Saint Louis, MO
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> ...if i feel exhausted from reading your ideas over a few years... I guess if you've exhausted yourself from having read my posts over the past few years, then maybe you should take a break and stop reading them. This is an open, relatively unmoderated thread. It's public. You're not the only person who reads these threads. Typically, readers don't post and move on to other threads after a short time. As I've explained before nothing tops consistency. You, on the other hand, never tire of posting about various events involving deaths and possible homicides beyond Maura's case in the Franconia/Topix threads. I haven't exhausted myself reading your posts mainly because I glance at them every few months. I'm not interested in the Patrick hypothermia case or the guy who killed the cop killer, etc. But, hey, in the spirit of peace you intiated above, let's concentrate on Maura Murray, not on attacking a poster's state of mind. Really, the point is not the pain that has been caused by some ugly actions and remarks (not all of which are publicly known). I bring them up, yes, to some extent to bare my pain in an effort to say how terrible this kind of bullying really is, but much more importantly, I bring it up to say that there is at least a private investigation that is ongoing in western MA. It's ongoing right now. I think that's an important point. I even ran into Stevens yesterday at Stop and Shop. Said hi, how are you, no problem. But he's a professional. He performs a certain service for a certain (very high) price. Stevens is the real deal, he puts Shamshak to shame. I have my several points to make to those who read them here. No one is making you read my posts.
Saint Louis, MO
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> Quija has not only responded to you yesterday, but has offered to settle the matter by having a phone conversation. Really, I can find no offer of a phone conversation from Quija. Nor any kind of response to me yesterday (6 Aug 2011).
Gloucester, MA
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> I guess if you've exhausted yourself from having read my posts over the past few years, then maybe you should take a break and stop reading them. This is an open, relatively unmoderated thread. It's public. You're not the only person who reads these threads. Typically, readers don't post and move on to other threads after a short time. As I've explained before nothing tops consistency. You, on the other hand, never tire of posting about various events involving deaths and possible homicides beyond Maura's case in the Franconia/Topix threads. I haven't exhausted myself reading your posts mainly because I glance at them every few months. I'm not interested in the Patrick hypothermia case or the guy who killed the cop killer, etc. But, hey, in the spirit of peace you intiated above, let's concentrate on Maura Murray, not on attacking a poster's state of mind. Really, the point is not the pain that has been caused by some ugly actions and remarks (not all of which are publicly known). I bring them up, yes, to some extent to bare my pain in an effort to say how terrible this kind of bullying really is, but much more importantly, I bring it up to say that there is at least a private investigation that is ongoing in western MA. It's ongoing right now. I think that's an important point. I even ran into Stevens yesterday at Stop and Shop. Said hi, how are you, no problem. But he's a professional. He performs a certain service for a certain (very high) price. Stevens is the real deal, he puts Shamshak to shame. I have my several points to make to those who read them here. No one is making you read my posts. more correctly, i came from the Kenney/McKay topic to MM...each of interest, one more than the other. my style is to comment on the overview...and you, moreso on details. no interest in the Patric situation...WTF/Bill is most interested. i trust that a private investigation is still underway....and don't diminish the intent/purpose/outcome...or diminish your involvement. all is well. no problem....and i accept your suggestion for me to continue to skim your posts. peace.
Saint Louis, MO
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> Beagle, she said she posted on one of these threads yesterday. it wasn't this one, and i don't have the link. Since you are in close contact with her, please provide the Topix location, thread title, and post number. I cannot find any post by Quija. Thank you.
Saint Louis, MO
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> more correctly, i came from the Kenney/McKay topic to MM...each of interest, one more than the other. my style is to comment on the overview...and you, moreso on details. no interest in the Patric situation...WTF/Bill is most interested. i trust that a private investigation is still underway....and don't diminish the intent/purpose/outcome...or diminish your involvement. all is well. no problem....and i accept your suggestion for me to continue to skim your posts. peace. Peace out.
Saint Louis, MO
Now back to the crazy stuff. For what it's worth, one of the phone calls on Nicewicz's phone bill (Nicewicz was convicted ex-priest, child rapist) was placed from Nicewicz's home phone to a phone located on property owned by Tom Kempner's sons. Kempner's Dyax/Genzyme had an interest in ACT. Kempner has been my brother's best friend's chief business partner.
