Lincoln, NH
I found this web page helpful for trying to understand why there is such a big disconnect with some LE and other members of society. They list 10 traits. I posted # 8 along with the web page address: http://www.heavybadge.com/10reason.htm 8) No gray areas. The law enforcement officer works in a fact-based world with everything compared to written law. Right and wrong is determined by a standard. They have a set way of going about gathering the proper evidence for the law and can justify their actions because they represent the "good and right side." In the real world, clear rights and wrongs are not as likely to occur. The newspapers are an opinion-based system, the court system is an opinion-based system and, needless to say, relationship decisions and proper parenting techniques are opinion-based systems. Adjusting from right and wrong, black-and-white systems, to opinion-based systems is very difficult and requires a complete change in mental attitude.
United States
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> PHOTOS OF ACTUAL SNOW COVERAGE AT RTE 112 CURVE WEATHERED BARN LOCATION FEB 2004: http://kunhardtphoto.com/missingmaura Enough snow to make cross-country travel with inadequate footgear difficult re frequent slips/trips.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
jwb wrote: 8) No gray areas. The law enforcement officer works in a fact-based world with everything compared to written law. Right and wrong is determined by a standard. They have a set way of going about gathering the proper evidence for the law and can justify their actions because they represent the "good and right side." In the real world, clear rights and wrongs are not as likely to occur. The newspapers are an opinion-based system, the court system is an opinion-based system and, needless to say, relationship decisions and proper parenting techniques are opinion-based systems. Adjusting from right and wrong, black-and-white systems, to opinion-based systems is very difficult and requires a complete change in mental attitude. Great find! A really good read.
United States
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> PHOTOS OF ACTUAL SNOW COVERAGE AT RTE 112 CURVE WEATHERED BARN LOCATION FEB 2004: http://kunhardtphoto.com/missingmaura Enough to make my point that progress especially with inadequate footgear would risk slips/trips, falls, etc. Not impossible to walk but slow.
Gloucester, MA
jwb wrote: I found this web page helpful for trying to understand why there is such a big disconnect with some LE and other members of society. They list 10 traits. I posted # 8 along with the web page address: http://www.heavybadge.com/10reason.htm 8) No gray areas. The law enforcement officer works in a fact-based world with everything compared to written law. Right and wrong is determined by a standard. They have a set way of going about gathering the proper evidence for the law and can justify their actions because they represent the "good and right side." In the real world, clear rights and wrongs are not as likely to occur. The newspapers are an opinion-based system, the court system is an opinion-based system and, needless to say, relationship decisions and proper parenting techniques are opinion-based systems. Adjusting from right and wrong, black-and-white systems, to opinion-based systems is very difficult and requires a complete change in mental attitude. you obviously feel threatened by a fact-based approach to problem-solving, and have demonstrated your preference to work in the realm of imagination. it's more difficult to argue against fanciful imaginings, imo. right brained, left brained, male, female..or whichever combo...i sense you feel intimidated and threatened by what you perceive to be male authority figures. in fact, someone claiming to be "LE" in any forum may or may not be an authentic claim. still, you were motivated enough to link an outline of negative stereotyping of the role and personalities of police officers. i have seen this information presented here before; it is consistent with a group of women who fear and may have experienced victimization and violence in their personal lives. in fact, i'd wager it is the very reason they are here....they project their own fears of abduction, violence and serial killing onto MM.
Gloucester, MA
Advocate wrote: <quoted text> Enough to make my point that progress especially with inadequate footgear would risk slips/trips, falls, etc. Not impossible to walk but slow. if one is motivated to take off into the woods, i'd suggest it is the terrain that makes navigating difficult to impossible....footwear is the lesser concern. uncleared brush and fallen trees aren't a clear path to anywhere.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Pay no mind to the ingrates JWB. Let Snowy have her buttered popcorn and irrational misogynistic rants.
