Since: Feb 12
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Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> If maura was involved in the hit and run, then most certainly her father was aware of it (explains his rush trip to see his daughter that weekend). Orko - I didn't know her father was in such a rush to see her. Did you hear this from Renner?
Since: Feb 12
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JWB wrote: <quoted text> Well said lighthouse Thanks
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Orko - I didn't know her father was in such a rush to see her. Did you hear this from Renner? Noticed the same thing. Never heard this characterization either. Don't know where it came from. More "information creep" that was never presented from the beginning but if not challenged will become part of the "record" given enough time. Bill
Bumping for Maura
Åseda, Sweden
Given the almost complete lack of Maura sightings post the WB accident in NH, I´m still wondering about the supposedly quashed, possible MM sighting in a Barton, VT, church in the summer of 2005, IIRC. Notwithstanding the official LE denial of this possible Maura sighting, I can´t help wondering how LE was at all able to dismiss it.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Bumping for Maura wrote: Given the almost complete lack of Maura sightings post the WB accident in NH, I´m still wondering about the supposedly quashed, possible MM sighting in a Barton, VT, church in the summer of 2005, IIRC. Notwithstanding the official LE denial of this possible Maura sighting, I can´t help wondering how LE was at all able to dismiss it. Just a thought. By finding who it was and verifying it wasn't Maura? Bill
Since: Jul 11
Collinsville, IL
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Orko - I didn't know her father was in such a rush to see her. Did you hear this from Renner? No that is opinion and I should've clarified. UMASS had just had a snowstorm and her father was coming from hours away. to me that wouldn't be a routine trip to just come and see his daughter. To me that would be a special circumstances trip that you disregard weather and the like because you want to accomplish something. They could've easily put off looking for a car until the following weekend when the weather was a little more calm.
Swansea, MA
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> We can also probably assume that there are some "facts" that you know that won't be shared with us. It isn't easy to say what anyone would do if their daughter was missing, but that doesn't mean that it negates any arguments. Thats like one of my friends who is my age and is having a child while trying to attend college. She has been really rude for the past couple months. She tells me that I can't say anyting about her being rude because "I have never been pregnant" Because I"m not pregnant I can't understand the logic that makes up a rude statement. Because I have never had a daughter that went missing I can't understand the meaning behind "squawalk", or how a family says they don't know anything about PC's and don't turn it on for 100 days, or give it to the PIs working the case, but after a couple of months then sue to get it back. I'm not allowed to ask questions I just have to follow your lines of logic because I have never experienced a missing daughter. When I replied to JWBs posting I was not being rude. I dont know and have never met JWB so I did my best to try to explain where I was coming from with my own thoughts and opinions. Its so much easier for one to say what they would or would not do when a situation does not personally affect there lives. I have never told any one not to ask questions nor have I asked anyone to follow my lines of logic.Its the choice of the posters.Iam doing what I think is right on behalf of Maura and I will not post areas searched because I care and respect those from NH that have helped us search for Maura as well as those that have allowed us to search there land. Posters have said if it were there child they would do this and that. So much easier to say what one would do when they are not actually living the situation. Maybe there opinions would change if they were actually missing a loved one. Hopefully JWB you are understanding where Iam coming from.
Swansea, MA
Bumping for Maura wrote: Given the almost complete lack of Maura sightings post the WB accident in NH, I´m still wondering about the supposedly quashed, possible MM sighting in a Barton, VT, church in the summer of 2005, IIRC. Notwithstanding the official LE denial of this possible Maura sighting, I can´t help wondering how LE was at all able to dismiss it. Probably because LE investigated the sightings and found them not to be Maura.
Not trying to start rumors, just sincerely wondering... I search a public arrest records database and found one on Maura from Hanson, MA. Would that indicate she was arrested in Hanson, or is this the UMass CC thing? Also, FWIW, I found an arrest record on Fred from Weymouth, one on Julie and three on Kathleen/Kstherline. Two of Katherline´s are from New Jersey, one from Hanson, but all are listed on the same person.
