just me
Minneapolis, MN
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I think she is referring to the corner of the Westman's property with their house. If you look at this photo, you can see the pole: http://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/12/82/75/73/maur... I don't know if they are for snow or what they are for, maybe they have reflectors on them. I looked on Google Maps on Street View, there are four of them on the Westman's property on the curve. You are the man, lol. That's it, that's the way it would look without the snow i was looking at. Same angle, more snow in the picture I was looking at. Thanks for posting this!!!!!!!!
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> A link to a blog was posted, and I thought it was well-written and funny so I replied. Sorry for interrupting the brilliant flow of discussion about how far is "way up" a tailpipe, how many people do or do not live in a vacant lot, who is or is not a pervert, what a deceased woman might or might not have said on a forum that no longer exists, IP tracing, how leisurely a cigarette was or was not smoked, and who the heck Eric or Roo could possibly be. Wouldn't want to derail any of that. lol I think the "pole" should be added to this post.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
just me wrote: <quoted text> The corner with the shaved off snow. The corner that would be in front of the W's. The corner to the far left of a driver as they are making that "hairpin turn when they are heading East on 112. The spot where the mechanic stated he had observed the whole snowbank was seared, or shaved off after Maura had her accident. Going by pictures and blowing them up, I saw what looked like a "saftey" pole. I don't know what else to call it, BUT Whitewash or someone else answered me that there may have been a "rod" like pole/ stop sign or just plain old pole to keep people back, or from getting onto the W's property on that corner. What I saw in the pictures was bent way back, but in looking ahead at the picture to see the weathered barn, I recall seeing it on the right side....up on the corner. I have court today, will try to go through pictures later if they don't lock me up. But you could maybe ask around to confirm such a thing was there in 2004. Even if it was down a ways, I had just pointed out that I could see something like that while examining the pictures. Yesterday we spoke about "tailpipes" and now your coming in with a "pole". Do you guys plan this stuff?
just me
Minneapolis, MN
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> Yesterday we spoke about "tailpipes" and now your coming in with a "pole". Do you guys plan this stuff? Nope, I am all freestyle :) . Just made a comment that the famous gash in the hood (that looked like it came from a sharp object) could have been from that pole I remember seeing within the snowbank.
just me
Minneapolis, MN
Spam, clueless, nutts. Hmmm let's see now. Who would do that? Oh, yeah, you ~ with the dimple in your chin. I'm guessing you're one of the people who think this damage was done in a first accident.
just me
Minneapolis, MN
....not that it wasn't, heck, I'm just trying to help so lets kiss and make up.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Lighthouse 101 wrote: <quoted text> I think the "pole" should be added to this post. I also forgot to add "rodent safety" to the list.:-) Actually, I had noticed the pole that just me is talking about when I looked at some photos. I don't know if it was there in 2004, because I don't know when the photos were taken. I would think that LE would be able to tell the difference between someone hitting a tree or a pole. But I'll sit back and roast some of my ten peanuts over my ten fireballs and see how this plays out. I also have enough lemonade for everyone if you'd care for some.
Since: Feb 12
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just me wrote: Spam, clueless, nutts. Hmmm let's see now. Who would do that? Oh, yeah, you ~ with the dimple in your chin. I'm guessing you're one of the people who think this damage was done in a first accident. You're hereby invited to my bonfire. BYOLC (bring your own lawn chair). I have plenty of fireballs, peanuts and lemons. Could use some pretzels though.
just me
Minneapolis, MN
Amy, whitewash or someone said there was something of as pole there and thta's my point. If the snowbank was high, the pole was within and a car shaved off the sowbank, my impression would be that a car might do a nosedive, stop and spin from there. Oh well....doesn't matter I guess.
just me
Minneapolis, MN
Are the pretzels gluten free though? That's what I want to know
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
amy researches wrote: <quoted text> I also forgot to add "rodent safety" to the list.:-) Actually, I had noticed the pole that just me is talking about when I looked at some photos. I don't know if it was there in 2004, because I don't know when the photos were taken. I would think that LE would be able to tell the difference between someone hitting a tree or a pole. But I'll sit back and roast some of my ten peanuts over my ten fireballs and see how this plays out. I also have enough lemonade for everyone if you'd care for some. Would it really matter what she hit anyway? As long as it wasn't a person or an animal with some emotional attachement to it then who cares?
