Shelburne Falls, MA
Shelburne Falls, MA
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>you are wrong I stated many years back how Iam related to Maura. Did you state how you are related to Maura Murray on Topix/Franconia or somewhere else? Since most Topix threads of "years back" are now deleted, are you able to repeat the answer you gave then? Thank you.
South Grafton, MA
CG: Have you ever met Maura? My understanding is that you are a distant relative of the Murray family. We have had so many frauds on this forum. I'm not saying that you are not a relative. I know that you are. I just wonder if you ever actually met Maura. But really, poor Maura has certainly attracted her share of frauds, they have come out of the woodwork to stick their noses into this case. We had Peri the fake psychic, we had FireFraud the Murray family intimate and insider who it turned out had never, ever, not once met one member of the Murray family, had never been to NH, had never been to MA. And yet was able to convince everyone that she knew every little detail of the Murray family life and history. And she was able to convince the gullible that she was a College English Professor when in fact she was exposed to at one time be an Instructor in a Community College, nothing against CCs but still, it is a big difference. Also I was very confused to see Shack praising you after you had said the locals were good, kind, helpful people and Shack had described these very same people as the Devil Incarnate, people that should be exterminated with Lysol. I totally believe your description of them but you can see how a person could get confused as to what exactly is going on here. Why would Shack be supporting you when you are saying the very opposite of what she said. You can see why I and others would be confused.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Another red herring is put to rest. According to Renner there was NO second accident. Some of us already surmised this as there was never anything about a second accident in any police or dispatch report and the only one that claimed to hear this second accident on the scanner remembered it several months later.I could never understand how someone could remember such a minor accident heard on a scanner several months later. Interesting indeed. Keep on diggin....
Shelburne Falls, MA
Beagle wrote: 3. What's the difference in distance between the two locations? A lot or a little? A little clearer... What's the distance from Kennedy to the Corolla crash site? What's the distance from Kennedy to UMass Lot 12, where the Saturn was permitted to park? Are these two distances about the same? Short to medium walking distance? 10-20 minutes? IOW, is it not much farther to walk from Kennedy to the Corolla crash site than it is to walk from Kennedy to Lot 12? Is this about right? Is it possible that the Corolla crashed, then Maura walked from Kennedy (or got a ride) to the crash site and the actual Corolla driver disappeared? Then the Hadley PD was notified? Is this why the police were so interested in the Corolla after it was towed to North Amherst? If not, why else were police interested in such a thorough examination of the Corolla? Why were the police so interested in the Corolla? If a 911 call was made from the Hadley crash site, how did the dispatcher know which dept. to notify? The transition from Amherst to Hadley is not always clear, even to local police officers. Could a college student be relied on to give an accurate location? Did Amherst PD respond at any point? UMass PD? Or was Hadley PD the only dept to respond? How were the local police notified of the Corolla crash in Hadley?
Shelburne Falls, MA
Questions for James Renner's post currently dated Sept. 26, 2011.
What newspaper report(s) are you referring to?
How does/do the newspaper report(s) vary from the official Haverhill NH police report?
How high were the snowbanks at the Haverhill/WB crash site on Feb. 9, 2004? What is your source for this information?
How does Renner explain the damage to the Saturn?
Has Renner spoken to any western MA PI involved from the start?
Shelburne Falls, MA
Renner writes, in a post currently dated Sept 26, 2011 (3:04PM):
"There was no second crash site. A lot of people are saying the damage to Maura's Saturn does not line up with the official explanation of her accident. This rumor started on other boards and has taken on a weird frenzy in recent weeks. Please let me put this to rest so we can concentrate on other clues.
