisor found her.

PV was found lying in the road, the victim of a hit and run (on the next street over and less than a mile away from where maura was working) at 12:20 a.m.

maura's phone call to her sister took place from 10:10 p.m. to 10:38 p.m.(and is likely irrelevant to anything).

Maura did talk for seven minutes to her boyfriend at 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m. She could've very well been in her car for this conversation, taking a small break and heading for some coffee or the like.
Bumping for Maura

Uppsala, Sweden

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Aug 13, 2012




Lighthouse 101 wrote:
<quoted text>
Orko - your looking at the hit and run as if someone called her and she did it over the telephone. If she hit someone and drove away she would have been emotionally destroyed the second the accident took place. Why would she need a telephone call for someone to explain to her that she hit someone with her car and they are in serious condition? Usually if someone is hit with a car you would assume that they are in bad shape a phone call isn't needed.
If you think that she ran away because of the hit and run she would need help. Meaning she would have to tell her father. I'm not sure if he would trust her with his brand new car after a hit and run. I don't even think she would want to drive after hitting someone with a car.
Thats my opinion and I just don't see it as possible.
It´s quite feasible that Maura might have lent her Saturn for the temporary use of a friend of hers at the time in question.
Allegedly, she didn´t even want to drive it around Amherst as it was supposedly not in a reliable condition.
I believe it possible that a friend of hers might have hit Petrit Vasi in downtown Amherst and then called Maura at her security job at the Melville dorm reporting what he/she had done.
That would have been more than enough to cause anybody in Maura´s situation to be severely shook up and shocked.

Since: Feb 12

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Aug 13, 2012





Orko Kringer wrote:
<quoted text>
There is no proof at all that a phone call is what upset Maura.
Her supervisor found her at approx 1:15 a.m., Maura was not on a phone at the time the supervisor found her.
PV was found lying in the road, the victim of a hit and run (on the next street over and less than a mile away from where maura was working) at 12:20 a.m.
maura's phone call to her sister took place from 10:10 p.m. to 10:38 p.m.(and is likely irrelevant to anything).
Maura did talk for seven minutes to her boyfriend at 12:07 a.m. to 12:14 a.m. She could've very well been in her car for this conversation, taking a small break and heading for some coffee or the like.
I respectfully disagree with you. After Maura crashes FM's car that would have been the perfect excuse for him to take her car back to CT and trade that in and buy himself another car. No one would have suspected anything.

Accord, MA

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Aug 13, 2012





Orko there were 2 full sized yellow buses parked on SBDS property that I saw every other weekend for several years. There was one always backed in with the front of the bus facing 112. The other bus was always parked parallel to 112 with the front of the bus facing west. This was obviously normal procedure for the parking of the buses on SBDS property. JM did talk with friends of the family and family concerning that night. At some point JM did talk with PIs after they became involved. I dont recall if was before or during the Oct. 2006 search.To my knowledge JM did not talk with media until several years later after Mauras disappearance. The only ones who called 911 on that night was SBD and the W's and they are the ones that CS spoke to.

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