Maura Murray
Posted in the Franconia Forum

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![]() Since: Jul 11
Judged: ![]() 1 I guess with the recent death of the MTV "Buckwild" star due to carbon monoxide poisoning from his truck's tailpipe being clogged up with mud (him and two friends were out mudding and they got stuck), that it proves that you don't need a tube feeding into your car to result in death. Back to Maura. Was the rag stuffed into the taipipe, a quick attempt at taking her own life that night (as the lead investigator in maura murray's disappearance has suggested), before she gave up and just fled the scene? |
![]() Since: Nov 08
Location hidden |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Before this takes on a life of its own, some corrections. The tailpipe was not clogged. Based upon the description, the mechanism for these deaths was likely this. The vehicle was stuck, buried in mud making a seal partially around the bottom of the cab of the vehicle. Carbon monoxide built up under the cab and with no where else to go was forced into the cab killing the people inside. And notice, that the vehicle didn't stall even while the muffler was resting under the mud. Again, it is very difficult if not impossible to stall a modern high compression engine by trying to block the exhaust. Bill |
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 You all should help on greenup day in vt and nh. Bags of beer vodka and whiskey bottles that were thrown out are picked up. What is the big mystery in finding a vodka bottle on the road? |
Since: Mar 13
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 And also notice it had been about 24 hours after they had been reported missing and no official search was conducted by LE. They clearly are incompetent. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 just think about thus a can OD to commit suicide with OTC meds, prescibed meds and illegal drugs. you can veer off the road/highway at the posted limit, or in excess of it, hit a guardrail and roll, a tree, or a telephone poll...and die. you don't need to rig up a Kevirkian in a public place by stuffing a "rag", however lightly or firmly, up a tailpipe. pardon me if i laugh and/or eyeroll at such a preposterous idea. |
![]() Since: Jul 11
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 1 Not to be argumenative (and maybe I am mis-reading here) But this is from police accounts "Shain's uncle and a male friend also died while inside Shain's 1984 Bronco, which had stalled out in mud while the crew went off-roading over the weekend. The truck's exhaust pipe had apparently been submerged in mud, causing the gas to leak back into the car." Other news accounts have stated the tailpipe was clogged up with mud. |
![]() Since: Jul 11
Judged: ![]() 2 ![]() 2 ![]() 2 Eyeroll till your hearts content. I guess you are eye-rolling at what had been the lead investigator into maura's disapperaance the now retired Lt. Scarinza. He's the one that suggested the rag in the tailpipe may have been a suicide attempt. Your scenarios make no sense, considering maura had just wrecked and was probably feeling quite depressed, scared and vulnerable while she sit in the dark in the middle of nowhere with a smashed car and no plan whatsoever (unless you think the wreck was staged). Thought (in the moment) may have been to take her life with whatever resources were available. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 My point is small party verses a room stuffed with people. It can only be one or the other. I never used the word scandel. Just trying to keep the facts straight. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 he also suggested she may have accepted a ride. he says he doesn't know what happened. he's in good company. "depressed, scared and vulnerable". well, you don't allow for the probable plan she likely had in place when she set out to leave UMASS. perhaps her plan was well considered....until....she drank? before she drove? while she was driving? or as a passenger? who was she running from? who was she running to? who might have accompanied her or followed her? lots of questions. zero answers. "depressed, scared and vulnerable". i thought she was intelligent / capable / high functioning / trained (at some level) in survival / an experienced outdoors young woman who is/was Maura Murray? what matters most is the meltdown, multi car crashes in as many days, the packed dorm room, the "death in the family" lie, and pending issues with law enforcement. isolating the issue to the place where the Saturn landed is short-sighted, imo. the "rag" is unexplained. and perhaps the least of it. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 His (Lt. Scarinza) exact quote was "Why in the hell else would you stick a rag in a tailpipe" in answering if its not a suicide attempt. So yes, I understand he doesn't no for sure what the rag means, but it's pretty clear (I think at least) where he leans toward for what the rag meant by his reply. Regardless, I agree with you 100 percent that the events prior to the wreck hold the keys to this mystery. I am in the suicide theory camp (have been there for a long time, following the evidence) and I still don't believe maura's second wreck was planned or that she initially set out to take her life at the scene of the car wreck. But the car wreck definitely was a game/plan changer for her IMO. And who knows what final decision she came up with on the fly that night. But it didn't involve taking with her (clothes and valuables) but it did involve taking (at least) a bottle of alcohol. