Hey Zues
United States
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
rozShoem wrote: <quoted text> It's encouraging that the two of you together have been able to determine that Maura may have had more in common with Chris in several domains. Most likely you both were focusing on gender, believing that two out of the three shared the most in common based soley on their male gender. Bill, the next time you visit this area....it might be best to leave the driving to your wife? There you go again, trying to think for us. I have never thought that those two disappearances had anything in common nor was I focusing on gender or anything else. It might be best for you not to leave the house without a hand to hold onto. We don't want you getting lost as it would sadden us to lose all the laughter and entertainment that you provide.
Saint Paul, MN
Fred said that he "owed it to his little girl". He had to believe it was her that walked down the street minutes before police arrived. Bus driver said it didn't really look like her, description didn't match. Bolo was off. She returned "scrubs" that day to a fellow nursing student. Did she talk at the door, Hang the coat on the door, or just how did that go? She was seen leaving campus, and "seen" by her car in NH. That was good enough for Fred. Seemed good enough for Kathleen too. "Something went wrong", she said. Everybody dropped balls if you ask me. Maura's laptop was sitting in K's closet for a long time before police came back for it. Kathleen claimed she didn't know much about computers, well then why not find someone who is? Not blaiming Kathleen, just saying, the chance to examine the pc was there. Pretty wierd to me is that campus police or MA police had already made a copy of the hard drive. Why claim a personal posession that was not in the car, when they could just as easily made another copy of the hard drive? There must be a good reason for that.
Hey Zues
United States
rozShoem wrote: Hannah_b wrote: Yeah Hannah....that's right..........sugar coat it! Calling the guy (the real or unreal PI) a "moron" ought to get him to respond.... LOL. gy : 8 miles. Looks like their heading 0-4-4. Elaine : We are now at 2000 feet beginning our decent. Kramer : Steve, I want every light you can get poured onto that field.( A dump truck dumps table lamps onto the runway ) Towergy : Tower to all emergency vehicles, runway is 9er. Airport vehicles take stations 1 and 2. Civilian equipment number 3. Air Force positions number 4 and 5. All ambulances go to number 3. Air Israel, please clear the runway ( Plane is shown wearing a beard, hat, tallis, and yarmulke.) Attendnt: In a moment, we'll ask you to assume crash positions. your life jackets are located under your seat. Place the jacket over your head. And when I give the word, pull the cord on the right side flap. Your seat cushions are also equipped with a flotation device. Radio : WZAZ in Chicago, where disco lives forever ( plane knocks down station's transmitter ) Kramer : Watch your altitude Striker, you're too erratic. You can't come straight in. You've got enough fuel left for two hours of flying. Striker : I'll take it Elaine. Listen to me Kramer! We have people up here who will die in less than an hour let alone two. I may bend your precious airplane, but I'll get it down. I'm putting the landing gear down now. Attendnt: Mr. Striker, the passengers are ready. Striker : Thank you Randy. You'd better leave sweetheart. You might get hurt up here. Elaine : Ted, Striker : Yes? Elaine : I wanted you to know, now ... I'm very proud. Striker : Tell 'em the gear is down and we're ready to land. Elaine : The gear is down and we're ready to land. Kramer : Alright, he's on final now, put out all runway lights except 9er. Towerguy: Captain, maybe we ought to turn on the search lights now. MCrosky : No, thats just what they'll be expecting us to do. Rumack : I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you. Kramer : Alright, now just listen carefully ... you should be able to see the runway at 300 feet. Aim the touchdown a third of the way along. There's a slight crosswind from the right so be ready for it
Hey Zues
United States
rosky : I want the weather on every landing field this side of the line, no matter what the size. Do you understand? Anyplace, anyplace where there's a chance to land that plane.( To Siamese twins ) Stan, go up stairs to the tower and get a runway diagram. Terry, check down the field for emergency equipment. Airdude : Chief we got fog right down to the deck, every place east of the Rockies. There's no possible place to land, they'll have to come through to Chicago. MCrosky : Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking. I want the best available man on this, a man who knows that plane inside and out and won't crack under pressure. Johnny : How 'bout Mr Rogers? MCrosky : Get me REX KRAMER! Elaine, right next to the throttle is the air speed gauge. What speed does it indicate? Elaine : 520 miles per hour. MCrosky : Good now, check your altitude. That's the dial just below and to the right of the air speed indicator. Elaine : 35,000 feet. NO wait, 34,000 feet ... NO WAIT, its dropping. Its dropping fast, why's it doing that? Oh my god, the automatic pilot, its deflating. MCrosky : Don't panic, on the belt line of the automatic pilot there's a tube, now that is the manual inflation nozzle. Take it out and blow on it. Passngr : What the hell's going on up there? Rumack : Elaine? Elaine : Yes, Doctor. Rumack : Elaine, you're a member of this crew. Can you face a few unpleasant facts? Elaine : NO. Rumack : Alright, unless I get those people to a hospital quickly, I can't even be sure of saving their lives. Now, is there anyone on board who can land this plane? Elaine : Well, no, no one I know of. Rumack : I think you ought to know what are c
