Maura Murray

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Scranton, PA

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Aug 16, 2010





She fell in the river and was washed away.

Since: Dec 06

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Aug 16, 2010
Maybe shes living in a tent in some RSO's backyard like Jaycee Dugard did for 18 years.
hank wrote:
She fell in the river and was washed away.

Scranton, PA

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Aug 16, 2010





I think shes in LSD basement freezer.


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Aug 16, 2010




STP wrote:
<quoted text>
I am asking if this article published last fall according to Hannah b. actually exists.
The Caledonian article was published in 2004, not last fall. Unless Hannah b. is confusing these two articles, it is not the same one she just mentioned.
The Caledonian Record did not publish a story about Maura's case last fall, so it's not an easy grab if you don't know what paper it was published in.
That is what I am asking, what paper was it published in, but no one seems to have the answer.
Did anyone, other than Hannah b., read this article?
I don't remember it being discussed on the forums, does anyone else?
Maybe for the poster who read the article it would be an easy grab, how about it Hannah b.?
Maybe Hannah b. was mistaken, why not just say so, what's the big deal?
There is a lot of info floating around out there and people are bound to get fuzzy on it over the years. If the claim that the article came out last fall is not true, why don't you just say so and clear this up?
There really was such an article. It was published in November or December 2009 and mentioned witnesses (in plural) having been reinterviewed, among them the CW. It was specifically mentioned he had added details to his statement that made his sighting more likely to have been of Maura. The article didn´t say when the interviews were done, but I got the impression it was fairly recently, as in some time during 2009. The article was searchable on Google News until some time in early 2010 (March?), when it
disappeared. I assume the paper doesn´t keep an online archive longer than maybe 3 months. It may have been the Journal Opinion, but I´m not sure. The article was briefly discussed on a now deleted topix thread.

When was the search of CW´s house done? Could it have been prompted by something that was said during the reinterviewing?
Lt Billy

Scranton, PA

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Aug 17, 2010





My peckers hard.

Since: Nov 08

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Aug 17, 2010





Lt Billy wrote:
My peckers hard.
Seriously, I doubt it. Take a Tylenol for any pain, Midol for any cramps.

Redmond, WA

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Aug 17, 2010
hannah_b wrote:
<quoted text>
There really was such an article. It was published in November or December 2009 and mentioned witnesses (in plural) having been reinterviewed, among them the CW. It was specifically mentioned he had added details to his statement that made his sighting more likely to have been of Maura. The article didn´t say when the interviews were done, but I got the impression it was fairly recently, as in some time during 2009. The article was searchable on Google News until some time in early 2010 (March?), when it
disappeared. I assume the paper doesn´t keep an online archive longer than maybe 3 months. It may have been the Journal Opinion, but I´m not sure. The article was briefly discussed on a now deleted topix thread.
When was the search of CW´s house done? Could it have been prompted by something that was said during the reinterviewing?
Thank you for trying to clear that up, Hannah b.

The J.O. doesn't have archives for it's online edition.
Must have been some other paper, maybe the North Country News? Maybe someone who has a connection to the J.O. could say for certain.

When Frank Kelly spoke with CW, he reported that CW remarked that he never claimed it was Maura, or even if the person he saw was female, just that it was a "youth in a hooded sweatshirt"

I don't know when or if CW's property was searched, but I believe it was WW or Wowser who made that claim and I believe it was around the same time frame.

If the search was sparked by the reinterview, I would find that curious. How does a credible siting of a person 5 miles away spark a search of his home?

Minneapolis, MN

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Aug 17, 2010





mcsmom wrote:
December 21, 2005:
"We don't have a game plan yet," Healy said. "First thing is to nail down the time [she disappeared]. Right now, we are just trying to separate fact from fiction."
The above statement gives us insight into what we've hotly debated over the years.
Fact from fiction over the timeline.
Williams earliest press release was "just before seven".
So, plug that in. Does that answer anything? How does moving everything back by 25-30 mins change things?
If CW saw Maura five miles from the Weathered Barn that puts Maura somewhere five miles away going east at around 7:30pm.
That sorta fits a better timeline for CW driving from Franconia, leaving at 7pm. And this timeline allows for him to arrive home without seeing any rescue vehicles at the Weathered Barn.
This fits the Cottage Hospital witness who claims to have seen H2 at the site sometime at about 7:10-7:15.
This is just unbelievable to me. Makes me wonder if Maura even left at all. But if she did drive steady and was ran off the road, it was likely her that put that rag in the tailpipe. The only other person who would think to do that would be Fred. They made it a mystery on MMM, when they in fact knew that that rag was from her trunk, given to her by dad, and told to use it that way in the event that----(fill in the blanks)----x and such were to happen with the exhaust. So then what? She's gone and a police car is there, but noone is around according to the cottage witness? What does she do? Outsmart police and get back in, take off only to spin out at the weathered barn location? Yeah sure, and she sits there thinking 'go away witness to me, I have to take off again'.......She's off and running. Oh wait, she already did that and was seen dashing around to the East. This whole thing is stupid. Today I vote she is in the witness protection program and there's something else going on.
Hacker Billy

Santa Clara, CA

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Aug 17, 2010





WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
Seriously, I doubt it. Take a Tylenol for any pain, Midol for any cramps.
bend over "again" I'll show you how hard it is.