Vero Beach, FL
Not So wrote: Scarinza said a canine tracked Murray for about 100 yards east of where Murray's car went off the road. He said the trail ended in the general area of Atwood's residence. Because the trail came to an end, Scarinza believes it is an indication she left the area in a car. Ok, now please use the exact quote instead of your interpretation of what was said. Because, what you typed is NOT WHAT WAS SAID! I know it would be nice to be able to "modify" statements to fit your theory, however it's not going to fly here... So let me clarify for you. No one has ever said that LE believes Maura left in a vehicle. The dog tracked down the road and ended it's track, for reasons only the dog knows. The track was 2 days after Maura went missing, not exactly a great scent left to track. The comment made by Scarinza was this: " Does that mean she got into a vehicle? Perhaps. Does that mean it wasn't a scent opportunity? That it had been too long to follow? Perhaps." Perhaps, perhaps not. It is obvious Scrainza does not know whether she got into a vehicle and is doing a pretty good job of straddling the fence, "maybe she did mayne she didn't." His comment when asked about her getting a ride, he said this: "My sense is that she might have gotten a ride." That is another way of saying, "she might not have gotten a ride, because I don't know." So for you to say that LE believes she left the scene in a vehicle is pretty inaccurate, isn't it? Nice try though, muddy the water and maybe people will believe your Bull. Sorry, not me.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
FrmLE wrote: <quoted text> Ok, now please use the exact quote instead of your interpretation of what was said. Because, what you typed is NOT WHAT WAS SAID! I know it would be nice to be able to "modify" statements to fit your theory, however it's not going to fly here... So let me clarify for you. No one has ever said that LE believes Maura left in a vehicle. The dog tracked down the road and ended it's track, for reasons only the dog knows. The track was 2 days after Maura went missing, not exactly a great scent left to track. The comment made by Scarinza was this: " Does that mean she got into a vehicle? Perhaps. Does that mean it wasn't a scent opportunity? That it had been too long to follow? Perhaps." Perhaps, perhaps not. It is obvious Scrainza does not know whether she got into a vehicle and is doing a pretty good job of straddling the fence, "maybe she did mayne she didn't." His comment when asked about her getting a ride, he said this: "My sense is that she might have gotten a ride." That is another way of saying, "she might not have gotten a ride, because I don't know." So for you to say that LE believes she left the scene in a vehicle is pretty inaccurate, isn't it? Nice try though, muddy the water and maybe people will believe your Bull. Sorry, not me. I'd say your interrogation methods of other members is working out splendidly thus far, don't you reckon? Do some honest research and get back to us. Not that you have any credibility left. What FrmLE? What does that even mean? Where? In what capacity? Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay?
Not So
Hingham, MA
FrmLE wrote: <quoted text> Ok, now please use the exact quote instead of your interpretation of what was said. Because, what you typed is NOT WHAT WAS SAID! I know it would be nice to be able to "modify" statements to fit your theory, however it's not going to fly here... So let me clarify for you. No one has ever said that LE believes Maura left in a vehicle. The dog tracked down the road and ended it's track, for reasons only the dog knows. The track was 2 days after Maura went missing, not exactly a great scent left to track. The comment made by Scarinza was this: " Does that mean she got into a vehicle? Perhaps. Does that mean it wasn't a scent opportunity? That it had been too long to follow? Perhaps." Perhaps, perhaps not. It is obvious Scrainza does not know whether she got into a vehicle and is doing a pretty good job of straddling the fence, "maybe she did mayne she didn't." His comment when asked about her getting a ride, he said this: "My sense is that she might have gotten a ride." That is another way of saying, "she might not have gotten a ride, because I don't know." So for you to say that LE believes she left the scene in a vehicle is pretty inaccurate, isn't it? Nice try though, muddy the water and maybe people will believe your Bull. Sorry, not me. Well, I didn't hear the words directly, but that information is taken directly (unedited) from a Caledonian Record article dated February 21, 2004. I saved it, but you'll have to pay for it since you don't want to believe what I've posted. Or perhaps you can find the article somewhere else online. The title of the article follows: Search For Missing Woman Extended To Vermont Nothing Turned Up By GARY E. LINDSLEY, Staff Writer
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Not So wrote: <quoted text> Well, I didn't hear the words directly, but that information is taken directly (unedited) from a Caledonian Record article dated February 21, 2004. I saved it, but you'll have to pay for it since you don't want to believe what I've posted. Or perhaps you can find the article somewhere else online. The title of the article follows: Search For Missing Woman Extended To Vermont Nothing Turned Up By GARY E. LINDSLEY, Staff Writer The words are out there "directly" and there are other honorable media outlets who reported the same thing "directly" from other LE. And not through bloggers. Go seekers!-- there are many search engines and other ways to find out legitimate information if you put your mind to it.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
The arrogance and rudeness that is spewed forth from the fingertips of FrmLE in his retirement from law enforcement makes Me happy he is no longer a cop. FrmLE..... You must have been a real cactus as a cop. I am sure your curbside manner left a lot to be desired. You sir are an ass to be polite. Did You leave of your own accord or were You tossed? Just Asking.! John
Gloucester, MA
Frostman wrote: Pay no mind to the ingrates JWB. Let Snowy have her buttered popcorn and irrational misogynistic rants. well, now there is a frosty reply! while your registration at Topix is recent, i have had the benefit of the history of tens of thousands of posts behind me to draw the conclusions i've made. the link supplied by jwb in the context of her argument here against certain posters most certainly reflects a negative stereotype of law enforcement. that, in part, has driven a great deal of suspicion toward LE surrounding MM's disappearance.
