Since: Dec 11
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oo00oo wrote: <quoted text>You better add your e-mail to your profile, so you can get your secret squirrel invite 8-) Good idea Basil!
Gloucester, MA
Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Snowy, Much ppreciate your response & can see your point. the original antagonism toward me is a carry over from another NH issue / debate that i believe to be unrelated to MM's disappearance. in that instance, my opinions about a matter of street justice between a cop and a citizen ultimately favored the position taken by law enforcement; it is unpopular with some posters here. in general, supporters originating from the first MMM forum are more in line with conspiracy theories involving LE. it rankles them when i strongly disagree. i am also in the camp that believes it was morally wrong to drive accusations toward SBD/Butch Atwood, which likely caused his considerable distress. some believe it caused his death. the fighting started long before i came on-board; i've detailed the history and dynamics in the recent past. i'll say it's difficult to figure out who is really new, and who is recycling to another moniker. i tend to be less patient and open-minded about multi-monikers, as you know. thank you, once again, for listening and i hope, understanding.
Astoria, NY
Seems to me that a couple people in here have some serious delusions of grandeur.. I mean come on already, we r really supPosed to believe that yOur boss told u to stop posting on topix Emmett?? Really?? That's absolutely insane, agaaim, can anyone actualt give one legitimate reason why the FBI would give 2 shits about what's going on on the topix maura Murray thread??! Seriously just one good reasOn. It's tOtal complete bullshit. & even if they did care why would they care about the crap you've said Emmett? Your clearly not fr the area and have no useful info pertaining to the case so why would they go after you? Do u really expect us to believe this crap? I've been posting for years why haven't they said anything to me? Or one of the many other peoole who've been here fr years? I just think it's super Fucked up to make things up here, we r talking about a beautiful young girl who is missing and most likely murdered. Come on people! This is a message board that a few hundred people look at, maybe a few thousand ever. You people think it's a lot more important than it really is. Again, why would the FBI even care about any of this? Please give me one good hypothetical reason bc I can't think of one
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
Det Columbo wrote: A lot more went down at the Weathered Barn corner on Feb. 9th 2004 than anyone knows. Lots of unanswered questions. Timing. lies. inconsistencies. Etc. Because "timing is everthing" John The first time I've ever completely agreed with you, which is why I was so adamant last week about you bringing forth (real) evidence that initial calls came in around 7pm. Amy, whomever is giving you crap is just someone who thinks they are picking an easy target.
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
jwb wrote: <quoted text> John, that is even obvious to a newbie like myself. I have my opinion on it and I know I don't get much credit from some posters that prefer to call me stupid or windmilling of ideas. I have a good feeling what went down at the WB Curve hence the scare tactics and verbal abuse and demeaning remarks to thwart people away. I am not going anywhere . I am just stunned by the comments towards Anne. I just can't believe someone could talk to another human being in that way regradless if you believe her or not. Just let it go. If you are any type of person with a heart it should ache over that. It plainly sucks and those that agreed with the statement are no better in my book. I agree. She must have been hitting on a nerve (or some truth) and some other retired person probably doesn't like it.
Cabot, VT
Snowy wrote: <quoted text> someone successfully asked you to back away? and amy, also? well, it's never stopped Anne from posting all of these years. ever. puzzling. Got the message Snowy!
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
Bumping for Maura wrote: <quoted text> Lighthouse, I agree. Apart from fleeing some kind of real or perceived threat, drug-related or not, the only other thing that I can think of as being so pressing as to necessitate an immediate flight from Amherst would be if Maura´s Saturn was somehow, one way or other involved in the hit-and-run case in downtown Amherst, MA, involving Petrit Vasi. Maura might not herself have been driving the car at the time, but she might have lent it to a friend of hers. Remember that Mr Vasi´s condition remained critical for quite some time, so the hit-and-run (if involving Maura´s car) might have all too easily have turned into a manslaughter and fleeing the scene of an accident charge. There could be plenty of other reasons. Firstly let's not forget about the credit card fiasco. Then causing $8k damage to her father's new car. Problems with boyfriend. Something else that was talked about over the phone (possibly having to do with said boyfriend problems). Keeping up with school. It seemed she was wanting to get away for a few days and drink some of her problems away, and probably start taking care of them at the end of the week or the following week. Just because there are unanswered questions, let's not fill in the empty spaces with too insanely much drama. While I haven't completely ruled out the Vasi thing, it doesn't boil down to "either a drug problem or a hit-and-run" - not by any means.
Gloucester, MA
Anne wrote: <quoted text>Got the message Snowy! as usual, i'm not sure what you're saying. if it is about Reviewer's "message".... be assured the post is not mine. my take is that it comes from individual(s) who posted the same sentiment in the past....i neither have, nor do i care to have knowledge of your living circumstances.
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
So, this isn't really helpful and may be off topic - flame as you will, but since it's been brought up I am asking about it out of boredom and curiosity.
The Julie Murray facebook profile. First of all, Beagle suggested it may be Maura and put a link to the profile up on Topix, I think in December or January, so this isn't the first time I've seen it. There's no way it's her, nor is anyone in that photo album her. But, I remember reading an article a while back about Maura's case and it mentioned (i think erroneously) "Maura's sister Julie." Thought that was an odd error. Is Julie Murray from Texas related to Maura? The stuff someone posted about the Army - I did't catch on. Mayne I don't know the code or it's because I just woke up not too long ago.
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
It's her older sister. Duh. Nevermind. Still odd.
