just me
Rapid City, SD
Det Columbo wrote: Possibly... The same RED TRUCK owned by a local Drug dealer in which Him and His brother traveled in on those roads all the time. Could these be the brothers who didn't show up for work that night? Mr Renner says some brothers, maybe not the same brothers you are reffering to, made snow every night but didn't show up for work on the 9th. So why is this being said on a public forum? Why, if there's any merit to the idea at all, why is it only talk, talk, talk? These guys should have already been spoken with, tailed, whatever it takes to see if they could somehow be involved. I mean come on, why talk about this when they have possibly been looked at and done with?
Bumping for Maura
Åseda, Sweden
Det Columbo wrote: RO at Bunga Rd. Dog spooked on Old Peters rd. Red truck seen by RO walking near Bunga rd. and then parked at store. Red truck then left store and headed east on Rte 112. Red truck sighted on BHR sometime after MM accident. Why is it not possible that there was a red truck on BHR that evening. The same red truck that was at the store and acting SUSPICIOUS. Det Columbo, 1.Has it beem established beyond doubt that there was a red truck parked on the side of Bradley Hill Road some distance away from the BHR/Rte 112 on the very same night that Maura vanished? If so, when was the supposed sighting and approx.how far up BHR? 2. Has it been established beyond doubt that a dog was indeed spooked by something when being walked by its owner on Old Peters Rd on the night of February 9th 2004? If so, at about what time did this happen? Thank you for any clarification(s)!
Vero Beach, FL
aftermath wrote: <quoted text> Unfortunately, there is a high probability that Maura met with foul play that evening.... Can you explain why you have this opinion? A high probability? Based on what facts? I would say exactly the opposite, the probability she met with foul play is extremely low, less than 2% at best. Can you explain?
Vero Beach, FL
just me wrote: <quoted text> Could these be the brothers who didn't show up for work that night? The 2 brothers you are referring to were elimanted as persons of interest.
just me
Minneapolis, MN
FrmLE wrote: <quoted text> The 2 brothers you are referring to were elimanted as persons of interest. Thank you for telling us about the two brothers being cleared. Nothing worse than thinking something like this and not knowing the answer by now. I know police have done a much better job than is often implied. One less thing to contemplate! Merry Christmas everyone. And best of New Years wishes, while I'm at it
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
With Respect to "Walk Away" Possibility: Wonder if NH LE or FBI checked with Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) regarding an entry into Canada by person(s) in a Red Truck with MA plates on Feb 9 or later? There are several VT/QC crossing points, many open 24 hours. On a Monday night it would mostly be truckers especially at Derby Line/Rock Island. In 2004 only picture ID was required for Americans entering Canada by car.(As of June 1, 2009 a passport is required). A picture of the vehicle license plate taken and ID checked at that time but ID may not have been recorded on the CBSA computer if border guards deemed it unwarranted. Information is shared by CBSA and US Customs. Not expecting an answer here ... just putting it out to the Universe!
Gloucester, MA
aftermath wrote: <quoted text>...there is a high probability that Maura met with foul play that evening because someone convinced her he was there to assist her, help her. Once he transported her away from Route 112, he murdered her.
In not taking disppearances seriously, it is attitude such as yours that delays searches and often prevents the missing from being found. a tidy little story, but it is based not on fact, but speculation and your own brand of fiction. your contribution, or mine, to the discussion is of little importance to the official investigation, unless you or i are able to provide factual information to the authorities. opinions don't count.
Since: Dec 11
United States
Merry Christmas ! I find a fascinating divide in opinions here that is directly analogous to the Jon Benet theory wars. In the IDI v RDI dispute, the sides diverge based on the external versus the internal threat to jbr- both real, the latter clearly statistically more likely than the former. Here, a similar dispute is ongoing. Some would like to characterize the events of Maura Murrays disappearance as being an extension of the "before" while others believe that an external force has broken into Maura's life and disturbed the natural order of things. This leads the first group to emphasize the unnatural aspects of mms life, while the latter group emphasizes its normalcy. In some ways this is a more convincing situation for the unnatural tale - a series of odd events culminate in the strange trip and disappearance. The external threat folks don't really have a good story for the normalcy of that behavior, or what exactly was "going one." this leads to a suicide/reckless death outcome. I think that renner is more inclined to a third way- that mm was harmed by a series of situations that were already ongoing, but not necessarily self-inflicted.