"The reason the damage does not seem to match with the report is simply because what was reported was not accurate. As I reported in the summer, Maura's accident did not happen the way newspapers have reported. According to one of the first people to arrive on the scene, it was obvious that Maura's car had crashed through a snowbank on the left side of the road before spinning around and coming to rest on the other side. The snowbanks were high and could have caused the damage to her hood that we see in the photos"
A little more supporting detail would be helpful. Thx.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Beagle wrote: <quoted text> A little clearer... What's the distance from Kennedy to the Corolla crash site? What's the distance from Kennedy to UMass Lot 12, where the Saturn was permitted to park? Are these two distances about the same? Short to medium walking distance? 10-20 minutes? IOW, is it not much farther to walk from Kennedy to the Corolla crash site than it is to walk from Kennedy to Lot 12? Is this about right? Is it possible that the Corolla crashed, then Maura walked from Kennedy (or got a ride) to the crash site and the actual Corolla driver disappeared? Then the Hadley PD was notified? Is this why the police were so interested in the Corolla after it was towed to North Amherst? If not, why else were police interested in such a thorough examination of the Corolla? Why were the police so interested in the Corolla? If a 911 call was made from the Hadley crash site, how did the dispatcher know which dept. to notify? The transition from Amherst to Hadley is not always clear, even to local police officers. Could a college student be relied on to give an accurate location? Did Amherst PD respond at any point? UMass PD? Or was Hadley PD the only dept to respond? How were the local police notified of the Corolla crash in Hadley? Beagle how do you suppose we could possibley know the answers to these questions? You must know we can't so why are you asking?
Gloucester, MA
Lauren wrote: CG: Have you ever met Maura? My understanding is that you are a distant relative of the Murray family. We have had so many frauds on this forum. I'm not saying that you are not a relative. I know that you are. I just wonder if you ever actually met Maura. But really, poor Maura has certainly attracted her share of frauds, they have come out of the woodwork to stick their noses into this case. We had Peri the fake psychic, we had FireFraud the Murray family intimate and insider who it turned out had never, ever, not once met one member of the Murray family, had never been to NH, had never been to MA. And yet was able to convince everyone that she knew every little detail of the Murray family life and history. And she was able to convince the gullible that she was a College English Professor when in fact she was exposed to at one time be an Instructor in a Community College, nothing against CCs but still, it is a big difference. Also I was very confused to see Shack praising you after you had said the locals were good, kind, helpful people and Shack had described these very same people as the Devil Incarnate, people that should be exterminated with Lysol. I totally believe your description of them but you can see how a person could get confused as to what exactly is going on here. Why would Shack be supporting you when you are saying the very opposite of what she said. You can see why I and others would be confused. excellent post. agree with all points made. you write: CG: Have you 'ever met Maura? My understanding is that you are a distant relative of the Murray family. We have had so many frauds on this forum. I'm not saying that you are not a relative. I know that you are. I just wonder if you ever actually met Maura." i DON'T know that CG is a relative, however distant. do you really know, Lauren? and, i'll be waiting for an answer as to whether CG has ever met MM in person. yes or no.
Gloucester, MA
citigirl wrote: <quoted text>you are wrong I stated many years back how Iam related to Maura. missed it. do you mind repeating? thank you.
Gloucester, MA
quija wrote: This was the red truck review that could have been submitted by ANY "Fred Murray" .... It may not even resemble the description RO gave of the truck; plus, the date is much too close to Maura's disappearance... But, FYI: 1996 Toyota T100 Consumer Review Edmunds Review 1997 Toyota T100 2 Dr SR5 4WD Extended Cab SB Used TMV from $2,455 Find 1996 Toyota T100 Best I've ever owned By Fred Murray on 02/16/04 00:00 AM (PST) Vehicle 1996 Toyota T100 SR5 2dr Extended Cab SB Review Has been the best vehicle I've ever owned. Doesn't drive like a truck, more like a luxury car. Has gotten a steady 19.5 to 21.5 mpg on the open road since the first day I got it and thats with a full top camper. Even when loaded, handling is solid and responsive. Driven every day to work and back. Still looks like a new truck. Favorite Features Confort, power, handling, reliability. Suggested Improvements A change in tires to Michelin all terrain. perfect, Quija. thank you!! this was the reference to a red truck and Fred Murray that i was looking for.
Portland, ME
anyone else remember reading somewhere that the truck said "Brians" either landscaping or construction? I will try and find that posting.
South Grafton, MA
Snowy wrote: <quoted text>
i DON'T know that CG is a relative, however distant. do you really know, Lauren? and, i'll be waiting for an answer as to whether CG has ever met MM in person. yes or no. No I don't really know !!!! I just assumed that Helena would have corrected her when it was said (more than once) on MMM. You are right to question me on that.