Hey Zues
United States
next 25 years. VESPA can't hear her. DOT Will you turn that thing off. VESPA What?(takes off the headphones) What is it? DOT I was saying, do realize what you've done. VESPA Yes, and I'm glad. Glad, glad, glad, glad, glad.(puts the headphones back on) DOT I wonder if she's glad. SPACEBALL CITY -INT. PRESIDENT SKROOB'S OFFICE -NIGHT SKROOB is talking to someone on the phone. SKROOB Don't be ridiculous. As president of Planet Spaceball, I can assure both you and your viewers, that there is absolutely no air shortage whatsoever. Yes, of course, I've heard the same rumor myself. Thanks for calling, and not reversing the charges. Bye.(hangs up phone) Shithead. He opens a desk drawer. It has a lot of cans in it. He takes one and opens it. The can says, "Perrier Salt-Free Air." He starts breathing the air. COMMANDERETTE (appears on the wall) President Skroob. SKROOB (throws can behind him and closes t
Hey Zues
United States
URZ It's a good thing you were wearing that helmet. HELMET Yeah. SANDURZ What should we do now, sir? HELMET Well, are we stopped? SANDURZ We're stopped, sir. HELMET Good. Well, why don't we take a five minute break. SANDURZ Very good, sir. HELMET Smoke if you got 'em.(falls forward) INT. EAGLE 5 -SPACE LONE STARR Take her out of hyperactive. BARF Takin' her out of hyperactive.(pulls down switch) Ah, congrads, boss, we did it. They must of overshot us by a week and a half. LONE STARR (laughs) Okay, let's set a course for Druidia. BARF Settin' a course for (Eagle 5 starts shaking) Drui, ie, ie, ie. LONE STARR What's that? BARF I don't know. I don't know. We're losing power. Why?'Cause we're outta gas. LONE STARR We must've burned it up in hyperactive. BARF I told you we should've put more that five bucks worth in. LONE STARR Okay, we'll have to set her down. Prepare for emergency landing. Quick, give me a reading. BARF (prays) How, oh Father, be
Hey Zues
United States
food is tasty and nourishing. The peaceful leader of this great country......has asked me to appeal to you, President Benson......to stop your vicious, imperialistic tactics around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and give a warm welcome......to His Excellency, the Prime Minister of Japan......Mishahuru Soto and Mrs. Soto. The president of the United States, Thomas Benson. Mr. President, this is Prime Minister Mishahuru Soto and Mrs. Soto. President Benson, where is your first lady?
United States
ee because it is covered in sand. SANDURZ is telling the troops what to do. SANDURZ Keep searching.(to Helmet) It's no use use, sir. We've searched everywhere. HELMET (mask off) Wait. I feel the presence of the Schwartz. SANDURZ The Schwartz? HELMET Yes. It's coming....(gets his ring out of his pocket and puts it on) SANDURZ covers his crouch. HELMET ....from somewhere down....there. SANDURZ (bushes away the sand) You're right, sir. There's a secret entrance here. And look at this insignia, it's a Y. HELMET Yogurt. Yogurt. I hate Yogurt. Even with strawberries. SANDURZ I'll call the attack squad, sir. HELMET No, we can't go in there. Yogurt has the Schwartz. It's far too powerful. SANDURZ But, sir, your ring. Don't you have the Schwartz, too? HELMET No, he got the up-side. I got the down-side. You see, there's two kinds of every Schwartz. SANDURZ Well, how are we gonna go in there and get her? HELMET (flips his mask on) We will not go
United States
Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best... And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side of life... If life seems jolly rotten There's something you've forgotten And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps Don't be silly chumps Just purse your lips and whistle -that's the thing. And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side
United States
If life seems jolly rotten There's something you've forgotten And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps Don't be silly chumps Just purse your lips and whistle -that's the thing. And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side of life... For life is quite absurd And death's the final word You must always face the curtain with a bow. Forget about your sin -give the audience a grin Enjoy it -it's your last chance anyhow. So always look on the bright side of death Just before you draw your terminal breath Life's a piece of shit When you look at it Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true. You'll see it's all a show Keep 'em laughing as you go Just remember that the last laugh is on you. And always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the right side of life...(Come on guys, cheer up!) Always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the bright side of life...(Worse things happen at sea, you know.) Always look on the bright side of life...(I mean -what have you got to lose?)(You know, you come from nothing -you're going back to nothing. What have you lost ? Nothing!) Always look on the right si
United States
How dare you judge my spam as spam!!