Saint Louis, MO
Beagle wrote: Now back to the crazy stuff. For what it's worth, one of the phone calls on Nicewicz's phone bill (Nicewicz was convicted ex-priest, child rapist) was placed from Nicewicz's home phone to a phone located on property owned by Tom Kempner's sons. Kempner's Dyax/Genzyme had an interest in ACT. Kempner has been my brother's best friend's chief business partner. I should have mentioned that ACT started in Jim Robl's UMass lab. Mike West took over ACT after having been forced out of Geron, the very company he founded. ACT arranged for a delivery of eggs from egg donors but the eggs were too few and from women too old.(See "Merchants of Immortality" by Stephen S. Hall.) This has been corroborated by direct communication between me and an ACT official.
Saint Louis, MO
No, after mid-Sept it's Bob Dylan's album title.
Saint Louis, MO
Where does Renner state that Maura Murray was pregnant when she disappeared? Date of blog post? Thanks.
Saint Louis, MO
hannah_b wrote: Sorry, but I don´t get it. Did someone kill Maura because she was part of some research project and about to give birth to a cross between a human and a cow? Not making fun of you, just trying to understand. No, Maura was not about to give birth to a cross between a human and a cow. That lark of an experiment was done in Jim Robl's UMass lab in the mid to late-1990s. Robl only found out about it a day or so later, after his students told him what they did. Robl did not authorize the experiment - in fact, he stopped it - but he was fascinated by it. As was a future official of ACT. ACT was started by Jim Robl and Steven Stice and supported by a few others, including some (un-named) investors. Just so everyone's clear, an enucleated cow egg fertilized by an adult cell does not yield a half-cow/half-human. That's not possible. If cleavage (cell division) of the original fertilized cell kept on going to the point at which it could have been called an embryo and then just magically kept on going, even if it had to be placed in utero, it would have simply, at most, have yielded a clone of the adult donor. But the odds of that happening are still very, very long. Cloning comes in two forms: therapeutic and reproductive. A lot of people get them mixed up. Only a very few want to take cloning to the reproductive stage. Right now, reproductive cloning is quite possible, and it has been for about a decade or so. But the results would be really unpredictable. Some groups such as one in Italy and another Canadian based group (Clonaid, or the Raelians) claim to have done this, but their claims are understandable disputed. Therapeutic cloning yields embryonic stem cells that can, in theory, be used to cure disease without fear of rejection. Reproductive cloning of mammals has been going on for a while now and includes clones of dogs, cows, horses, and chimpanzees. Dolly is an example. Often the clones have some wierd features or die quite young. And there is a big problem with how old the post-natal clone actually is. Eve Herold tells of an interesting experience she and Bernie Seigel (Genetics Policy Institute) had in a Seoul, South Korean lab when they were shown a cloned dog.(See Herold's "Stem Cell Wars")
Saint Louis, MO
For anyone interested in the latest in stem cell research, just subscribe to the newsletter from the Genetics Policy Institute. If you're not already familiar with the work in the field, it will really open your eyes.
Saint Louis, MO
Anyway, Loeb, in general (company, companies, corporations, etc.) had an ownership interest in Cheshire Trans. located right across Putney Rd from where Tina Sinclair and her daughter Bethany Sinclair were last seen.(A phone caller later that night claimed they were at home, but they were not seen there.) Loeb (again, in the broadest business sense) held an interest in both the EmCare ambulance at the scene as well as the First Student bus driven by Atwood. Loeb also is associated with deliveries of chemicals to both the Comins Pond well field, directly adjacent to where Molly Bish disappeared from, and to a delivery truck (I personally saw one at the Wells River truckstop) for the treatment of water in the Mountain Lakes Water District. Loeb Partners also is closely associated with John Regan's attorney E. Stewart Jones through their interest in Dove Interests. Regan comes from Waterbury, CT, the home of the chemical company (adjacent Middlebury, actually) and home of my brother's best friend, Holmes. Holmes and others were/are principals of a company called . While at the Wells River truck stop, I picked up a stong (5 bars) signal, but such a signal was denied by the manager of the truckstop. Not sure why. shares an suburban DC address (Arlington or Alexandria VA) with a national security company. Holmes's most significant business partner was Tom Kempner, former head of Loeb Partners, and chief investor in Dyax/Genzyme, which had an interest in ACT. Holmes's Key Air and Keystone Aviation were implicated in the illegal gift of $91,000 of free air travel to former Gov. John G. Rowland. Rowland and Regan were teammates on the wrestling team at St. Mary's in Waterbury and were also both bodybuilders. Regan pleaded, with his attorney's blessing, guilty to the attempted abduction of Lindsey Ferguson of Saratoga Springs despite the fact that Regan had an excellent defense of offer.
