Hyannis, MA
Bumping for Maura wrote: I´m done with commenting on this board, which now seems more like a cauldron of venomous attacks against Maura for having had the temerity of vanishing without a trace, possibly because of some kind of foul play. There are many truly good people here, but the evil axis of Tom and Snowy makes for a truly abominable combination. I shall be concentrating on the ever more fascinating (and thankfully moderated) James Renner blog in the future. This forum just leaves me disgusted. Your words speak for many of us,thank you.Snowy suffers some deep hatred that she must spew day&night.
Hebron, CT
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Your words speak for many of us,thank you.Snowy suffers some deep hatred that she must spew day&night. Yes, thank you. Let's see how many volunteer here to discuss their "skeletons in the closet"...... Snowy?
Katonah, NY
simply caustic wrote: <quoted text> No, in 2004 it was not legally required to only put the last four digits. That changed in or around 2005 / 2006...and the restaurant I worked at in college only required the full number and expiration date to run a credit card from 1999 through at least security code required. It was a major chain restaurant and the register system printed the full number on the customer copy of the receipt, but not the store copy. So, if the girl tossed out HER copy, it would have her full number...but on our system, for some reason, the exp. was not listed on receipt. Also, when we took phone orders, we wrote out the cc.digits and exp. on the handwritten order sheet, which was stapled to the order when we delivered it. Someone coulda grabbed those, too. She also could have just pulled the card out of the wallet and wrote the numbers down.
Katonah, NY
findmaura wrote: <quoted text> Your words speak for many of us,thank you.Snowy suffers some deep hatred that she must spew day&night. Thats good. Your rallying behind a poster who is rallying behind a girl who makes fraudulent cc purchases, not to mention anything else she has done. Find better role models.
Katonah, NY
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> Yes, thank you. Let's see how many volunteer here to discuss their "skeletons in the closet"...... Snowy? Were not searchig for snowy are we? His/Her parent didn't come out and say they are an angel and what they did before the accident doesn't matter. Snowy's parents and family didn't bad mouth the locals or NH LE.
Amherst, MA
simply caustic wrote: <quoted text> I was in no way condoning or excusing her behavior. Addiction is a REASON....not an excuse, trust me, I work in the legal system in Chicago, where we frequently are prosecuting habitual offenders who state that its not their fault....they are addicted. I find that a cop-out. However, I do think addiction at least EXPLAINS what she was doing, and that brings us a lot closer to the truth than the initial pretty picture we were painted. Further, her father is curious to me in several respects....namely, I wonder just how much he was aware of regarding her potential addiction to food and alcohol. I wonder if he was aware of the CC fraud. It's my opinion that if he was aware of her spiraling out of control at UMASS and left her there, picking up fraud charges, binge eating, and abusing alcohol....well. I find that highly suspicious. She had a history of bulimia. He knew this. The fraud for food and alcohol abuse blow my mind in respect to....why would you buy her a new car and leave her there to fend for herself in the midst of a breakdown? Yank her arse outta school and get her into therapy or Let her face the criminal charges and get back into school after she's stable enough to be on her own. That being said, I have no proof that he knew about the CC fraud or current bulimia issue, were there one. But I wonder who posted her bond on the fraud charge...or did they give her a personal recognizance bond? Not sure if they are easy to get in Mass. Maybe: Summons? No prior? Roots, obviously. Therefore, personal recog? Good to find out if she was in fact arraigned. If so, when? Arrested or summonsed? If crime occurred on UMass campus, then it's UMass PD's turf. This was clearly stated by former Amherst PD detective Michael Kent, currently chief in Burlington MA. Kent stated that UMass was handling Maura's disappearance. If the credit card crime, assuming there was one, was committed off-campus, then it's Amherst PD's turf. Also, even though it's a relatively small amount, if a telephone was used, then, technically, it's a federal crime. But I sort of doubt the feds will intervene for a few pizzas. Best to check with clerk's office at Eastern Hampshire District Court in Belchertown MA for details.
Hebron, CT
Tom wrote: <quoted text> Thats good. Your rallying behind a poster who is rallying behind a girl who makes fraudulent cc purchases, not to mention anything else she has done. Find better role models. What's in your closet?
Hyannis, MA
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> Yes, thank you. Let's see how many volunteer here to discuss their "skeletons in the closet"...... Snowy? I wonder how many here have used poor judgement&made mistakes when young?I know I did,lived through it all to be typing here&Im quite sure my family didnt know a thing.maura was human but some here seem to have lived such a charmed life they dont understand making mistakes.
Hyannis, MA
Amherst, MA
simply caustic wrote: <quoted text> Usually, PTP is for a longer length of six months to a year. Three months is not unheard of, though. However, if she DID get offered PTP I find it unlikely that her family was unaware, as she would have to report to the probation department for regular appointments, submit to alcohol and drug testing at the court's discretion, and there would have been at least one, if not more, court dates she would have attended, in order for the Commonwealth to offer her this diversion program. Also, upon picking up any new criminal charge, her bond could and likely would be revoked, she would spend some time in the county lockup, and be out back on the court docket to face the charges...and no longer be allowed to participate in alternative programs such as probation. Sorry, no disrespect intended, but this is untrue. In virtually all MA cases like this, pre-trial probation does NOT require reporting to anyone, anywhere, let alone a probation office. No further court appearances are usually required. No drug or alcohol tests are usually required. The only reason to go back to court is if you are charged again. There was almost certainly no bond or bail to revoke. The judge obviously can structure it the way s/he wants, but in a case like this, she was probably told to just stay clean. That's normal. She wasn't a mass murderer. Maybe they do things differently in IL, but Mass. is a pretty liberal state. Former Sec. of State James Baker was asked, during his Senate confirmation hearings, whether he had ever visited a communist country. He said no, but he had been to Massachusetts. But you bring up a good point. Why would she drive the Corolla? If she wasn't driving it, who was? Maybe she was drunk and didn't care? If so, why was she not arrested? Hadley PD would have known about the pre-trial probation by computer when the responding officer called the station after he had retrieved Maura's ID and personal info. The Hadley PD would have done a computer check, run her record. If she was on PTP, then why was she let go if she was drunk? She slid on ice? Maybe.