United States
Spamalot, I have a dispute with your fashion choice. You need scripts from those 1980 USA up all night movies. Much more fashionbile thon Spaceballs.
Amherst, MA
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> Fred appeared to have chosen a course of action early on, and didn't seem to care about making repairs, even for the sake of his daughter, before creating permanent collateral damage. his advocates have compounded that damage. "family" is a loosely held term in this online experience, with no one stepping forward, except Helena, to self-identify. i don't know who has actually driven this effort, but no one has able or willing to reign in or manage the resulting chaos. the appearance is, actually, that the accusations and damage are approved and encouraged by Maura's family. I've been fairly reluctant to get into anything directly to do with Maura's family. I've felt they were off limits. The attacks on her father I thought were beyond repulsive. On several occasions I so stated. But I'm starting to change my mind, at least a little, about some of it. Maura's disappearance is obviously strange in several respects, not the least of which is the silence of Maura's immediate family or even her extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Not a peep.(HM is not really family because, according to her, she never met Maura and did not marry a cousin of Fred's until after Maura's disappearance.) Maura's family never once have denounced or explicitly disconnected themselves from the aggravation, turmoil, grief, and a thousand other pains inflicted or generated by the discussion - online and offline - of what happened to Maura. I regret to say that by their deliberate silence they have therefore tacitly approved much of this reckless behavior, cyber bullying, and terrifying verbal assaults. One hopes they at least take no pleasure from it. It is understandable that grief may provoke unexpected reactions in those closest to Maura. Irrational or angry things may be said or done by her family and friends; and that is to be generally excused. Their privacy is to be respected. But after seven years, it is time for Maura Murray's family to chose among themselves a spokesperson to make a public statement, one that either aligns themselves with antagonistic posters or disowns them plainly and completely. There should be no ambiguity about where they stand. They should never want to be associated with the many vicious things that have happened in the name of discovering what became of Maura. In the absence of such a statement, one may assume they approve even the worst conduct by their proxies. Their continued silence amounts to the abuse of Maura's good name.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Gloucester, MA
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> I've been fairly reluctant to get into anything directly to do with Maura's family. I've felt they were off limits. The attacks on her father I thought were beyond repulsive. On several occasions I so stated. But I'm starting to change my mind, at least a little, about some of it. Maura's disappearance is obviously strange in several respects, not the least of which is the silence of Maura's immediate family or even her extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Not a peep.(HM is not really family because, according to her, she never met Maura and did not marry a cousin of Fred's until after Maura's disappearance.) Maura's family never once have denounced or explicitly disconnected themselves from the aggravation, turmoil, grief, and a thousand other pains inflicted or generated by the discussion - online and offline - of what happened to Maura. I regret to say that by their deliberate silence they have therefore tacitly approved much of this reckless behavior, cyber bullying, and terrifying verbal assaults. One hopes they at least take no pleasure from it. It is understandable that grief may provoke unexpected reactions in those closest to Maura. Irrational or angry things may be said or done by her family and friends; and that is to be generally excused. Their privacy is to be respected. But after seven years, it is time for Maura Murray's family to chose among themselves a spokesperson to make a public statement, one that either aligns themselves with antagonistic posters or disowns them plainly and completely. There should be no ambiguity about where they stand. They should never want to be associated with the many vicious things that have happened in the name of discovering what became of Maura. In the absence of such a statement, one may assume they approve even the worst conduct by their proxies. Their continued silence amounts to the abuse of Maura's good name. i, too, agree, Beagle, with your assessment. to my understanding, HM's marriage pre-dated, not post-dated MM's disappearance...but be that as it may, your points are all well made. even allowing for family privacy and differences in grief and loss, Dawn's compassion and eager concern for missing persons and for MM always included room for the inexplicable disconnect between these forums and the family's silence. finally, an appeal to the public, and then abuse of public posters is inconsistent with behaviors of families of the missing.