Minneapolis, MN

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Aug 17, 2010
Does anyone else remember reading the bit where CW was sleeping and therefore didn't notice a thing going on down the road? Somebody from MMM wrote that and it was second hand info. I can see it though. He's worked his shift and is driving right home. He falls asleep on the couch watching tv, while a group of people are trying to find 'Maura'. Time goes by and police check out the idea that CW saw somebody,(not saying it was Maura), but somebody dashing along and slipping out of sight as he drove home on the 9th. A new search is set up, they don't say where, but it's got to be along the path of the sighting.
So not only does Billy seem to say 'she's alive, she called me',~ but the sighting seems to say that too. Is it so that people will keep looking? Heck if I know.

Minneapolis, MN

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Aug 17, 2010
I don't think she was ever there at this point and the players of the area have been put through hell. There's just no way in my mind that all this could go on without some kind of fantastic orchestra playing behind the scenes. Too neat and tidy and made into a big deal, for what?
William T Franklin PhD

United States

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Aug 17, 2010





I can help you people with your mental health issues noted here.

Since: Nov 08

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Aug 17, 2010





Hacker Billy wrote:
<quoted text> bend over "again" I'll show you how hard it is.
That's weird. I do remember bending over to pick something up. Was that you? Christ, you must be minuscule because I don't remember feeling a thing but there was a weird, smelly, breeze. Just the thought of you back there does give me the creeps though.

I'm sure that is why you are on the computer. All alone with your pock marked face and little member sitting with your only friend, the computer. It is the only friend you have that never makes fun of you, laughs at you, or calls you names, or asks what the hell is wrong with you does it?
Twinkle Toes

United States

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Aug 17, 2010





WTF-the-original wrote:
<quoted text>
That's weird. I do remember bending over to pick something up. Was that you? Christ, you must be minuscule because I don't remember feeling a thing but there was a weird, smelly, breeze. Just the thought of you back there does give me the creeps though.
I'm sure that is why you are on the computer. All alone with your pock marked face and little member sitting with your only friend, the computer. It is the only friend you have that never makes fun of you, laughs at you, or calls you names, or asks what the hell is wrong with you does it?
Your butt hole is the size of the grandcayon.

Since: Sep 07

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Aug 17, 2010





Here he is your description wasn't to far off.

Gloucester, MA

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Aug 17, 2010





paris, dear, you are so genuinely dedicated, and have put your heart and soul into this endeavor. after so many years, and so few relevant 'facts' known to the public, it must often feel like you're running on a hamster wheel.
you have the patience of a saint.

Cabot, VT

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Aug 18, 2010
hannah_b wrote:
Sorry, didn´t see the above was already answered.
Regarding CW, there was a news article stating he was reinterviewed last fall and had some additional info which made his sighting all the more credible. I got the impression from reading the article LE now thinks he really saw Maura.
Hannah b, I do recall this article although I beieve this refernce to CW siting was a recall from original events. LE placed enough credence on his statemnt to others to organize on of their official FG searches. Th comment of additional info resulted from the initial information following the incident in 2004. If you remember he told his story to friends who reported it to police and then they questioned him. I cannot remember what paper.

Stockton, CA

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Aug 18, 2010





The Caledonian Record was very attentive in the year 2004, with about 40 articles. There were other articles in the CR within the following years.(Until March 2010?)
I don't recall JO having more than a few articles.
The UL might have had more?
Of course, the NCN is stll attentive.
Perhaps it came from the Hanson articles?

Times like this, one needs a "Silky Horton".

Since: Nov 08

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Aug 19, 2010





Shack wrote:
The Caledonian Record was very attentive in the year 2004, with about 40 articles. There were other articles in the CR within the following years.(Until March 2010?)
I don't recall JO having more than a few articles.
The UL might have had more?
Of course, the NCN is stll attentive.
Perhaps it came from the Hanson articles?
Times like this, one needs a "Silky Horton".
I'm not convinced that this is a Shack post. It is semi-lucid, with no trailing periods or broken sentences and appears to actually convey a thought. The only thing that makes me wonder if it is a Shack attack is the obscure and unknown "silky horton" reference. Whatever the hell that means. I remember a members name of silkyboxers and remember the childrens book "Horton hears a Who", but have no clue what silky horton is supposed to mean.

If it is a legitimate Shack comment then either she has gotten a speech to text addition to her computer or her meds have kicked in or possibly both. I don't really think it is her to be honest.

In memory of SBD


Cabot, VT

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Aug 19, 2010





Shack wrote:
The Caledonian Record was very attentive in the year 2004, with about 40 articles. There were other articles in the CR within the following years.(Until March 2010?)
I don't recall JO having more than a few articles.
The UL might have had more?
Of course, the NCN is stll attentive.
Perhaps it came from the Hanson articles?
Times like this, one needs a "Silky Horton".
Thanks Shack! The aledonian Record has been attentive and the JO has written a few articles. NCN has covered well.

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