Lincoln, NH
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>When I replied to JWBs posting I was not being rude. I dont know and have never met JWB so I did my best to try to explain where I was coming from with my own thoughts and opinions. Its so much easier for one to say what they would or would not do when a situation does not personally affect there lives. I have never told any one not to ask questions nor have I asked anyone to follow my lines of logic.Its the choice of the posters.Iam doing what I think is right on behalf of Maura and I will not post areas searched because I care and respect those from NH that have helped us search for Maura as well as those that have allowed us to search there land. Posters have said if it were there child they would do this and that. So much easier to say what one would do when they are not actually living the situation. Maybe there opinions would change if they were actually missing a loved one. Hopefully JWB you are understanding where Iam coming from. I have always said In my posts that it is difficult to judge Freds actions because he must have been distraught over his missing daughter. I have gone to bat for fred on this forum over and over so I really didn't understand why you were pulling out the card to me about my daughter not being missing and not being able to judge you or your family.I have not been judgemental of you or your family at all.I have stuck up for you and your family on many occasions. I wasn't judgeing anyone. I simply expressed my frustration that questions asked to you seem to be met with answers that beat arround the Bush and are not direct. The question was asked by Amy about the Montel tapes. She simply asked where those clips were shot.They were shown publicly on television so they are not top secret right? I wouldn't expect you to say that the searches took place at Mr and MRS xyz house but, it would be helpful to say at a camp in the woods off 112 or a sandpit in bath Etc... An earlier poster hit the nail on the head (maybe paris) when she said that what is being done is not working (8.5 years). How is this doing the right thing for Maura? Unless she has a new life and you are trying to keep her from being found. I just don't get the logic. I am here to help because I care and it feels like it is a one way street.JMO. I am not picking on you or even arguing with you citigirl , just merely expressing myself as you did as well. Anyway- with that being said, it is not really important where those clips were shot (at least to me)so I am moving off the topic. One question: Can you clarify how holding back on sharing information is in the best interest of maura . Has this been communicated as the best road to take from LE etc..? Just looking to understand where you are coming from. Thank you
Bumping for Maura
Åseda, Sweden
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>Probably because LE investigated the sightings and found them not to be Maura. citigirl, Sorry, but that is not a terribly clever reply, whether it´s meant to be sarcastic or not! Seriously, how on earth was LE able to dismiss this possible sighting of MM after the fact. I do not believe it likely that LE was actually able to identify the mysterious "Raykel" and remain extremely sceptical about the actual ability of LE to actually get to the bottom of this purported sighting of MM. Also: Which LE agency was actually involved in this matter? The Barton, VT, PD? The Orleans County Sheriff´s Office? VT State Police? It would, frankly, be very interesting to know!
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
hannah_b wrote: Not trying to start rumors, just sincerely wondering... I search a public arrest records database and found one on Maura from Hanson, MA. Would that indicate she was arrested in Hanson, or is this the UMass CC thing? Also, FWIW, I found an arrest record on Fred from Weymouth, one on Julie and three on Kathleen/Kstherline. Two of Katherline´s are from New Jersey, one from Hanson, but all are listed on the same person. Hannah, I have had to do these searches for my job, and it really depends on the database. Some are more accurate than others. Some counties I search are accurate while others I'm fairly certain are run by trained monkeys. If it is one of those "free" databases you are using, sometimes those will feed people a possible hit to get them to register and pay to use the site. Then after you pay it will say "no records found" for the person you want but give you some other people will the same name. It's basically a scam to get people to pay their fee. In my experience the only way to know for sure is to read the actual report.
Bumping for Maura
Åseda, Sweden
Sorry for the unintentional double post above. My computer is sometimes having a life of its own...