Sacramento, CA
ubtitle: EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO RISE, MAKES A MAN HEALTHY, WEALTHY AND WISE. Together: Col' got to be! Yo! Subtitle: HOW TRUE! Together: Sheeeeeeet! Subtitle: GOLLY. SIGN ON PLANE LIGHTS UP ø_________ 1 NO SMOKING 1 1 El NO A YOU SMOKO 1 1 1 1 FASTEN SEATBELTS 1 1 PUTANA DA SEATBELTZ 1 Z__________O Oldlady : Nervous? Striker : Yes. Oldlady : First time? Striker : NO, I've been nervous lots of times. Elaine : Hi, we'll be taking off real soon. SO I'd better fasten you in tight. Dyingirl: Thank you. Oh, mother this is so exciting. Mother : I know, but you must get some rest. Elaine : That's good advice. You relax and I'll be back right after we take off. Lovelorn: God Bill. I am going to miss you so much. Leaving : Oh, I'm gonna miss you too. Promise you'll write?? Lovelorn: SIGH ... Every day. Bill... Conductr: Better get on board son. All aboard!!!!! Oever : 209er to ground control. We're loaded and ready to taxi. Lovelorn: Goodbye Bill! Leaving : Goodbye darling. I love you darling. Tower : 2-0-9er, taxi to runway 1-9er. Leaving : Goodbye darling. Lovelorn: Have your picture taken the minute you get there. And send me one, alright? Leaving : Okay, here, hurry.( he throws her his watch as she runs along the side of the taxiing plane.) Lovelorn: Oh, but your watch, but you shouldn't. You're gonna need this! Leaving : Its alright. It doesn't work
Lord Dark Helmet
Sacramento, CA
RZ Very good, sir. HELMET What's the matter with this thing? What's all that churning and bubbling? You call that a radar screen. SANDURZ No, sir. We call it, "Mr. Coffee." (points at label, "Mr. Coffee") Care for some? HELMET Yes! I always have coffee when I watch radar. You know that. SANDURZ Of course I do, sir. HELMET Everybody knows that. EVERYBODY (covers their crouch) Of course we do, sir. HELMET (takes coffee) Now that I have my coffee, I'm ready to watch radar. Where is it? SANDURZ (points to label "Mr. Radar") Right here, sir. HELMET Switch to teleview. RADAR changes to a picture of Planet Druidia. HELMET There it is, Planet Druidia, and underneath the air shield, ten thousand years of fresh air. We must get through that air shield. SANDURZ We will, sir. Once we kidnap the princess, we will force her father, King Roland, to give us the combination to the air shield. Thereby destroying Planet Druidia and saving Planet Sp
Vector Victor
Sacramento, CA
ust of overshot us by a week and a half. LONE STARR (laughs) Okay, let's set a course for Druidia. BARF Settin' a course for (Eagle 5 starts shaking) Drui, ie, ie, ie. LONE STARR What's that? BARF I don't know. I don't know. We're losing power. Why?'Cause we're outta gas. LONE STARR We must've burned it up in hyperactive. BARF I told you we should've put more that five bucks worth in. LONE STARR Okay, we'll have to set her down. Prepare for emergency landing. Quick, give me a reading. BARF (prays) How, oh Father, be in heaven. Thou will be Thy name, by kingdom come.... LONE STARR Will you stop that?(in microphone) Keep your seat belts fastened back there. You okay, princess. VESPA No, you idiot. Where'd you learn how to fly. LONE STARR Okay, Eagle 5, coming in. MOON OF VEGA -EXT. EAGLE 5 -DESERT -DAY Eagle 5 starts coming down on the sands of Vega. INT. EAGLE 5 -D
Roger Oever
Sacramento, CA
t for a shit load of money! BARF Oh, you're right, and when you're right, you're right, and you, you're always right. Okay, we save her, but how? The minute we move in there, they're spot us on their radar. LONE STARR Uh-uh. BARF Uh-huh. LONE STARR Uh-uh. BARF Uh-huh. LONE STARR Uh-uh, not if we jam it. BARF Ah, ha! You're right. LONE STARR Down scope. BARF Down scope. The scope comes down. BARF looks through the scope and focuses on the radar. BARF Radar, about to be jammed. Jam comes flying and crashes the radar. INT. SPACEBALL 1 -SPACE The radar is screwing up. The RADAR TECHNICIAN is trying to figure out the problem. RADAR TECH.(he is making the sound effects) Shit.(makes more sound effects and dials phone) Sir?(in microphone) SANDURZ What is it? RADAR TECH.(O.S.)(in microphone) Can I talk to for a minute, please, sir. SANDURZ & HELMET (walk over to him) SANDURZ Well. RADAR TECH.(in microphone) I'm having trouble with t