South Grafton, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: I could never understand how someone could remember such a minor accident heard on a scanner several months later. Interesting indeed. You couldn't understand this because it is a virtual impossibility for someone to remember several months later that such an insignificant, minor detail in their daily life occurred at exactly 7:11 pm on Feb 9. And she never really made it clear exactly what it was that she did hear and how it might relate to Maura. But My God how they loved that little scanner story. And it put Ann on the map. She was a celebrity! One of the big MMM heroes. She reveled in the attention. No one ever expressed doubt as to how she could remember such an insignificant non-event so many months after it allegedly occurred. But it made Ann an instant newly minted "expert" on Maura's disappearance.I guess lonely, bored people do these things to invest a little excitement into their pathetic lives.
Houston, TX
Did they find out who the g-string belonged to?
Amherst, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Beagle how do you suppose we could possibley know the answers to these questions? You must know we can't so why are you asking? Reasonable question, but who's the "we" in your "we can't?" I know this thread is "located" to serve the Franconia NH area, but not everyone who reads this thread is unfamiliar with the UMass campus, Amherst, Hadley - the general western MA area. Some posters, not to mention some lurkers, have spent considerable time in the Amherst MA area. In fact, there's more interest by a few people in the western MA area than is ever acknowledged. But more to the point of your question. You're right, probably most posters don't live near Amherst and therefore don't know the exact answers to these questions off the tops of their heads. But a few do. Beyond things like Google maps and familiarity with the local Amherst area, however, there's the simple fact that Maura's car (the Saturn) was parked only a slightly shorter distance from Kennedy than the site of the Corolla crash - IOW, a short walk. That's the main point. The Corolla crash site was nearly as easy to walk to as the lot where Maura was permitted to park her Saturn. From Kennedy to the Corolla crash site is about 3/4 of a mile, but definitely under one mile. Which is about a 15 minute walk. So I'm not convinced that Maura was driving the Corolla. On another point, not that it's very important, but Lot 12 can be a creepy place, even in daylight. There are trails that run near the western edge of the lot where many piles of stone, loam, sand, and other "stuff" are dumped. It is a fairly desolate area and I'm surprised it's even part of campus. I don't think any of it was paved in 2004. Even today, almost none of it is paved. In the rain, it resembles a rutted run-off more than a parking lot. It looks like the unused area of a sand and gravel pit. If Maura was going to the Saturn in Lot 12 Monday night and was attacked there, probably no one would ever know. An old fashioned gangland murder back there would go unnoticed.
Atlanta, GA
South Grafton, MA
jwb wrote: anyone else remember reading somewhere that the truck said "Brians" either landscaping or construction? I will try and find that posting. Brian's Landscaping. Norfolk MA. Not far from Weymouth MA and not far from Hanson MA See Google Map.
Amherst, MA
Wowzer the real one wrote: <quoted text> Beagle how do you suppose we could possibley know the answers to these questions? You must know we can't so why are you asking? Other than the distance question, the reason for asking these questions was, I thought, fairly clear. I apologize if it seemed otherwise to you. People have often questioned why Maura would drive the Corolla to the Hadley motel from ABC and then back to campus (where was it parked when she was socializing in the dorm?) and then back to the motel in the wee hours. Good question. Could be lots of good answers, but it seems rather possible that she wasn't driving the Corolla at all that Saturday night. Most UMass students unfamiliar with the area - and there are many such students - would have taken a different route from SW dorms to the Hadley motel. They would have driven down Mass Ave to Russell St. This tells me that Maura had taken the "back way" route before. Which tells me she was less likely to crash at that intersection than someone unfamiliar with it. You only need to go through that intersection once or twice to know where to stop. So I'm guessing - and it's just a toss-out-there GUESS, that someone other than Maura was driving the Corolla, maybe someone who had never driven through the intersection or someone driving heavily impaired. Or both. If so, then this person might have called Maura to come down to the intersection, which she could have walked to in about 15 minutes. Or Maura could, if uninjured and not very drunk, have run to the crash site in about 6-8 minutes. Earlier, Citigirl asked about area homes from which a call could have been made. That's not a bad question.
South Grafton, MA
Sorry, Forgot to say: Fred - Weymouth. Brother - Hanson. I have no idea what this means. If anything.