Fall River, MA
hannah_b wrote: I guess the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case spills over into MM discussion. This statement is uncalled for. Have a heart. Trayvon Martins family is dealing with the loss of there child.
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> Forgive my stupidity, but whose agenda are you talking about? The blogger that mcsmom quoted from appears to be a marketer from Texas. I've never heard of the blogger or seen her blog before today. Do you think that the blogger is involved in MM discussion somehow? I am just trying to figure out what you're saying. Iīm not sure whose agenda, but FL as well as J Leone are heavily into the Zimmerman case, and FL is being personally attacked by this blogger and some other people, with his address, his education, work experience and credentials as a lawyer being questioned. I donīt know whatīs true here, and I donīt really care. What I can see is that people are picking up stuff from this blog and bringing it here. The FL discussion in this thread was originally about him possibly having been involved in tracing a posters IP. Iīm not defending this, and I truly wonder about the true reasons behind his involvement in MM case. Iīm not sure what this is all about, but there seems to be some kind of conspiracy going on behind the scene, especially in light of Just meīs experience with the urgency to find posters identities out on the old MM forum. Quite worrying, and quite different to how other missing cases are handled.
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>This statement is uncalled for. Have a heart. Trayvon Martins family is dealing with the loss of there child. I do have a heart for Trayvon Martinīs family. Itīs just that certain people involved in that case are also inserting themselves into Mauraīs case and not just as posters that happen to be interested in both cases. I am talking about FL and JL in particular.
Hebron, CT
hannah_b wrote: mcsmom, I notice the re-newsit site in several instances uses the exact same wording you do and brings up the exact same issues you do. Any particular reason? I'm not sure exactly what you mean but I posted I got this from masoninblueFDL
Gainesville, FL
Wow, this thread hs taken a turn for the obscure. What happened? Why does ay of this (the last 20 pages) matter at all? Odd.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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hannah_b wrote: mcsmom, I notice the re-newsit site in several instances uses the exact same wording you do and brings up the exact same issues you do. Any particular reason? I noticed Fred called them "ducks". Gee I wonder why.
Since: Feb 12
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I just read the links posted by mcsmom in regards to FL. Interesting, that. I don't know that it is relevant in any way, to the matter at hand - but interesting, nevertheless.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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FrmLE wrote: Wow, this thread hs taken a turn for the obscure. What happened? Why does ay of this (the last 20 pages) matter at all? Odd. It doesn't matter IMO. Maybe it's just FL's turn to get raked over the coals once again.It's a never ending circle that just when you think it's near the end it starts all over again. Besides the fact that FL was an active poster here at one time and quite "vocal" about bringing his theories to the forefront I have no idea what he could possibley have to do with Maura Murray.
Fall River, MA
hannah_b wrote: <quoted text> I do have a heart for Trayvon Martinīs family. Itīs just that certain people involved in that case are also inserting themselves into Mauraīs case and not just as posters that happen to be interested in both cases. I am talking about FL and JL in particular. Thank you for clarifying this. I obviously misunderstood what you were saying. Im sorry for what I said.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> I'm not sure exactly what you mean but I posted I got this from masoninblueFDL It seems to be quite important to you to have FL brought back out into the spotlight. Why is that mcsmom? What does all this crap about him have to do with Maura's disappearance.
Since: Apr 12
Southbury, CT
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Why did smith keep all the responding personnel(fire, ems) away from her vehicle? Does that not strike anyone else as odd? If this was just a normal crash like they're saying, a minor one car accident; what could possibly be the propose of keeping them away from the vehicle? This is the kind of thing you do in order to preserve a crime scene. Can anyone think of any legitimate reason,besides securing a crime scene, that he would take this action? Still seems like smith thought there was something more to this crash than simply someone sliding off the road, which happens every day up NH.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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BobJenkins-OG wrote: Why did smith keep all the responding personnel(fire, ems) away from her vehicle? Does that not strike anyone else as odd? If this was just a normal crash like they're saying, a minor one car accident; what could possibly be the propose of keeping them away from the vehicle? This is the kind of thing you do in order to preserve a crime scene. Can anyone think of any legitimate reason,besides securing a crime scene, that he would take this action? Still seems like smith thought there was something more to this crash than simply someone sliding off the road, which happens every day up NH. Do we know for a fact that he kept everyone away from her vehicle or did he have them all back away from the curve? I think if he saw that there was no need for the ambulance(no driver) or FD(no leakage) then he did the only smart thing to do and that was to get everyone off of that sharp curve. If you are familiar with the road you know that it is a very sharp curve and a very dangerous place to have vehicles and people stopped on it with not much room to get off the narrow road.
Since: Apr 12
Springfield, MA
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That sounds like it could be possible wowzer but I don't think that's the case. Her car was not immediately after the curve but rather down the road closer to BHR and the sbd's driveway, if I understand it correctly. The emergency responders came from the west and would most likely park on the same side of the road to alert passing motorists with their lights. It would be very out of the ordinary if they parked down-traffic from the car. If you will. You would think they would've parked right close to the curve to be seen, and most likely having one of them before the curve to alert people there was something going on. The way I understand it is they were parked back by the corner and after arriving were told by smith to hang back by their vehicles. Theoretically their vehicls should be been less safe than her car because they were up the road from her, traffic would be coming to them first like every first responder does anywhere; they put their large vehicles with their huge lights before the crashed car. Obviously sometimes there's trucks that park down the road a little too but generally they park up the road. It's possible they're tricks we're technically safer but it sounds like they had them back at their trucks which were closer to the curve than the car. Am I wrong about that?