Swansea, MA
<quoted text> I have always said In my posts that it is difficult to judge Freds actions because he must have been distraught over his missing daughter. I have gone to bat for fred on this forum over and over so I really didn't understand why you were pulling out the card to me about my daughter not being missing and not being able to judge you or your family.I have not been judgemental of you or your family at all.I have stuck up for you and your family on many occasions. I wasn't judgeing anyone. I simply expressed my frustration that questions asked to you seem to be met with answers that beat arround the Bush and are not direct. The question was asked by Amy about the Montel tapes. She simply asked where those clips were shot.They were shown publicly on television so they are not top secret right? I wouldn't expect you to say that the searches took place at Mr and MRS xyz house but, it would be helpful to say at a camp in the woods off 112 or a sandpit in bath Etc... An earlier poster hit the nail on the head (maybe paris) when she said that what is being done is not working (8.5 years). How is this doing the right thing for Maura? Unless she has a new life and you are trying to keep her from being found. I just don't get the logic. I am here to help because I care and it feels like it is a one way street.JMO. I am not picking on you or even arguing with you citigirl , just merely expressing myself as you did as well. Anyway- with that being said, it is not really important where those clips were shot (at least to me)so I am moving off the topic. One question: Can you clarify how holding back on sharing information is in the best interest of maura . Has this been communicated as the best road to take from LE etc..? Just looking to understand where you are coming from. Thank you{/QUOTE} Hi JWB."JWB- MY feeling is this: The forum as dysfunctional as it is is really an asset to finding Maura from the point that it keeps Maura in the fore front. I would be thankful if it were my daughter at the same time cringe as bad things are posted about character." I know you are here to help and never stated or felt you were hear to pick on or argue with me. I cannot and will not give the locations of search areas. All info has been handed over to LE and PIs.I only answer questions to the best of my knowledge and if I have talked to others and recieved info from them I do not add onto what they have said because then it no longer makes it fact as to what they have said. I have always been very careful not to mix my own speculations in with statements that others have given me. Maura has been missing for over 8 years. I want more than anything to have her found. I gave all my info to PIs years back knowing that everthing they learned would be turned over to LE.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> They could've easily put off looking for a car until the following weekend when the weather was a little more calm. Again, something you couldn't possibly know. Their schedule. Yet you have no problem reporting what they could have done, like you know. Bill
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
Who did Maura stay with in N.H. during Christmas break?Were other family members or Billy with her?
Since: Mar 12
Location hidden
As for the note Maura left on top of her belongings in the dorm,was it dated???Has Billy confirmed he knew about it? Also,what are the chances it was dusted for fingerprints?
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
WTH-the-original wrote: <quoted text> Again, something you couldn't possibly know. Their schedule. Yet you have no problem reporting what they could have done, like you know. Bill numbnuts, we are not testifying in court And if you are too stupid that you have to have someone distinguish every word they say to you as fact or theory or opinion or possible outcome then you need to go slap your parents around for raising such a loser. But I will play your game. (FACT) Bill is a moron (FACT) FMR LE wants to have Bill's child (FACT) Bill has contributed absolutely zilch to this forum, yet 72 years later, he is still on it rambling away like anyone gives a crap.
Since: Jul 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> Maura said "My sister" one time and said nothing after it according to the supervisor and this only came after the supervisor kept pressing maura to talk. When the supervisor found maura, she was staring blankly ahead (as people were walking right past the security desk she was supposed to be checking ID's at. When maura's supervisor first asked maura what was wrong, maura didn't answer and continued staring straight ahead, showing no emotion what so ever (zombie-like state) this is all according to the supervisor. Maura finally broke down balling and said one time "My sister". Maura did not go into any more detail and physically was unable to even sign herself out of work (all according to the supervisor). Once again the supervisor found Maura at 1:15 a.m.(according to the supervisor) Petrit's hit and run took place the block over and he was found by police at 12:20 a.m. Maura could've very well been upset about hitting and possibly killing someone as opposed to a phone call she had with her sister three hours before. that is not a big stretch to conclude that the conversation with her sister is NOT what was really wrong. Who are you talking about in this post? Or should I say who are you emphatically NOT talking about. Who in your post has the most authority?(Took Rosetta Stone refresher course, up to speed now.)
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Orko Kringer wrote: <quoted text> numbnuts, we are not testifying in court And if you are too stupid that you have to have someone distinguish every word they say to you as fact or theory or opinion or possible outcome then you need to go slap your parents around for raising such a loser. But I will play your game. (FACT) Bill is a moron (FACT) FMR LE wants to have Bill's child (FACT) Bill has contributed absolutely zilch to this forum, yet 72 years later, he is still on it rambling away like anyone gives a crap. When he is fully clothed, Bill can be very helpful. Yes he can be harsh at times. But to his credit, he has spent a lot of time answering my questions over the past several months and he has helped me out with understanding various SAR-related things when I've asked him. He also owns three or five houses in NH, which he has offered to rent to me at a discount if I am ever in the area. I give Bill 4.5 out of 5 stars.