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
just me wrote: Amy, whitewash or someone said there was something of as pole there and thta's my point. If the snowbank was high, the pole was within and a car shaved off the sowbank, my impression would be that a car might do a nosedive, stop and spin from there. Oh well....doesn't matter I guess. Makes more sense than a prior accident and a staging with a look-a-like, that's for sure. For all we know, she had already hit something before she got to NH. No, Lighthouse, I don't think anything we discuss here matters much in the grand scheme of things. But the peanuts and lemonade are free.:-)
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Maruchan wrote: <quoted text> I think she is referring to the corner of the Westman's property with their house. If you look at this photo, you can see the pole: http://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/12/82/75/73/maur... I don't know if they are for snow or what they are for, maybe they have reflectors on them. I looked on Google Maps on Street View, there are four of them on the Westman's property on the curve. Thank you for posting this picture and I hope you don't mind if I use it to prove something. Mcsmom has been telling some things that just aren't true. She has argued with me even though I drive by there all the time that Old Peters Road is NOT across from the W's house but further down the road.Why she insists on this is beyond me but this picture puts all doubts to rest. You can clearly see OPR under the yellow arrow sign and next to the gas tank. You can also see the w's bushes on the right which is their front/side lawn . So mcsmom, here is the proof that OPR is still where I said it was and no one has moved it. My question to you is why did you try so hard to make me look like a liar and why are you stating things that you know aren't true?
Waterbury, CT
Hi all, ems went to Bunga road for an 'eldrly person in distress' call.I wonder if this i why Sgt.Smith did not go directly to the weathered barn and went west on 112 before going east toward the weathered barn.JKM showed up to help but i wonder who they were searching for.How many houses are on Bunga rd .take care philip
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
Call me impartial, but I believe this photo gives the best view of the pole situation at the Westman's. Just remember to include the second portion of the link with the part that is already highlighted (and leave everything lowercase) to get the link to open up properly. Not sure why topix does this, maybe my link is to big. http://www.flickr.com/photos/65640533 @N07/5985628475/sizes/l/in/pho tostream/
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
And for the more technically savvy among us: http://maps.google.com/maps...
Since: Jul 11
Troy, IL
disregard my instructions on opening up that flickr link. The N in the N07 part should stay capitalized and there is no space in photostream (not sure why topix put it there because its not in my link).
Hebron, CT
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Thank you for posting this picture and I hope you don't mind if I use it to prove something. Mcsmom has been telling some things that just aren't true. She has argued with me even though I drive by there all the time that Old Peters Road is NOT across from the W's house but further down the road.Why she insists on this is beyond me but this picture puts all doubts to rest. You can clearly see OPR under the yellow arrow sign and next to the gas tank. You can also see the w's bushes on the right which is their front/side lawn . So mcsmom, here is the proof that OPR is still where I said it was and no one has moved it. My question to you is why did you try so hard to make me look like a liar and why are you stating things that you know aren't true? For the love of Pete. I can't seem to make you understand, but I'll try one more time, and BTW if anyone on the forum can help WTRO read this post BY WEEPER, I'd be eternally grateful: Jan 18, 2012 Judged:111 mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> My personal opinion is that the Saturn was turned into Old Peters Road, put into reverse and backed into the snow bank (again accounting for the acceleration and then a thud) and the operator pulled the shift lever into neutral rather than push it up into park. Under this scenario the Westmans would not have see the headlights during this maneuver as they would have shown up Old Peters Road. This is only an assumption based on a belief the Saturn was put at that location. Weeper on Topix post 4221 Wowzer the real one wrote: So you don't think they would have noticed the tail/backup lights and then the car maneuvering around the corner onto 112 and the headlights shining into the kitchen window that they were looking out of? You really need to look at the pictures without blinders on and then explain how that would be possible. Also if the car was turned into OPR and backed straight out I think there woulkd have been quite a commotion because if it did happen to make it over the bank it would have backed right into the W's kitchen.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
If those are the typical bent metal posts used to put signs on. They would not be capable of causing the damage done to the Saturn in my opinion. They are far to flimsy. Bill
Hebron, CT
And to further clarify, my belief then and now, is that Weeper was NOT referencing the snowbank on the same side of the road as W's house. Phew...