Since: Apr 12
Southbury, CT
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And what's with smith getting on the ground and looking up her muffler to see the rag? Does anyone else not think that is an extremely odd move to make, especially withing your first few Minutes on scene. Is it possible he was looking for something that could potentially disable the car? Was he looking at the car, and knowing full well that there was a girl missing from the scene, did he look at the car and think sabatoge? I know it seems crazy but what othe reason is there to look up the muffler unless you think something might be in it? I think there's a possibility he looked at the accident scene and saw that she took out the snowbank on he inside I the curve; meaning she most likely lost power coming into the curve. It appears that he might have been looking to see if anyone put anything in the muffler, and what do ya know? There's a rag in it; he made a damn good guess right there to take a look in the muffler if it was just random. How many cars you find with a rag on the tailpipe? One a career? How many times you ever actually look in a tailpipe? Once a career? There's just something odd about the fact that he looked up the muffler and actually foun something. What was with this crash? He's keeping fire away and he's looking up mufflers in his first few minutes on scene?
Since: Mar 12
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Did anyone ever check Brianna Maitlands tailpipe???Is it possible Smith was familiar with a re-occuring rag/tailpipe issue??
Since: Apr 12
Holyoke, MA
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Brianna mainland came after Maura, I don't recall anyone ever mentioning her tailpip. But remember that her car car backed up and wedged into a house so it doesn't appear that her car was stalled in any way, it got stuck because the back tires were up off the ground. The whole thing about the rag is just strange, is it possible that is the evidence of foul play right there? I always wondered why Fred made that comment about telling her to use the rag to "stop the car from smoking" nthats gotta be the stupidest advice ever and I find it very unbelievable that he would tell Maura to do that. I was thinking maybe knee jerk reaction the thinking the rag implied suicide, without really thinking about it an realizing it's impossible to do that with a rag. It's just weird that Fred wants to explain away the one thing that potentiall could indicate foul play.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
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BobJenkins-OG wrote: That sounds like it could be possible wowzer but I don't think that's the case. Her car was not immediately after the curve but rather down the road closer to BHR and the sbd's driveway, if I understand it correctly. The emergency responders came from the west and would most likely park on the same side of the road to alert passing motorists with their lights. It would be very out of the ordinary if they parked down-traffic from the car. If you will. You would think they would've parked right close to the curve to be seen, and most likely having one of them before the curve to alert people there was something going on. The way I understand it is they were parked back by the corner and after arriving were told by smith to hang back by their vehicles. Theoretically their vehicls should be been less safe than her car because they were up the road from her, traffic would be coming to them first like every first responder does anywhere; they put their large vehicles with their huge lights before the crashed car. Obviously sometimes there's trucks that park down the road a little too but generally they park up the road. It's possible they're tricks we're technically safer but it sounds like they had them back at their trucks which were closer to the curve than the car. Am I wrong about that? I'll just say this Bob. I went to store this morning and went thru there in all 3 directions. This is what I think. Cars heading west on 112 toward Woodsville come around a blind curve just before BHR. If you're coming down BHR and pulling out onto 112 toward Woodsville you had better have your foot on the gas so you don't get slammed in the ass by a car coming around that blind curve. Coming from the east and heading west there is no place near that curve by the WB to pull vehicles safely off the roadway especially in the winter. So I'm sticking with my opinion that the smartest thing Smith did that night was to get everyone off the road since both directions posed a hazard if that is indeed what he did. I find it absolutely hilarious that when I offer any information about the area or offer an opinion I get judged with spam and flames, nuts and clueless so rather than to waste my time tryng to give factual information to people that evidently have a one track mind and refuse to believe that maybe the path has more than one route I will sit back and be entertained with "facts" that I know just can't be true. Now off to see the beautiful foliage up north. Have a great day everyone.
Since: Apr 12
Holyoke, MA
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Are you sure there's nowhere safe to pull over vehicles near the curve? Doesn't the WB actually have a small dirt parking lot just before the curve? You would think they definitely would have put an emergency vehicle there to alert oncoming cars to the accident. Then just around the curve(where the tree with the ribbon on it) there's a dirt embankment that seems like there's enough room to pull vehicles over, you can see It in pics of the ribbon tree. I haven't driven that Rd in over a year so maybe it's different but I wouldn't think it would change that much. Also are you sure your not exadderating how fast you would have to pull out of BHR to not get hit? That rd is an easy 100yds down the road, probably a little more. Seems unlikely anyone pulling out of BHR is in danger of gettin hit after the curve, but that's how I see it, maybe I'm wrong. I still can't see them placing the emergency vehicles down the rd from the Saturn, that would go against how all first responders generally do it. Where do you think they were parked?
Since: Apr 12
Southbury, CT
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Can anybody think of any other possible reason for smith to look in her tailpipe that's not sabotage?? I know it seems crazy but what else is there? I've been racking my brain trying to come up with another reason and I really can't think of one.
Groton, MA
Perhaps CS just hunkered down looking over the foot prints in the snow from Maura getting things out of her trunk. Perhaps that is when he spotted a bit of white in the tailpipe.