Portland, ME
Det Columbo wrote: Possibly... The same RED TRUCK owned by a local Drug dealer in which Him and His brother traveled in on those roads all the time. Det Columbo I had read on another Forum that two people in a truck were pulled over somewhere near 116 area @ 1am the night Maura went missing. They said they worked at Truants tavern that night and were drinking a few beers and spotting deer. Thought that sounded strange. They stopped at the stage shop the next day and talked about getting pulled over and they then found out about Maura being Missing. Are you familiar with this? any feedback
Gouverneur, NY
Det Columbo wrote: I personally know the person who found Pam Webbs body. It was just a few yards into the woods at a pull-off / overlook / rest area (NO Facilities). This was on Rte. 3 a busy trucker and tourist road. The pull-off is a well known stop for 18 wheelers as it is a long lot with easy entrance and exit back onto Rte. BUT it is also confined and views are obstructed from the road of oncoming traffic. Especially at night with no lights on a vehicle would not even be noticed. During the day w/ an 18 wheeler You would be able to hide and not be seen from the forest side of the truck. From what I have been told though: This was a hasty quick decision dumping of a body because of its close proximity to the pull-off. The killer must have known it would be found quickly once decomp. had started. Unless of course this was the plan because He felt safe from being caught. Det Columbo, The phrase in situ apparently holds more meaning for this predator than it does for the average person. His victims are usually found considerable distance from location where his first encounter with them occurs. He is knowledgeable of disadvantages of leaving victim/body in situ where first encounter occurs.
Det Columbo
Bangor, ME
I do not recall hearing of this motor vehicle stop. I do know they were stopping plenty of vehicles that night after MM accident as well as other incidents.
That is interesting if it did indeed happen. Truants employees out after work looking for deer. Were they going to shoot them. Odd enough. Or just the first thing they thought of because they were drinking and needed an excuse for being out. Who Knows.?
Det Columbo
Bangor, ME
The further away the body from the scene of abduction certainly gives the person a big time advantage before the body will be found if ever. This also draws LE away from the scene of abduction quicker because there is NO REAL EVIDENCE there to proceed with. This clouds the investigation from the beginning. Evidence at the scene may not be recognized as evidence at the time and is overlooked. In Pam webbs case it was reported by a passerby that an 18 wheeler was seen parked behind her vehicle on 95 but nobody could remember anything of certainty to help aid LE in their investigation. That 18 wheeler was MORE THAN LIKELY driven by the person or persons who abducted Pamela. This same 18 wheeler drove into the pull-off on Rte 3 in Franconia and quickly dumped Pamela's body.
Bumping for Maura
Åseda, Sweden
There have been some rather interesting posts on Websleuth´s MM forum today. Have a look round and see what you think.
Det Columbo
Bangor, ME
FrmLE The 2 brothers.....Did their last name begin with a "G". If so then You are correct.
Vero Beach, FL
Thanks, I know I am correct.
Det Columbo
Bangor, ME
Could You provide a link to those post. I cannot seem to find any post from today. Thank You.
Det Columbo
Bangor, ME
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
jwb wrote: <quoted text> Det Columbo I had read on another Forum that two people in a truck were pulled over somewhere near 116 area @ 1am the night Maura went missing. They said they worked at Truants tavern that night and were drinking a few beers and spotting deer. Thought that sounded strange. They stopped at the stage shop the next day and talked about getting pulled over and they then found out about Maura being Missing. Are you familiar with this? any feedback I hope Santa was good to everyone and figured out who was naughty and nice. Jwb that's very interesting. Could you tell us what forum you read that information from?
Portland, ME
Det Columbo wrote: JWB.... I do not recall hearing of this motor vehicle stop. I do know they were stopping plenty of vehicles that night after MM accident as well as other incidents. That is interesting if it did indeed happen. Truants employees out after work looking for deer. Were they going to shoot them. Odd enough. Or just the first thing they thought of because they were drinking and needed an excuse for being out. Who Knows.? Yea, I thought it was strange also. I want to say it was someone ( a female) that either worked with or someone that worked at the Stage shop that posted this. I will try and find the post or if anyone else can did it out or recollect it and post it would be appreciated.
“"Dancing with wolves"”
Since: Oct 10
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: RO at Bunga Rd. Dog spooked on Old Peters rd. Red truck seen by RO walking near Bunga rd. and then parked at store. Red truck then left store and headed east on Rte 112. Red truck sighted on BHR sometime after MM accident. Why is it not possible that there was a red truck on BHR that evening. The same red truck that was at the store and acting SUSPICIOUS. The red truck story has changed several times over the years. I've disagreed with you on it more than once. First it was on BHR and the door was opem on it. Then someone walking their dog on BHR was spooked when their dog started growing and acting weird. When I asked where this happened you said by the driveway to the 2 log cabins. Remember??? When I said that I knew no one walked their dog up that hill because it was pitch black and secluded I believe the story changed to the dog being walked at the bottom of BHR and 112? Remember??? And now the dog is being walked on Old Peters Rd so I can honestly say I have no idea where the dog was being walked or if there ever even was a dog to begin with.