Saint Louis, MO
Plus Loeb rented an office directly across the street from the dorm complex where Maura worked and roomed.
Again, I want to emphasize that I really do not think Loeb himself/associated businesses had anything directly to do with Maura's disappearance, but that's a lot of Loeb at sites from which these women disappeared or were attacked. Maybe there are good reasons for one company's vehicles, or persons closely associated with company, to have been there, but it seems more like someone was tracking the movements of the Loeb group and in some way using their presence as some kind of marker. Not sure what it means, but thought it is worth putting out there.
If police want to take any of this and run with it they can, but it's been way to long with no results in too many cases to have faith in the police. Plus I personally have excellent reasons to have absolutely no trust in police. Therefore, I feel the only thing someone can do is post their ideas and findings online, like it or not.
I know it probably won't amount to anything, but it's better than nothing.Special thanks to Sgt. Dan McCarthy and Mass State Police det. Ricky McMillan.
Saint Louis, MO
I hate saying this, but the feet of people in power have to be held to the fire in order to get to the bottom of this. It won't happen because police organize a cold case unit. It won't happen because James Renner writes a book about it. It won't happen because people keep posting on Topix or Websleuths or other venues. It will only happen when major institutions and the key players in businesses associated or formed at those institutions are looked at very closely. If I can feel the heat, so must they.
Basically, it was Stevens' question ("Did you kill her?") that has caused me to start naming names and citing the ethically questionable work of UMass scientists.
UMass is a great example of a successful public university that originated with the earlier Morrill Land Grant agricultural colleges. But that doesn't mean it can do whatever it wants. It doesn't mean it can have even a small ownership interest in a biotech company like ACT that might well have profited from the murder of Molly Bish. That's just plain wrong. And there are plenty of high-powered business people who stand to lose a lot if it is discovered that Embryonic Stem Cell Research is in part furthered by or founded on the murder of even one young woman.
I may not be clever or smart enough to stand up to them successfully, but I do what can, clumsy and fractured as it is.
I will never, ever forget Stevens' asking me "Did you kill her?" That question will stay with me forever and motivate me until I die if that's how long it takes to make the truth come to light.
Saint Louis, MO
Was Vasi attacked because he called Maura a JAP at the Pub?
Saint Louis, MO
Did Maura attend parties at 27/29 Philips St in Amherst before Helena went there?
Was Kevin, who worked for Tony the landlord, hanging around there then? If so, you might want to take a second look at Kevin. Last I saw him, he was on the streets of Northampton, but that was a few months ago. He might still be there even if the Cot Shelter is closed for the summer. Or he might be back up in Turners Falls next to the Farren. Or in Greenfield.
Saint Louis, MO
Or if those associated with Birthright of Amherst, Inc. are still wondering what happened to Maura and are still on their vigilante trip against me, maybe they should recall their belief that all life is precious. All life. If their regard for the late Dick Johnson means anything, they should take stock in how much damage their actions have done. Your mouthpiece Dr. John R. Diggs, Jr., is a real warrior, isn't he? A true inspiration to violate both Christian love and the rule of law. He speaks everywhere. Even in New Hampshire.
Saint Louis, MO
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> Quija has not only responded to you yesterday, but has offered to settle the matter by having a phone conversation. Maybe since Quija posted on this thread her appreciation of Snowy's words, then maybe Quija herself could also post where she said she wanted to talk with me on the phone. Thanks.
Houston, TX
This entire topic is just dumb and so are the people that keep it going.
Saint Louis, MO
Pam wrote: This entire topic is just dumb and so are the people that keep it going. So?