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: The arrogance and rudeness that is spewed forth from the fingertips of FrmLE... Just ignore FrmLE -- let him stew in his juices. Not LE, not even close. And not even worth the keystrokes it takes to respond.
Gloucester, MA
FrmLE wrote: <quoted text> Ok, now please use the exact quote instead of your interpretation of what was said. Because, what you typed is NOT WHAT WAS SAID! I know it would be nice to be able to "modify" statements to fit your theory, however it's not going to fly here... So let me clarify for you. No one has ever said that LE believes Maura left in a vehicle. The dog tracked down the road and ended it's track, for reasons only the dog knows. The track was 2 days after Maura went missing, not exactly a great scent left to track. The comment made by Scarinza was this: " Does that mean she got into a vehicle? Perhaps. Does that mean it wasn't a scent opportunity? That it had been too long to follow? Perhaps." Perhaps, perhaps not. It is obvious Scrainza does not know whether she got into a vehicle and is doing a pretty good job of straddling the fence, "maybe she did mayne she didn't." His comment when asked about her getting a ride, he said this: "My sense is that she might have gotten a ride." That is another way of saying, "she might not have gotten a ride, because I don't know." So for you to say that LE believes she left the scene in a vehicle is pretty inaccurate, isn't it? Nice try though, muddy the water and maybe people will believe your Bull. Sorry, not me. again, i was surprised Scarinza uttered the suggestion that she might have accepted a ride. it was speculative, but i knew that phrasing would be a springboard for those pushing an abduction / homicide theory. sugar-coating doesn't influence comprehension here, and direct rebuttal is grounds for being judged as mean, rude, and for being "an ass" - with credit to Columbo. so be it.
Vero Beach, FL
Id say some of the locals here don't like the fact that they are being challenged by someone who posts facts and convincing
Shelburne Falls, MA
Det Columbo wrote: You sir are an ass [...] Much Ado About Nothing - Wm. Shakespeare
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> well, now there is a frosty reply! while your registration at Topix is recent, i have had the benefit of the history of tens of thousands of posts behind me to draw the conclusions i've made. the link supplied by jwb in the context of her argument here against certain posters most certainly reflects a negative stereotype of law enforcement. that, in part, has driven a great deal of suspicion toward LE surrounding MM's disappearance. The link was interesting and IMO, pro LE. When I cite some history on the forums and seek clarification you say, "oopsie, before my time". Some of us understand your posts regarding the CTRV killer and victimology. We get it. Completely. Some of us also understand who is former LE and who are impostors. Video et taceo.
Shelburne Falls, MA
And where does Hampshire Shakespeare perform? Bay Road?
Remember the Shakespeare quote from Oh My?
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Det Columbo wrote: The arrogance and rudeness that is spewed forth from the fingertips of FrmLE in his retirement from law enforcement makes Me happy he is no longer a cop. FrmLE..... You must have been a real cactus as a cop. I am sure your curbside manner left a lot to be desired. You sir are an ass to be polite. Did You leave of your own accord or were You tossed? Just Asking.! John I understand a lot of what he has said and how he said it. In many cases I have said the same things in some cases virtually verbatim. I have a particularly low threshold for "stupid" and these forums through the years have produced more than their fair share of stupid. It is nice that someone else is doing some of the heavy lifting, and he is doing a remarkably good job of it. He has his facts straight, now how to investigate not speculate. And can put thoughts together logically and express himself very well. People should be listening, instead they want to argue. Oh, and I have never heard anyone state that Maura left in a car. I have heard repeated speculation, including from me that, that is a possibility based upon the way the dog appeared to act. I have never read any official who has stated that as fact. Ever! Bill