Amherst, MA
Tom wrote: <quoted text> I think everyone was so attracted to this disappearance because she was the All American Girl. Ditto X 10000000000 for Molly Bish. All American white girl. But a black or PR ghetto kid disappears, where are all the resources then?
Amherst, MA
Jwb wrote: I'm certainly no expert on bulimia, but do these pics show that Maura had an eating disorder? Or were they taken at a time when she was pretty healthy looking?
Katonah, NY
Beagle wrote: <quoted text>Ditto X 10000000000 for Molly Bish. All American white girl. But a black or PR ghetto kid disappears, where are all the resources then? Exactly I'm not making this a white or black issue, but we usually hear when the black ghetto person goes missing that they hung out with the wrong crowd. Even Brianna Braitland who went missing five weeks after Maura 60 miles away after an accident, since she was a crack user everyone didn't put in that mauch effort as we have for Maura. The PR that her father did is amazing.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: Tom ~ i am officially passing the torch over to you. i don't care enough anymore to spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to make sense out of nonsense. i can easily check in after several weeks, six months or a year, and it will be the same old song and dance. i have an opportunity to restore wasted time back to my life, and i've even found a replacement in the endless debate. do you accept the offer? Thanks for all your effort here and Wowzer also. I know what it took to get Shack to pretty much stop posting her venom on the forum. It was a 24/7 task for a pretty good amount of time. Still no apology for anything she said or did for all those years. Even when we learn more and more that it is likely she might have run because of demons that were pursuing her. So, if the family had been more honest, if they had suggested that there was a reason she ran. If everyone knew this, wouldn't have been more likely that her body would have been found? But because the family and its supporters had insisted that Maura was flawless and had no issues local searches for her body probably didn't take on the importance that it might have taken on. And of course needing to fight over and over with Shack distracted from useful pursuits such as searches. Without the use of locals the searching was basically shut down. Why would anyone want to be involved in something were you didn't know if you were going to be vilified by some of the nut jobs involved in this cluster f**k. How did you know if you tried to help, and maybe found something or said something that you wouldn't become the next person to be the focus of Shacks constant barrage of online accusations and being publicly vilified. Why would anyone with talent, common sense, and any sense for self preservation get involved with this case? Especially when you can't get an honest answer from anyone supposedly in the know, like the family? Thanks Snowy and Wowzer for all the time you have spent trying to keep this on track, instead of what it was before, when some very vile people were involved. Bill
Katonah, NY
I want all you Fred Murray groupies out tomorrow. Tonight we are going to talk about Sexual molestation and eating disorders. Since we all went to feel bad for Maura's eating disorder I would like to show you how she might have developed one. Now as I mentioned that her father has been the biggest player in all this, and how her father "didn't think the past didn't matter to her disappareance" I think he may have been a player in her eating disorder. Just type in google " Sexual molestation and eating disorders" Heres one: In my eating disorder practice, 40 to 60 percent of the men and women who come to therapy for an eating problem have been sexually or physically abused.“It was my father’s best friend.”“It was my father.”“It was my brother.”“It was my mother's boyfriend.”“It was my mother.”“And so I starved myself.”“And so I binged and purged.”“And so I got fat.”“And so I started using laxatives. I need his defenders out tomorrow.
Katonah, NY
What is the connection between sexual abuse and developing an eating disorder? The answer is guilt, shame, anesthesia, self-punishment, soothing, comfort, protection and rage.
Katonah, NY
There seems to be a definite correlation between physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse and the sufferers of Eating Disorders. According to studies, a relatively high percent report that they have suffered from some sort of abuse in their lives. In a Something Fishy poll on this very topic, out of over 2,000 people who responded, more than 50% said they suffered from some type of physical or sexual abuse. This is, of course, not to say that all people suffering with Anorexia, Bulimia or Compulsive Eating have been abused, but a number of sufferers admit that some type of abuse played a direct and/or indirect part in the development of their Eating Disorder.
Since: Nov 08
Location hidden
mcsmom wrote: <quoted text> What's in your closet? And I don't have s**t in my closet. But, I also wouldn't be running from my crashed car. And I also wouldn't have been drinking. Not everyone has skeletons in their closet. And if you do. I suggest if you want to "go public" to have people support your cause or want help. Be honest with them about what is happening. How long did many of us know that this didn't pass the smell test? Not only will it make the effort more realistic, it might get your daughter back sooner. Bill
Katonah, NY
Psychological and behavioral effects of child sexual abuse may include low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, fear, hostility, chronic tension, eating disorders, sexual dysfunction, self-destructive or suicidal behavior, post traumatic stress disorder, dissociation, multiple personality disorder, repeat victimization, running away, criminal behavior, academic problems, substance abuse and prostitution.1,3,8,17,19,23 Sexual abuse survivors are at higher risk for mental health and social functioning problems resulting from feelings of powerlessness, guilt, shame, stigmatization and low self-esteem.8,9 Powerlessness damages coping skills and reduces ability to protect oneself from further abuse.
Katonah, NY
The effects of child sexual abuse can include depression,[5] post-traumatic stress disorder,[6] anxiety,[7] propensity to further victimization in adulthood,[8] and physical injury to the child, among other problems.[9] Sexual abuse by a family member is a form of incest, and can result in more serious and long-term psychological trauma, especially in the case of parental incest