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 So .......... The million dollar question to you then is, if you know for certain that maura's dorm get-together wasn't at her dorm but in a different dorm, then why don't you state which dorm it was held in. There is no good reason on earth why --- nine years later ---- stating which dorm a get-together took place in would be some big piece of evidence that might hinder a missing person's investigation if it didn't involve a rape or a scandal. And if we can't get past what dorm a party took place in nine years ago, then there is no hope for ever solving maura's disappearance. |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 LE has had this information from the beginning when Maura disappeared.So no Iam not hindering a missing persons case. I have passed everything along to PIs that I have learned along the way and they pass it on to LE.They are the ones investigating the case. Your not an investigator and neither am I. My hopes are that one day that the real investigators will solve this case. |
![]() Since: Nov 08
Location hidden |
Judged: ![]() 1 I'm not sure what the question is. As far as the bronco stalling out, that makes no sense. A more likely scenario is the engine running until the truck literally ran out of gas. Long after killing the occupants. Engines that are not running do not emit carbon monoxide. I suspect by stalled, they really mean stuck. The engine must run to produce CO. And never underestimate who little news reporters get right about a story. From someone who has read news reports and had actually been involved with what they wrote about. Its amazing how much they can get wrong. Bill |
Judged: ![]() 1 well, Orko, the longer i think about it, the more confusing it becomes. lots of moving parts, and nothing fits together. too many missing pieces. certain people very close to Maura must have a more accurate "profile" of the real Maura....and, still, may not know some aspect of her private life, her relationships, and her activities. could Billy, her sisters, brothers and father not have known about some important dynamic or feature of her life that caused her to leave UMASS that day? which of them, or none of them, knows something? or nothing? which friend holds the key to some piece of information that could unlock the mystery of her disappearance? and if someone close to her knows, how could they, in good conscience, keep such information from authorities? who could live with themselves under those circumstances? it's so hard to believe she was the target of a crime of opportunity, mostly because the circumstances of her leaving were out of character, and probably motivated by some event / trigger that happened at UMASS. suicide seems quite possible, given the stresses in her life, but a depressed and desperate young woman wouldn't need to travel to her "beloved" white mountains to achieve that end. now i'm curious to enough to look into the stats about suicide in that age group, by gender, method, and location. hmmmm. |
Saint Louis, MO |
I have had this talk/discussion before. Clearly, if someone wants to end their life, they could usually find a means to do so in which you don't have to travel hundreds of miles and you don't have to involve something extreme such as mountains. But I don't lump maura into the category of someone that just wanted to end it as quick as possible. She was a thrill-seeker that has been described as being almost obsessed with mountains and the white mountains particularly. I will just say I don't think she was the type of person (based off what has been said about her) that would have a problem if it was explained to her ahead of time that her last moments on earth would be spent in the white mountains, whereas plenty of other people would have a problem with that. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 here you go Citigirl From Renner's blog: these are excerpts from the interview with Lt. Scarinza that stand out to me Around mid-afternoon Tuesday, Fred Murray called Haverhill P.D. "What I was told was that the first thing out of Fred's mouth was,'She's gone to the North Country to commit suicide, to go off and die like an old squaw (said Lt. Scarinza). The rag in the tailpipe is its own mystery. "Fred said he had suggested putting the rag in the tailpipe. Was it an attempt to kill yourself? If so, that's not going to work. But why the hell else would you stick a rag in a tailpipe? It's an anomaly." (Said Lt. Scarinza). "I've said this all along: My sense is that Maura's original intent when she left Massachusetts was to come to the North Country to get away from something that was occurring in her life down there. I take into consideration the family's thought that she was coming up to kill herself. But what was the initial catalyst to make her want to do that? And what happened when she got here? My sense is that she is not still alive." (said Lt. Scarinza). |
google is my friend. not a scholarly article, but some basic stats on suicide. Maura doesn't fall into the demographic, but she could be an outlier. |
Saint Louis, MO |
Judged: ![]() 1 ![]() 1 ![]() 1 Nevermind maura's father's first instincts (whether he would admit to them or not now publically) that his daughter was suicidal. He was the most relevant person to have been around her in the days and hours before she went missing. But take into consideration maura's reckless choice to drive a car that was supposedly on its last legs or wheels I guess we can say. and take that car three hours away from campus and into the middle of the nowhere (close to the white mountains) by herself. That alone (if her car was really that bad as family says) sounds like someone that no longer cares about their own personal well-being and for as smart as she is, would take that kind of risk with her own life. |
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