What happens when you work third shift.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Brilliant Brian wrote: <quoted text> The first time I've ever completely agreed with you, which is why I was so adamant last week about you bringing forth (real) evidence that initial calls came in around 7pm. Amy, whomever is giving you crap is just someone who thinks they are picking an easy target. On the GCSD logs at the 19:43 Haverhill Narrative of Maura's accident is states; "At 19:43 Hanover dispatch called to advise got a call for us, 911 advised all circuits busy:" Monday Feb 9th 2004 at 7 pm ....All circuits are busy....does that not seem odd considering the amt. of recorded calls on the logs would not indicate that "You would get a busy signal" for 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 ENHANCED 911 COMMUNICATION UPDATES TO BE COMING TO HAVERHILL NH SOON. Looks like they sure needed it that night. Enhanced 911 commission and it's members should be on top of this. I believe there was a meeting of EMS, FD, and others in Haverhill on the 9th of Feb. 2004. "All circuits busy" Hmmmmmmmmmmm John
Since: Dec 11
Location hidden
oo00oo wrote: <quoted text>You better add your e-mail to your profile, so you can get your secret squirrel invite 8-) My project research was pretty much completed a couple of weeks ago. I can appreciate that a dozen or so posters might choose to move beyond this forum and collaborate with their own independent theories in a cohesive and civilized manner. My Topix mailbox is open to those who (like me) are of the opinion that Maura was murdered and the facts therein.
Since: Dec 11
Franconia NH
Faith states She was on the phone with 911 til SBD pulled up. 7:27 til 7:35 approx. 8 minutes 911 busy How many 911 call takers are there for the Grafton Co. NH area.? John
Tucson, AZ
Frostman wrote: <quoted text> My project research was pretty much completed a couple of weeks ago. I can appreciate that a dozen or so posters might choose to move beyond this forum and collaborate with their own independent theories in a cohesive and civilized manner. My Topix mailbox is open to those who (like me) are of the opinion that Maura was murdered and the facts therein. Just to clarify, I know nothing about it. Just that Linda "accidently" mentioned that she found it.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Snowy wrote: so, let's review. here is a statement, and then a response. Reviewer Seekonk, MA Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#1560218 hrs ago Judged:13108 Anne wrote: <quoted text>A person connected to a major investigative agency, came to our home a couple years ago,'fishing' but had a gun. Not someone from this forum, obviously someone who followed it. Talked to us both and it left us both unnerved. I knew someone who traced his plate for us. Even though I frustrate you and irratate you, if you knew the details of this, it would shock you, seriously. You have said before you are done with me and don't believe a word I say. which makes me discouraged. Believe this, this missing person case has larger implications than you know or I want to know. Reviewer replied: Anne you are psychotic, a crazy conspiracy theorist in desperate need of a new dose of her 5 minutes of attention. You are a lonely old lady who lives alone in a trailer with her scanner as her only companion. Hubby exists in your imagination only. Sad. The attention you get from this forum is about the only thing that's keeping you alive. and for a number of posts, i took it on the chin from a true hater. the hater's wrath was misdirected. the challenge was to reply to "reviewer". the hater, in his blind rage, failed to hit the target. to the hater: Anne once wished for me that someone from my family would disappear. she must not be a mother. in general: while i don't worship Maura, i don't mock her; in fact, i've defended her and exhibited great compassion over the years. recently, i've firmly advocated that her choices and actions prior to her disappearance are important. Hater? I don't 'hate' you, Snowy. I have said (repeatedly) that you WERE an intelligent, thought-provoking poster who has become nastier and nastier as time wore on. I acknowledged that as a loss to the forum, because your contributions were many. How is that 'hate', precisely? And you being misleading, with the above-quoted portion. My issue was that you turned it into an issue about Beagle, when that had nothing to do with it. I'll be glad to bring forward the post, to refresh your memory.
Since: Feb 12
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citigirl wrote: <quoted text>Many of us have squabbled on this forum. But your posting is plain cruel and heartless.[/quote]
your reply:
[QUOTE who="Snowy"]<quot ed text> i recall the days of vicious piling on to Beagle; rotten cruel posts. i guess there is a double standard. THIS was the post I took issue with. I never claimed that you were Reviewer, nor had any hand in their posts.
Since: Feb 12
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Snowy wrote: <quoted text> thank you for your affirmation. it wasn't always this way....the 'tude evolved. if you weren't here 4-5 years ago, then you can't appreciate the viciousness with which i was greeted. it is what it is.:( You are right; We can't judge what occurred back then. I don't doubt that you were treated viciously. You very likely were. That's unfortunate, and deplorable, in relation to a group of people discussing a missing person. There's no reason for it. So why make the 'new' people, including myself, suffer for their sins?
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
Does anyone have the posts from the old MM/MMM forums saved somewhere? I would love to read it. I remember back on Advocate's old forum, someone had saved the first 900 or so pages of Topix, but it's no longer accessible.
Since: Feb 12
Location hidden
I'm reading the old posts on this Topix thread - and I'm wondering whatever happened to the theory of Dawn's, regarding the Londonderry ping. Dawn stated that the affidavit by Todd Landry,(the same referenced on Renner's blog), couldn't have been authentic,(speaking as a professional in the wireless telecommunications field). She cited specific reasons why. I thought it was accepted that this affidavit is legitimate. Reading Dawn's posts make me wonder. Thoughts?
Since: Feb 12
Lawrence, KS
Det Columbo wrote: Faith states She was on the phone with 911 til SBD pulled up. 7:27 til 7:35 approx. 8 minutes 911 busy How many 911 call takers are there for the Grafton Co. NH area.? John Do you have any idea how many conclusions can be drawn from your vague statements? I appreciate the 3 or 4 nice little judgments I get per post from everyone, so I don't question why there's no responses to them. If you disagree, though: put up or shut up.